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Created November 8, 2011 01:17
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more clojure webapp goodness
(ns blog.models.posts
(:require blog.db [clj-time.core :as ctime] [clj-time.format :as format]
[clj-time.coerce :as coerce])
(:use korma.core))
(defentity posts
(pk :pid)
(database blog.db/db))
(defn sql-current-time "Current timestamp in SQL Timestamp format"
[] (java.sql.Timestamp. ^long (coerce/to-long (ctime/now))))
(defn parse-sql-time "Parse SQL timestamp to a string"
[sqltime] (.toString sqltime))
(defn new-post "Store new post in database"
[user title body] (insert posts
(values {:uid user
:time (sql-current-time)
:title title
:body body})))
(defn get-post "Get post by pid"
[pid] (let [result ((select posts
(where {:pid [= pid]})
(limit 1)) 0)]
(assoc result :time (parse-sql-time (result :time)))))
(ns blog.routes
(:require [noir.core :as noir]
[blog.views.view :as view]))
(noir/defpage [:get ["/view/:pid" :pid #"\d+"]] {:keys [pid]}
(view/display pid))
(ns blog.views.view
(:require [blog.models.posts :as posts]
[blog.views.notfound :as notfound]
[net.cgrand.enlive-html :as enlive]))
(enlive/deftemplate view-template "blog/views/view.html"
[title date body]
[:title] (enlive/content title)
[:#title] (enlive/content title)
[:#date] (enlive/content date)
[:#body] (enlive/content body))
(defn display "Display view"
[pid] (let [res (posts/get-post pid)]
(if (empty? res)
(let [title (res :title)
date (res :time)
body (res :body)]
(view-template title date body)))))
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