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Created September 12, 2020 19:57
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Save tenpn/67d77cd112de70ff24749b963ac28007 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Unity Test Framework provides LogAsset to validate the output of the log, but at this time it only lets you prescribe what should appear. We don't care about Debug.Log() output, but want to know if there was anything worse than that. Particularly, in our case, we'd like to fail for warnings as well as errors. Too many "benign" warnings can hide …
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine.TestTools;
using NUnit.Framework;
using System.Linq;
namespace Roll7
/// <summary>
/// This tracker will assert for both warnings and errors.
/// In [OneTimeSetUp], add some messages to ignore, and register the tracker:
/// m_logTracker.IgnoredMessages.AddRange(new[] { ... });
/// m_logTracker.Register()
/// Then, in a test, Reset(), do your work and AssertCleanLog():
/// m_logTracker.Reset();
/// ...
/// m_logTracker.AssertCleanLog("describe the context");
/// </summary>
public class LogSeverityTracker
public readonly List<string> IgnoredMessages = new List<string>();
public void Register()
Application.logMessageReceived -= KeepSeverestMessage;
Application.logMessageReceived += KeepSeverestMessage;
// make sure the ignored messages can't kill us
foreach(var ignoredMsg in IgnoredMessages)
LogAssert.Expect(LogType.Error, ignoredMsg);
public void Reset()
m_strongestLogSeverity = 0;
m_strongestLogType = LogType.Log;
public void AssertCleanLog(string msg = null)
var prefix = string.IsNullOrEmpty(msg) ? "" : (msg + ": ");
Assert.That(m_strongestLogType, Is.EqualTo(LogType.Log), prefix + $"found severe {m_strongestLogType}:\n{m_strongestLog}");
// -------------------------------------------------- private state
private string m_strongestLog;
private int m_strongestLogSeverity = 0;
private LogType m_strongestLogType = LogType.Log;
// -------------------------------------------------- private logic
private void KeepSeverestMessage(string logString, string stackTrace, LogType type)
bool isIgnored = IgnoredMessages.Any(msg => logString.Contains(msg));
if (isIgnored)
int newSeverity = ScoreSeverityOf(type);
if (newSeverity > m_strongestLogSeverity)
m_strongestLog = logString;
m_strongestLogSeverity = newSeverity;
m_strongestLogType = type;
/// <summary>
/// annoyingly the LogType enum does not have semantic ordering! so let's work out our own.
/// higher numbers mean more severe.
/// </summary>
private int ScoreSeverityOf(LogType log)
case LogType.Log: return 0;
case LogType.Warning: return 1;
case LogType.Assert: return 2;
case LogType.Error: return 3;
case LogType.Exception: return 4;
Assert.Fail($"unknown log type {log}");
return int.MaxValue;
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