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Created December 29, 2009 04:32
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The Grid module creates a grid datatype that represents the pixmap that we will output to. It is a glorified matrix. This code really sucks.
module Grid (Grid
) where
import Data.Complex
-- |As was already stated, glorified matrix.
type Grid a = [[a]]
listFrom :: (RealFloat a, Enum c, Integral c) => (a,a) -> c -> [a]
listFrom (low,high) res = map f [0..res]
f x = low + (high - low) * ((fromIntegral x) / (fromIntegral res))
createGrid is the main grid-creation function.
It takes two tuples, which describe the range of the real and imaginary parts of the inputs, and the resolution of the image in the standard format, and returns a grid of complex numbers that represents this subset of C.
createGrid :: (RealFloat a, Enum c, Integral c) => (a,a) -> (a,a) -> (c, c)-> Grid (Complex a)
createGrid (rLow,rHigh) (iLow,iHigh) (xRes,yRes) = map (\i -> map (\r -> r :+ i) rs) $ reverse is
is = listFrom (iLow, iHigh) yRes
rs = listFrom (rLow, rHigh) xRes
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