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Created November 6, 2011 04:08
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compojure, ring, enlive blog webapp
(ns blog.backend)
(def posts (atom {:1 {:title "Hello" :body "World"} }))
(defn get-post-title "Get title of post of given id"
[id] (((deref posts) (keyword id)) :title))
(defn get-post-body "Get body of post of given id"
[id] (((deref posts) (keyword id)) :body))
(defn find-unused-id "Find an unused id"
[posts] (loop [x 1]
(if (not (contains? posts (keyword (str x))))
(recur (inc x)))))
(defn store-post! "Store the post"
[posttitle postbody]
(let [newid (find-unused-id (deref posts))]
(do (swap! posts #(assoc %1 (keyword (str newid))
{:title posttitle :body postbody}))
(:require [blog.backend :as backend]
[net.cgrand.enlive-html :as enlive]
[ring.util.response :as r]))
(defn response "Return an HTTP response for a new POST"
[posttitle postbody]
(let [postid (backend/store-post! posttitle postbody)]
(r/redirect (str "/view/" postid))))
(ns blog.routes
(:require [compojure.core :as compojure]
[compojure.route :as route]
;; [blog.viewall :as viewall]
[ :as post]
;; [blog.notfound :as notfound ]
[blog.view :as view]
[ :as newpost]))
(compojure/defroutes main-routes
(compojure/GET ["/view/:id", :id #"[0-9]+"] [id]
;; Route for view model
(view/response id))
;; (compojure/GET "/view/"
;; (viewall/response))
(compojure/GET "/new" []
;; Route for new model
(compojure/POST "/new" [title body]
;; Route for posting
(post/response title body))
(route/resources "/")
;; (notfound/response)
"<h1>Page not found</h1>"))
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