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Created July 5, 2022 14:44
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It fixes php namespaces (only namespaces, not use statements)
function usage_error(): void
echo 'Usage: php namespace-fixer.php <path> <prefix>' . PHP_EOL;
echo 'Example: php namespace-fixer.php src App' . PHP_EOL;
$globalPath = $argv[1] ?? usage_error();
$prefix = $argv[2] ?? usage_error();
echo sprintf(
'Fixing namespaces, prefixed by "%s", in %s.',
function fix_files(string $globalPath, string $path, string $prefix): void
$files = scandir($path);
foreach ($files as $file) {
if ($file === '.' || $file === '..') {
$filePath = $path . '/' . $file;
if (is_dir($filePath)) {
fix_files($globalPath, $filePath, $prefix);
if (strpos($file, '.php') === false) {
echo 'Fixing ' . $file . PHP_EOL;
$content = file_get_contents($filePath);
$expectedNamespace = str_replace([
trim($globalPath, '/'),
], [
], $path);
$content = preg_replace_callback(
'/(?<!\w)(namespace [^;]+);/',
function ($matches) use ($expectedNamespace) {
return 'namespace '.$expectedNamespace.';';
file_put_contents($filePath, $content);
fix_files($globalPath, $globalPath, $prefix);
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