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Last active October 29, 2024 21:42
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# Test how long it takes to deflate bytes using different concurrency
# primitives in Ruby.
# Output on my machine:
# $ ruby test.rb
# 2 iterations (no parallelism): 11.86 seconds
# 2 iterations (Async): 11.88 seconds
# 2 iterations (Thread): 6.00 seconds
# Running Zlib.deflate runs _faster_ with threads than it does with Fibers.
# Why? Zlib is a C extension that does purely CPU bound work. The C extension
# releases the GVL which allows the system to schedule another thread.
# Async's scheduler only switches on IO blocking, so no CPU bound Fiber can
# run in parallel. Releasing the GVL doesn't allow the Fiber scheduler to
# schedule other work.
require "zlib"
require "async"
N = (ENV["N"] || 2).to_i
def measure
x = Process.clock_gettime(Process::CLOCK_MONOTONIC)
Process.clock_gettime(Process::CLOCK_MONOTONIC) - x
def work str
Zlib.deflate str
str =*1024*400)
time = measure { N.times { work(str) } }
puts "#{N} iterations (no parallelism): #{sprintf("%.2f", time)} seconds"
Async {
time = measure { { Async { work(str) } }.map(&:wait)
puts "#{N} iterations (Async): #{sprintf("%.2f", time)} seconds"
time = measure { { { work(str) } }.map(&:join)
puts "#{N} iterations (Thread): #{sprintf("%.2f", time)} seconds"
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