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Last active July 20, 2022 11:35
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using System;
using System.Linq;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using BenchmarkDotNet.Attributes;
using BenchmarkDotNet.Jobs;
namespace Benchs.Tricks;
public class ClosureBenchmark
[Params(10, 100)] public int TaskCount { get; set; }
[Benchmark(Baseline = true)]
public int AutoClosure()
for (var repeat = 0; repeat < Repeats; repeat++)
for (var i = 0; i < _objects.Length; i++)
var obj = _objects[i];
var handler = _handlers[i];
_tasks[i] = Task.Run(() => handler.Handle(in obj));
return _value;
public int ParallelFor()
for (var repeat = 0; repeat < Repeats; repeat++)
Parallel.For(0, _objects.Length, i => _handlers[i].Handle(in _objects[i]));
return _value;
public int ParallelForeach()
for (var repeat = 0; repeat < Repeats; repeat++)
for (var i = 0; i < _parallelClosures.Length; i++)
ref var parallelClosure = ref _parallelClosures[i];
parallelClosure.Value = _objects[i];
Parallel.ForEach(_parallelClosures, block => block.Handle());
for (var i = 0; i < _parallelClosures.Length; i++)
ref var parallelClosure = ref _parallelClosures[i];
parallelClosure.Value = default;
return _value;
public int SelfClosure()
for (var repeat = 0; repeat < Repeats; repeat++)
for (var i = 0; i < _objects.Length; i++)
_tasks[i] = Task.Run(_closures[i].Prepare(in _objects[i]));
foreach (var closure in _closures)
return _value;
public int TaskFactory()
for (var repeat = 0; repeat < Repeats; repeat++)
for (var i = 0; i < _objects.Length; i++)
_taskFactoryClosures[i].Value = _objects[i];
_tasks[i] = Task.Factory.StartNew(_doWork,
CancellationToken.None, TaskCreationOptions.DenyChildAttach, TaskScheduler.Default);
foreach (var closure in _taskFactoryClosures)
closure.Value = default;
return _value;
#region Configuration
private const int Repeats = 1000;
private Closure[] _closures = null!;
private Action<object?> _doWork = null!;
private Fly[] _objects = null!;
private Handler[] _handlers = null!;
private ParallelClosure[] _parallelClosures = null!;
private Task[] _tasks = null!;
private TaskFactoryClosure[] _taskFactoryClosures = null!;
private int _value;
public void Init()
ExecuteDelegate execute = Execute;
_closures = Enumerable.Range(0, TaskCount).Select(_ => new Closure(execute)).ToArray();
_doWork = DoWork!;
_handlers = Enumerable.Range(0, TaskCount).Select(_ => new Handler(execute)).ToArray();
_objects = Enumerable.Range(0, TaskCount).Select(i => new Fly { FirstValue = i, SecondValue = i }).ToArray();
_tasks = new Task[TaskCount];
_taskFactoryClosures = new TaskFactoryClosure[TaskCount];
_value = int.MinValue;
_parallelClosures = new ParallelClosure[TaskCount];
for (var i = 0; i < _handlers.Length; i++)
var handler = _handlers[i];
_parallelClosures[i] = new ParallelClosure(handler);
_taskFactoryClosures[i] = new TaskFactoryClosure(handler);
private static void DoWork(object value) => ((TaskFactoryClosure)value).Handle();
private void Execute(in Fly value) => _value += value.FirstValue;
private sealed class Closure
private readonly ExecuteDelegate _action;
private readonly Action _closure;
private Fly _value;
public Closure(ExecuteDelegate action)
_action = action;
_closure = Execute;
public void Clear() => _value = default;
public Action Prepare(in Fly value)
_value = value;
return _closure;
private void Execute() => _action(in _value);
private delegate void ExecuteDelegate(in Fly value);
private struct Fly
public int FirstValue;
public int SecondValue;
private sealed class Handler
private readonly ExecuteDelegate _closure;
public Handler(ExecuteDelegate closure)
_closure = closure;
public void Handle(in Fly value) => _closure(in value);
private struct ParallelClosure
private readonly Handler _handler;
public Fly Value;
public ParallelClosure(Handler handler)
_handler = handler;
Value = default;
public void Handle() => _handler.Handle(in Value);
private sealed class TaskFactoryClosure
private readonly Handler _handler;
public Fly Value;
public TaskFactoryClosure(Handler handler)
_handler = handler;
Value = default;
public void Handle() => _handler.Handle(in Value);
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