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Last active January 9, 2023 01:20
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Calculate tangential and radial winds by locating the typhoon centre at the North Pole
pi = acos(-1.0)
tau = 2 * pi
deg2rad = pi / 180.0
rad2deg = 180.0 / pi
procedure lonlat2xyz(lon, lat, x, y, z)
x = cos(lon) * cos(lat)
y = sin(lon) * cos(lat)
z = sin(lat)
procedure xyz2lonlat(x, y, z, lon, lat)
lon = where(x .ne. 0.0, mod(atan2(y, x) + tau, tau), 0.0)
lat= asin(z)
procedure uv2xyzd(u, v, lon, lat, xd, yd, zd)
local coslon, sinlon, sinlat
coslon = cos(lon)
sinlon = sin(lon)
sinlat = sin(lat)
xd = -u * sinlon - v * coslon * sinlat
yd = u * coslon - v * sinlon * sinlat
zd = v * cos(lat)
procedure xyzd2uv(xd, yd, zd, lon, lat, u, v)
local coslon, sinlon
coslon = cos(lon)
sinlon = sin(lon)
coslat = cos(lat)
sinlat = sin(lat)
u = (/yd * coslon - xd * sinlon/)
v = (/-(xd * coslon + yd * sinlon) * sinlat + zd * coslat/)
procedure generate_points(nlon, nlat, dlat, lon, lat)
local dlon
dlon = 2 * pi / nlon
lon = dlon * ispan(0, nlon - 1, 1)
lat = 0.5 * pi - dlat * ispan(0, nlat - 1, 1)
procedure np2tc(lonc, latc, x, y, z, xx, yy, zz)
local coslonc, sinlonc, coslatc, sinlatc
coslonc = cos(lonc)
sinlonc = sin(lonc)
coslatc = cos(latc)
sinlatc = sin(latc)
xx = coslonc * sinlatc * x - sinlonc * y + coslonc * coslatc * z
yy = sinlonc * sinlatc * x + coslonc * y + sinlonc * coslatc * z
zz = -coslatc * x + sinlatc * z
procedure tc2np(lonc, latc, x, y, z, xx, yy, zz)
local coslonc, sinlonc, coslatc, sinlatc
coslonc = cos(lonc)
sinlonc = sin(lonc)
coslatc = cos(latc)
sinlatc = sin(latc)
xx = coslonc * sinlatc * x + sinlonc * sinlatc * y - coslatc * z
yy = -sinlonc * x + coslonc * y
zz = coslonc * coslatc * x + sinlonc * coslatc * y + sinlatc * z
procedure rotate_lonlat(lonc, latc, lon, lat, lonout, latout)
local x, y, z, xx, yy, zz
nlon = dimsizes(lon)
nlat = dimsizes(lat)
ij = 0
do j = 0, nlat(0) - 1
do i = 0, nlon(0) - 1
x = 0.0
y = 0.0
z = 0.0
lonlat2xyz(lon(i), lat(j), x, y, z)
xx = 0.0
yy = 0.0
zz = 0.0
np2tc(lonc, latc, x, y, z, xx, yy, zz)
xyz2lonlat(xx, yy, zz, lonout(ij), latout(ij))
ij = ij + 1
end do
end do
; # of polar grid points
nlon = 100
nlat = 11
; input
lonc = 128.5 * deg2rad
latc = 17.5 * deg2rad
uvarname = "u10"
vvarname = "v10"
; output
outfile = "outuv.grd"
; generate polar grid
dlat = 1.0 * deg2rad
lonin = new(nlon, "float")
latin = new(nlat, "float")
generate_points(nlon, nlat, dlat, lonin, latin)
; (lonin, lonlat) => TC(lonout, latout)
lonout = new(nlon * nlat , "float")
latout = new(nlon * nlat , "float")
rotate_lonlat(lonc, latc, lonin, latin, lonout, latout)
; read input
f = addfile(infile, "r")
time = cd_calendar(f->time, -3)
t = closest_val(yyyymmddhh, time)
lon = doubletofloat(f->lon) * deg2rad
lat = doubletofloat(f->lat) * deg2rad
u = f->$uvarname$(t, :, :)
v = f->$vvarname$(t, :, :)
; (u, v) => (xdot, ydot, zdot)
xd = u
yd = u
zd = u
lon2d = conform(u, lon, 1)
lat2d = conform(u, lat, 0)
uv2xyzd(u, v, lon2d, lat2d, xd, yd, zd)
; bilinear interpolation of winds
xdtc = linint2_points(lon, lat, xd, True, lonout, latout, 0)
ydtc = linint2_points(lon, lat, yd, True, lonout, latout, 0)
zdtc = linint2_points(lon, lat, zd, True, lonout, latout, 0)
; rotate coordinates to polar grid
xdnp = xdtc
ydnp = xdtc
zdnp = xdtc
lonc2d = conform(xdtc, lonc, -1)
latc2d = conform(xdtc, latc, -1)
tc2np(lonc2d, latc2d, xdtc, ydtc, zdtc, xdnp, ydnp, zdnp)
; (xdot, ydot, zdot) => (u, v)
unp = xdnp
vnp = xdnp
lonnp = ndtooned(conform_dims((/nlat, nlon/), lonin, 1))
xyzd2uv(xdnp, ydnp, zdnp, lonnp, latnp, unp, vnp)
; save rotated winds
system("rm -f "+outfile)
setfileoption("bin", "WriteByteOrder", "BigEndian")
fbindirwrite(outfile, unp)
fbindirwrite(outfile, vnp)
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