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Last active February 4, 2023 08:09
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Vandermonde interpolation in Swift and Python

Vandermonde Interpolation

Conduct interpolation using a Vandermonde matrix based on the articles in Apple Developer.


To allow compiliation without GUI, the original source is modified as follows.

  • solveLinearSystem is declared without static and called without ViewController.


  • vandermonde.swift: prints five random values at x=0, 256, 512, 1023 and interpolated values at evenly space points in x between 0 and 1023.
  • draws generated and interpolated values
  • Numpy translation

Compiliation and execution

% swiftc vandermonde.swift
% ./vandermonde > y.txt


% swift vandermode.swift > y.txt

Running Numpy version

% python


% python


import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
x = np.arange(0, 1025, 256)
y = np.loadtxt("y.txt")
plt.rcParams["font.size"] = 18
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=[10, 8], layout="constrained")
ax.scatter(x, y[0:x.size])
fig.savefig("vandermonde.png", dpi=300) numpy as np
seed = 514
rng = np.random.default_rng(seed)
a = np.vander(np.array([0, 256, 512, 768, 1023]))
b = rng.uniform(-10, 10, 5)
c = np.linalg.solve(a, b)
x = np.arange(1024)
y = np.polyval(c, x)
y = np.concatenate([b, y])
np.savetxt("y.txt", y)
import numpy as np
seed = 514
rng = np.random.default_rng(seed)
a = np.vander(np.array([0, 256, 512, 768, 1023]))
b = rng.uniform(-10, 10, 5)
c = np.linalg.solve(a, b)
x = np.arange(1024)
y = np.polyval(c, x)
y = np.concatenate([b, y])
np.savetxt("y.txt", y)
import simd
import Accelerate
let points: [simd_double2] = [
simd_double2( 0, Double.random(in: -10...10)),
simd_double2( 256, Double.random(in: -10...10)),
simd_double2( 512, Double.random(in: -10...10)),
simd_double2( 768, Double.random(in: -10...10)),
simd_double2(1023, Double.random(in: -10...10)),
let exponents = (0 ..< points.count).map {
return Double($0)
let vandermonde: [[Double]] = { point in
let bases = [Double](repeating: point.x, count: points.count)
return vForce.pow(bases: bases, exponents: exponents)
public enum LAPACKError: Swift.Error {
case internalError
case parameterHasIllegalValue(parameterIndex: Int)
case diagonalElementOfTriangularFactorIsZero(index: Int)
func solveLinearSystem(
a: inout [Double], a_rowCount: Int, a_columnCount: Int,
b: inout [Double], b_count: Int) throws {
var info = Int32(0)
// 1: Specify transpose.
var trans = Int8("T".utf8.first!)
// 2: Define constants.
var m = __CLPK_integer(a_rowCount)
var n = __CLPK_integer(a_columnCount)
var lda = __CLPK_integer(a_rowCount)
var nrhs = __CLPK_integer(1) // assumes `b` is a column matrix
var ldb = __CLPK_integer(b_count)
// 3: Workspace query.
var workDimension = Double(0)
var minusOne = Int32(-1)
dgels_(&trans, &m, &n, &nrhs, &a, &lda, &b, &ldb, &workDimension, &minusOne, &info)
if info != 0 {
throw LAPACKError.internalError
// 4: Create workspace.
var lwork = Int32(workDimension)
var workspace = [Double](repeating: 0, count: Int(workDimension))
// 5: Solve linear system.
dgels_(&trans, &m, &n, &nrhs, &a, &lda, &b, &ldb, &workspace, &lwork, &info)
if info < 0 {
throw LAPACKError.parameterHasIllegalValue(parameterIndex: abs(Int(info)))
} else if info > 0 {
throw LAPACKError.diagonalElementOfTriangularFactorIsZero(index: Int(info))
let coefficients: [Double] = {
var a = vandermonde.flatMap{ $0 }
var b ={ $0.y }
do {
try solveLinearSystem(
a: &a,
a_rowCount: points.count,
a_columnCount: points.count,
b: &b,
b_count: points.count)
} catch {
fatalError("Unable to solve linear system.")
return b
let ramp = vDSP.ramp(withInitialValue:0, increment: Double(1), count: 1024)
let polynomialResult = vDSP.evaluatePolynomial(
usingCoefficients: coefficients,
withVariables: ramp)
for p in points {
for y in polynomialResult {
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