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Last active August 29, 2015 14:11
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ES6 compat table node v0.10 (w or w/o --harmony) vs. node v0.11 (w or w/o --harmony) vs. io.js v0.12 (370e821)
✘ proper tail calls (tail call optimisation)
▼ arrow functions
✘ 0 parameters
✘ 1 parameter, no brackets
✘ multiple parameters
✘ lexical "this" binding
✘ "this" unchanged by call or apply
✘ can't be bound, can be curried
✘ lexical "arguments" binding
✘ no line break between params and =>
✘ no "prototype" property
▼ const
✔ basic support
✘ is block-scoped
✘ redefining a const is an error
✘ temporal dead zone
✘ basic support (strict mode)
✘ is block-scoped (strict mode)
✘ redefining a const (strict mode)
✘ temporal dead zone (strict mode)
▼ let
✘ basic support
✘ is block-scoped
✘ for-loop statement scope
✘ temporal dead zone
✘ for-loop iteration scope
✘ basic support (strict mode)
✘ is block-scoped (strict mode)
✘ for-loop statement scope (strict mode)
✘ temporal dead zone (strict mode)
✘ for-loop iteration scope (strict mode)
▼ default function parameters
✘ basic functionality
✘ explicit undefined defers to the default
✘ defaults can refer to previous params
✘ temporal dead zone
✘ separate scope
✘ rest parameters
▼ spread (...) operator
✘ with arrays, in function calls
✘ with arrays, in array literals
✘ with strings, in function calls
✘ with strings, in array literals
✘ with generic iterables, in calls
✘ with generic iterables, in arrays
✘ with instances of iterables, in calls
✘ with instances of iterables, in arrays
▼ class
✘ class statement
✘ is block-scoped
✘ class expression
✘ constructor
✘ prototype methods
✘ static methods
✘ implicit strict mode
✘ extends
▼ super
✘ in constructors
✘ in methods
✘ is statically bound
▼ object literal extensions
✘ computed properties
✘ shorthand properties
✘ shorthand methods
▼ for..of loops
✔ with arrays
✔ with strings
✘ with generic iterables
✘ with instances of generic iterables
▼ generators
✔ basic functionality
✔ correct "this" binding
✔ sending
✔ %GeneratorPrototype%
✔ %GeneratorPrototype%.throw
✘ %GeneratorPrototype%.return
✔ yield operator precedence
✔ yield *, arrays
✔ yield *, strings
✘ yield *, generic iterables
✘ yield *, instances of iterables
✘ shorthand generator methods
▼ octal and binary literals
✔ octal literals
✔ binary literals
✔ octal supported by Number()
✔ binary supported by Number()
▼ template strings
✘ basic functionality
✘ tagged template strings
▼ RegExp "y" and "u" flags
✘ "y" flag
✘ "u" flag
▼ typed arrays
✔ Int8Array
✔ Uint8Array
✔ Uint8ClampedArray
✔ Int16Array
✔ Uint16Array
✔ Int32Array
✔ Uint32Array
✔ Float32Array
✔ Float64Array
✔ DataView (Int8)
✔ DataView (Uint8)
✔ DataView (Int16)
✔ DataView (Uint16)
✔ DataView (Int32)
✔ DataView (Uint32)
✔ DataView (Float32)
✔ DataView (Float64)
✘ %TypedArray%.from
✘ %TypedArray%.of
✔ %TypedArray%.prototype.subarray
✘ %TypedArray%.prototype.join
✘ %TypedArray%.prototype.indexOf
✘ %TypedArray%.prototype.lastIndexOf
✘ %TypedArray%.prototype.slice
✘ %TypedArray%.prototype.every
✘ %TypedArray%.prototype.filter
✘ %TypedArray%.prototype.forEach
✘ %TypedArray%.prototype.reduce
✘ %TypedArray%.prototype.reduceRight
✘ %TypedArray%.prototype.reverse
✘ %TypedArray%.prototype.some
✘ %TypedArray%.prototype.sort
✘ %TypedArray%.prototype.copyWithin
✘ %TypedArray%.prototype.find
✘ %TypedArray%.prototype.findIndex
✘ %TypedArray%.prototype.fill
✔ %TypedArray%.prototype.keys
✔ %TypedArray%.prototype.values
✔ %TypedArray%.prototype.entries
▼ Map
✔ basic functionality
✔ constructor arguments
✔ Map.prototype.set returns this
✔ -0 key converts to +0
✔ Map.prototype.size
✔ Map.prototype.delete
✔ Map.prototype.clear
✔ Map.prototype.forEach
✔ Map.prototype.keys
✔ Map.prototype.values
✔ Map.prototype.entries
▼ Set
✔ basic functionality
✔ constructor arguments
✔ Set.prototype.add returns this
✔ -0 key converts to +0
✔ Set.prototype.size
✔ Set.prototype.delete
✔ Set.prototype.clear
✔ Set.prototype.forEach
✔ Set.prototype.keys
✔ Set.prototype.values
✔ Set.prototype.entries
▼ WeakMap
✔ basic functionality
✔ constructor arguments
✔ WeakMap.prototype.set returns this
✔ WeakMap.prototype.delete
▼ WeakSet
✔ basic functionality
✔ constructor arguments
✔ WeakSet.prototype.add returns this
✔ WeakSet.prototype.delete
▼ Proxy
✘ "get" handler
✘ "get" handler, instances of proxies
✘ "set" handler
✘ "set" handler, instances of proxies
✘ "has" handler
✘ "has" handler, instances of proxies
✘ "deleteProperty" handler
✘ "getOwnPropertyDescriptor" handler
✘ "defineProperty" handler
✘ "getPrototypeOf" handler
✘ "setPrototypeOf" handler
✘ "isExtensible" handler
✘ "preventExtensions" handler
✘ "enumerate" handler
✘ "ownKeys" handler
✘ "apply" handler
✘ "construct" handler
✘ Proxy.revocable
✘ Array.isArray support
✘ JSON.stringify support
▼ Reflect
✘ Reflect.get
✘ Reflect.set
✘ Reflect.has
✘ Reflect.deleteProperty
✘ Reflect.getOwnPropertyDescriptor
✘ Reflect.defineProperty
✘ Reflect.getPrototypeOf
✘ Reflect.setPrototypeOf
✘ Reflect.isExtensible
✘ Reflect.preventExtensions
✘ Reflect.enumerate
✘ Reflect.ownKeys
✘ Reflect.apply
✘ Reflect.construct
✘ block-level function declaration[12]
▼ destructuring
✘ with arrays
✘ with strings
✘ with generic iterables
✘ with instances of generic iterables
✘ with objects
✘ multiples in a single var statement
✘ nested
✘ in parameters
✘ in for-in loop heads
✘ in for-of loop heads
✘ rest
✘ nested rest
✘ defaults
✘ defaults in parameters
✔ Promise
▼ Object static methods
✘ Object.assign
✔ Object.getOwnPropertySymbols
✔ Object.setPrototypeOf
▼ function "name" property
✔ function statements
✔ function expressions
✘ new Function
✘ bound functions
✘ variables (function)
✘ object methods (function)
✘ accessor properties
✘ shorthand methods
✘ symbol-keyed methods
✘ class statements
✘ class expressions
✘ variables (class)
✘ object methods (class)
✘ class prototype methods
✘ class static methods
✘ isn't writable, is configurable
✘ Function.prototype.toMethod
▼ String static methods
✘ String.raw
✘ String.fromCodePoint
▼ String.prototype methods
✘ String.prototype.codePointAt
✘ String.prototype.normalize
✘ String.prototype.repeat
✘ String.prototype.startsWith
✘ String.prototype.endsWith
✘ String.prototype.includes
✘ Unicode code point escapes
▼ Symbol
✔ basic functionality
✔ typeof support
✔ symbol keys are hidden to pre-ES6 code
✔ Object.defineProperty support
✔ cannot coerce to string or number
✔ can convert with String()
✔ new Symbol() throws
✘ Object(symbol)
✔ global symbol registry
▼ well-known symbols
✘ Symbol.hasInstance
✘ Symbol.isConcatSpreadable
✔ Symbol.iterator
✘ Symbol.species
✘ Symbol.toPrimitive
✘ Symbol.toStringTag
✔ Symbol.unscopables
▼ RegExp.prototype properties
✘ RegExp.prototype.flags
✘ RegExp.prototype[Symbol.match]
✘ RegExp.prototype[Symbol.replace]
✘ RegExp.prototype[Symbol.split]
✘ RegExp.prototype[]
▼ Array static methods
✘ Array.from
✘ Array.of
▼ Array.prototype methods
✘ Array.prototype.copyWithin
✘ Array.prototype.find
✘ Array.prototype.findIndex
✘ Array.prototype.fill
✔ Array.prototype.keys
✘ Array.prototype.values
✔ Array.prototype.entries
✔ Array.prototype[Symbol.unscopables]
▼ Number properties
✔ Number.isFinite
✔ Number.isInteger
✔ Number.isSafeInteger
✔ Number.isNaN
✔ Number.EPSILON
▼ Math methods
✔ Math.clz32
✔ Math.imul
✔ Math.sign
✔ Math.log10
✔ Math.log2
✔ Math.log1p
✔ Math.expm1
✔ Math.cosh
✔ Math.sinh
✔ Math.tanh
✔ Math.acosh
✔ Math.asinh
✔ Math.atanh
✔ Math.hypot
✔ Math.trunc
✔ Math.fround
✔ Math.cbrt
▼ miscellaneous
✘ duplicate property names in strict mode
✔ no semicolon needed after do-while
✘ no assignments allowed in for-in head
✘ accessors aren't constructors
✘ Object static methods accept primitives
✔ Invalid Date
✘ RegExp constructor can alter flags
✘ hoisted block-level function declaration
▼ __proto__ in object literals[20]
✔ basic support
✘ multiple __proto__ is an error
✘ not a computed property
✘ not a shorthand property
✘ not a shorthand method
▼ Object.prototype.__proto__
✔ get prototype
✔ set prototype
✔ correct property descriptor
✔ String.prototype HTML methods
✔ RegExp.prototype.compile
✘ proper tail calls (tail call optimisation)
▼ arrow functions
✘ 0 parameters
✘ 1 parameter, no brackets
✘ multiple parameters
✘ lexical "this" binding
✘ "this" unchanged by call or apply
✘ can't be bound, can be curried
✘ lexical "arguments" binding
✘ no line break between params and =>
✘ no "prototype" property
▼ const
✔ basic support
✘ is block-scoped
✘ redefining a const is an error
✘ temporal dead zone
✔ basic support (strict mode)
✔ is block-scoped (strict mode)
✔ redefining a const (strict mode)
✔ temporal dead zone (strict mode)
▼ let
✘ basic support
✘ is block-scoped
✘ for-loop statement scope
✘ temporal dead zone
✘ for-loop iteration scope
✔ basic support (strict mode)
✔ is block-scoped (strict mode)
✔ for-loop statement scope (strict mode)
✔ temporal dead zone (strict mode)
✘ for-loop iteration scope (strict mode)
▼ default function parameters
✘ basic functionality
✘ explicit undefined defers to the default
✘ defaults can refer to previous params
✘ temporal dead zone
✘ separate scope
✘ rest parameters
▼ spread (...) operator
✘ with arrays, in function calls
✘ with arrays, in array literals
✘ with strings, in function calls
✘ with strings, in array literals
✘ with generic iterables, in calls
✘ with generic iterables, in arrays
✘ with instances of iterables, in calls
✘ with instances of iterables, in arrays
▼ class
✘ class statement
✘ is block-scoped
✘ class expression
✘ constructor
✘ prototype methods
✘ static methods
✘ implicit strict mode
✘ extends
▼ super
✘ in constructors
✘ in methods
✘ is statically bound
▼ object literal extensions
✘ computed properties
✘ shorthand properties
✘ shorthand methods
▼ for..of loops
✘ with arrays
✘ with strings
✘ with generic iterables
✘ with instances of generic iterables
▼ generators
✘ basic functionality
✘ correct "this" binding
✘ sending
✘ %GeneratorPrototype%
✘ %GeneratorPrototype%.throw
✘ %GeneratorPrototype%.return
✘ yield operator precedence
✘ yield *, arrays
✘ yield *, strings
✘ yield *, generic iterables
✘ yield *, instances of iterables
✘ shorthand generator methods
▼ octal and binary literals
✘ octal literals
✘ binary literals
✘ octal supported by Number()
✘ binary supported by Number()
▼ template strings
✘ basic functionality
✘ tagged template strings
▼ RegExp "y" and "u" flags
✘ "y" flag
✘ "u" flag
▼ typed arrays
✔ Int8Array
✔ Uint8Array
✔ Uint8ClampedArray
✔ Int16Array
✔ Uint16Array
✔ Int32Array
✔ Uint32Array
✔ Float32Array
✔ Float64Array
✔ DataView (Int8)
✔ DataView (Uint8)
✔ DataView (Int16)
✔ DataView (Uint16)
✔ DataView (Int32)
✔ DataView (Uint32)
✔ DataView (Float32)
✔ DataView (Float64)
✘ %TypedArray%.from
✘ %TypedArray%.of
✘ %TypedArray%.prototype.subarray
✘ %TypedArray%.prototype.join
✘ %TypedArray%.prototype.indexOf
✘ %TypedArray%.prototype.lastIndexOf
✘ %TypedArray%.prototype.slice
✘ %TypedArray%.prototype.every
✘ %TypedArray%.prototype.filter
✘ %TypedArray%.prototype.forEach
✘ %TypedArray%.prototype.reduce
✘ %TypedArray%.prototype.reduceRight
✘ %TypedArray%.prototype.reverse
✘ %TypedArray%.prototype.some
✘ %TypedArray%.prototype.sort
✘ %TypedArray%.prototype.copyWithin
✘ %TypedArray%.prototype.find
✘ %TypedArray%.prototype.findIndex
✘ %TypedArray%.prototype.fill
✘ %TypedArray%.prototype.keys
✘ %TypedArray%.prototype.values
✘ %TypedArray%.prototype.entries
▼ Map
✔ basic functionality
✘ constructor arguments
✘ Map.prototype.set returns this
✘ -0 key converts to +0
✘ Map.prototype.size
✔ Map.prototype.delete
✘ Map.prototype.clear
✘ Map.prototype.forEach
✘ Map.prototype.keys
✘ Map.prototype.values
✘ Map.prototype.entries
▼ Set
✔ basic functionality
✘ constructor arguments
✘ Set.prototype.add returns this
✘ -0 key converts to +0
✘ Set.prototype.size
✔ Set.prototype.delete
✘ Set.prototype.clear
✘ Set.prototype.forEach
✘ Set.prototype.keys
✘ Set.prototype.values
✘ Set.prototype.entries
▼ WeakMap
✔ basic functionality
✘ constructor arguments
✘ WeakMap.prototype.set returns this
✔ WeakMap.prototype.delete
▼ WeakSet
✘ basic functionality
✘ constructor arguments
✘ WeakSet.prototype.add returns this
✘ WeakSet.prototype.delete
▼ Proxy
✘ "get" handler
✘ "get" handler, instances of proxies
✘ "set" handler
✘ "set" handler, instances of proxies
✘ "has" handler
✘ "has" handler, instances of proxies
✘ "deleteProperty" handler
✘ "getOwnPropertyDescriptor" handler
✘ "defineProperty" handler
✘ "getPrototypeOf" handler
✘ "setPrototypeOf" handler
✘ "isExtensible" handler
✘ "preventExtensions" handler
✘ "enumerate" handler
✘ "ownKeys" handler
✘ "apply" handler
✘ "construct" handler
✘ Proxy.revocable
✘ Array.isArray support
✘ JSON.stringify support
▼ Reflect
✘ Reflect.get
✘ Reflect.set
✘ Reflect.has
✘ Reflect.deleteProperty
✘ Reflect.getOwnPropertyDescriptor
✘ Reflect.defineProperty
✘ Reflect.getPrototypeOf
✘ Reflect.setPrototypeOf
✘ Reflect.isExtensible
✘ Reflect.preventExtensions
✘ Reflect.enumerate
✘ Reflect.ownKeys
✘ Reflect.apply
✘ Reflect.construct
✔ block-level function declaration[12]
▼ destructuring
✘ with arrays
✘ with strings
✘ with generic iterables
✘ with instances of generic iterables
✘ with objects
✘ multiples in a single var statement
✘ nested
✘ in parameters
✘ in for-in loop heads
✘ in for-of loop heads
✘ rest
✘ nested rest
✘ defaults
✘ defaults in parameters
✘ Promise
▼ Object static methods
✘ Object.assign
✘ Object.getOwnPropertySymbols
✘ Object.setPrototypeOf
▼ function "name" property
✔ function statements
✔ function expressions
✘ new Function
✘ bound functions
✘ variables (function)
✘ object methods (function)
✘ accessor properties
✘ shorthand methods
✘ symbol-keyed methods
✘ class statements
✘ class expressions
✘ variables (class)
✘ object methods (class)
✘ class prototype methods
✘ class static methods
✘ isn't writable, is configurable
✘ Function.prototype.toMethod
▼ String static methods
✘ String.raw
✘ String.fromCodePoint
▼ String.prototype methods
✘ String.prototype.codePointAt
✘ String.prototype.normalize
✘ String.prototype.repeat
✘ String.prototype.startsWith
✘ String.prototype.endsWith
✘ String.prototype.includes
✘ Unicode code point escapes
▼ Symbol
✘ basic functionality
✘ typeof support
✘ symbol keys are hidden to pre-ES6 code
✘ Object.defineProperty support
✘ cannot coerce to string or number
✘ can convert with String()
✘ new Symbol() throws
✘ Object(symbol)
✘ global symbol registry
▼ well-known symbols
✘ Symbol.hasInstance
✘ Symbol.isConcatSpreadable
✘ Symbol.iterator
✘ Symbol.species
✘ Symbol.toPrimitive
✘ Symbol.toStringTag
✘ Symbol.unscopables
▼ RegExp.prototype properties
✘ RegExp.prototype.flags
✘ RegExp.prototype[Symbol.match]
✘ RegExp.prototype[Symbol.replace]
✘ RegExp.prototype[Symbol.split]
✘ RegExp.prototype[]
▼ Array static methods
✘ Array.from
✘ Array.of
▼ Array.prototype methods
✘ Array.prototype.copyWithin
✘ Array.prototype.find
✘ Array.prototype.findIndex
✘ Array.prototype.fill
✘ Array.prototype.keys
✘ Array.prototype.values
✘ Array.prototype.entries
✘ Array.prototype[Symbol.unscopables]
▼ Number properties
✔ Number.isFinite
✘ Number.isInteger
✘ Number.isSafeInteger
✔ Number.isNaN
✘ Number.EPSILON
▼ Math methods
✘ Math.clz32
✘ Math.imul
✘ Math.sign
✘ Math.log10
✘ Math.log2
✘ Math.log1p
✘ Math.expm1
✘ Math.cosh
✘ Math.sinh
✘ Math.tanh
✘ Math.acosh
✘ Math.asinh
✘ Math.atanh
✘ Math.hypot
✘ Math.trunc
✘ Math.fround
✘ Math.cbrt
▼ miscellaneous
✘ duplicate property names in strict mode
✔ no semicolon needed after do-while
✘ no assignments allowed in for-in head
✘ accessors aren't constructors
✘ Object static methods accept primitives
✔ Invalid Date
✘ RegExp constructor can alter flags
✘ hoisted block-level function declaration
▼ __proto__ in object literals[20]
✔ basic support
✘ multiple __proto__ is an error
✘ not a computed property
✘ not a shorthand property
✘ not a shorthand method
▼ Object.prototype.__proto__
✔ get prototype
✔ set prototype
✘ correct property descriptor
✔ String.prototype HTML methods
✔ RegExp.prototype.compile
✘ proper tail calls (tail call optimisation)
▼ arrow functions
✘ 0 parameters
✘ 1 parameter, no brackets
✘ multiple parameters
✘ lexical "this" binding
✘ "this" unchanged by call or apply
✘ can't be bound, can be curried
✘ lexical "arguments" binding
✘ no line break between params and =>
✘ no "prototype" property
▼ const
✔ basic support
✘ is block-scoped
✘ redefining a const is an error
✘ temporal dead zone
✘ basic support (strict mode)
✘ is block-scoped (strict mode)
✘ redefining a const (strict mode)
✘ temporal dead zone (strict mode)
▼ let
✘ basic support
✘ is block-scoped
✘ for-loop statement scope
✘ temporal dead zone
✘ for-loop iteration scope
✘ basic support (strict mode)
✘ is block-scoped (strict mode)
✘ for-loop statement scope (strict mode)
✘ temporal dead zone (strict mode)
✘ for-loop iteration scope (strict mode)
▼ default function parameters
✘ basic functionality
✘ explicit undefined defers to the default
✘ defaults can refer to previous params
✘ temporal dead zone
✘ separate scope
✘ rest parameters
▼ spread (...) operator
✘ with arrays, in function calls
✘ with arrays, in array literals
✘ with strings, in function calls
✘ with strings, in array literals
✘ with generic iterables, in calls
✘ with generic iterables, in arrays
✘ with instances of iterables, in calls
✘ with instances of iterables, in arrays
▼ class
✘ class statement
✘ is block-scoped
✘ class expression
✘ constructor
✘ prototype methods
✘ static methods
✘ implicit strict mode
✘ extends
▼ super
✘ in constructors
✘ in methods
✘ is statically bound
▼ object literal extensions
✘ computed properties
✘ shorthand properties
✘ shorthand methods
▼ for..of loops
✘ with arrays
✘ with strings
✘ with generic iterables
✘ with instances of generic iterables
▼ generators
✘ basic functionality
✘ correct "this" binding
✘ sending
✘ %GeneratorPrototype%
✘ %GeneratorPrototype%.throw
✘ %GeneratorPrototype%.return
✘ yield operator precedence
✘ yield *, arrays
✘ yield *, strings
✘ yield *, generic iterables
✘ yield *, instances of iterables
✘ shorthand generator methods
▼ octal and binary literals
✘ octal literals
✘ binary literals
✘ octal supported by Number()
✘ binary supported by Number()
▼ template strings
✘ basic functionality
✘ tagged template strings
▼ RegExp "y" and "u" flags
✘ "y" flag
✘ "u" flag
▼ typed arrays
✔ Int8Array
✔ Uint8Array
✔ Uint8ClampedArray
✔ Int16Array
✔ Uint16Array
✔ Int32Array
✔ Uint32Array
✔ Float32Array
✔ Float64Array
✔ DataView (Int8)
✔ DataView (Uint8)
✔ DataView (Int16)
✔ DataView (Uint16)
✔ DataView (Int32)
✔ DataView (Uint32)
✔ DataView (Float32)
✔ DataView (Float64)
✘ %TypedArray%.from
✘ %TypedArray%.of
✘ %TypedArray%.prototype.subarray
✘ %TypedArray%.prototype.join
✘ %TypedArray%.prototype.indexOf
✘ %TypedArray%.prototype.lastIndexOf
✘ %TypedArray%.prototype.slice
✘ %TypedArray%.prototype.every
✘ %TypedArray%.prototype.filter
✘ %TypedArray%.prototype.forEach
✘ %TypedArray%.prototype.reduce
✘ %TypedArray%.prototype.reduceRight
✘ %TypedArray%.prototype.reverse
✘ %TypedArray%.prototype.some
✘ %TypedArray%.prototype.sort
✘ %TypedArray%.prototype.copyWithin
✘ %TypedArray%.prototype.find
✘ %TypedArray%.prototype.findIndex
✘ %TypedArray%.prototype.fill
✘ %TypedArray%.prototype.keys
✘ %TypedArray%.prototype.values
✘ %TypedArray%.prototype.entries
▼ Map
✘ basic functionality
✘ constructor arguments
✘ Map.prototype.set returns this
✘ -0 key converts to +0
✘ Map.prototype.size
✘ Map.prototype.delete
✘ Map.prototype.clear
✘ Map.prototype.forEach
✘ Map.prototype.keys
✘ Map.prototype.values
✘ Map.prototype.entries
▼ Set
✘ basic functionality
✘ constructor arguments
✘ Set.prototype.add returns this
✘ -0 key converts to +0
✘ Set.prototype.size
✘ Set.prototype.delete
✘ Set.prototype.clear
✘ Set.prototype.forEach
✘ Set.prototype.keys
✘ Set.prototype.values
✘ Set.prototype.entries
▼ WeakMap
✘ basic functionality
✘ constructor arguments
✘ WeakMap.prototype.set returns this
✘ WeakMap.prototype.delete
▼ WeakSet
✘ basic functionality
✘ constructor arguments
✘ WeakSet.prototype.add returns this
✘ WeakSet.prototype.delete
▼ Proxy
✘ "get" handler
✘ "get" handler, instances of proxies
✘ "set" handler
✘ "set" handler, instances of proxies
✘ "has" handler
✘ "has" handler, instances of proxies
✘ "deleteProperty" handler
✘ "getOwnPropertyDescriptor" handler
✘ "defineProperty" handler
✘ "getPrototypeOf" handler
✘ "setPrototypeOf" handler
✘ "isExtensible" handler
✘ "preventExtensions" handler
✘ "enumerate" handler
✘ "ownKeys" handler
✘ "apply" handler
✘ "construct" handler
✘ Proxy.revocable
✘ Array.isArray support
✘ JSON.stringify support
▼ Reflect
✘ Reflect.get
✘ Reflect.set
✘ Reflect.has
✘ Reflect.deleteProperty
✘ Reflect.getOwnPropertyDescriptor
✘ Reflect.defineProperty
✘ Reflect.getPrototypeOf
✘ Reflect.setPrototypeOf
✘ Reflect.isExtensible
✘ Reflect.preventExtensions
✘ Reflect.enumerate
✘ Reflect.ownKeys
✘ Reflect.apply
✘ Reflect.construct
✘ block-level function declaration[12]
▼ destructuring
✘ with arrays
✘ with strings
✘ with generic iterables
✘ with instances of generic iterables
✘ with objects
✘ multiples in a single var statement
✘ nested
✘ in parameters
✘ in for-in loop heads
✘ in for-of loop heads
✘ rest
✘ nested rest
✘ defaults
✘ defaults in parameters
✘ Promise
▼ Object static methods
✘ Object.assign
✘ Object.getOwnPropertySymbols
✘ Object.setPrototypeOf
▼ function "name" property
✔ function statements
✔ function expressions
✘ new Function
✘ bound functions
✘ variables (function)
✘ object methods (function)
✘ accessor properties
✘ shorthand methods
✘ symbol-keyed methods
✘ class statements
✘ class expressions
✘ variables (class)
✘ object methods (class)
✘ class prototype methods
✘ class static methods
✘ isn't writable, is configurable
✘ Function.prototype.toMethod
▼ String static methods
✘ String.raw
✘ String.fromCodePoint
▼ String.prototype methods
✘ String.prototype.codePointAt
✘ String.prototype.normalize
✘ String.prototype.repeat
✘ String.prototype.startsWith
✘ String.prototype.endsWith
✘ String.prototype.includes
✘ Unicode code point escapes
▼ Symbol
✘ basic functionality
✘ typeof support
✘ symbol keys are hidden to pre-ES6 code
✘ Object.defineProperty support
✘ cannot coerce to string or number
✘ can convert with String()
✘ new Symbol() throws
✘ Object(symbol)
✘ global symbol registry
▼ well-known symbols
✘ Symbol.hasInstance
✘ Symbol.isConcatSpreadable
✘ Symbol.iterator
✘ Symbol.species
✘ Symbol.toPrimitive
✘ Symbol.toStringTag
✘ Symbol.unscopables
▼ RegExp.prototype properties
✘ RegExp.prototype.flags
✘ RegExp.prototype[Symbol.match]
✘ RegExp.prototype[Symbol.replace]
✘ RegExp.prototype[Symbol.split]
✘ RegExp.prototype[]
▼ Array static methods
✘ Array.from
✘ Array.of
▼ Array.prototype methods
✘ Array.prototype.copyWithin
✘ Array.prototype.find
✘ Array.prototype.findIndex
✘ Array.prototype.fill
✘ Array.prototype.keys
✘ Array.prototype.values
✘ Array.prototype.entries
✘ Array.prototype[Symbol.unscopables]
▼ Number properties
✔ Number.isFinite
✘ Number.isInteger
✘ Number.isSafeInteger
✔ Number.isNaN
✘ Number.EPSILON
▼ Math methods
✘ Math.clz32
✘ Math.imul
✘ Math.sign
✘ Math.log10
✘ Math.log2
✘ Math.log1p
✘ Math.expm1
✘ Math.cosh
✘ Math.sinh
✘ Math.tanh
✘ Math.acosh
✘ Math.asinh
✘ Math.atanh
✘ Math.hypot
✘ Math.trunc
✘ Math.fround
✘ Math.cbrt
▼ miscellaneous
✘ duplicate property names in strict mode
✔ no semicolon needed after do-while
✘ no assignments allowed in for-in head
✘ accessors aren't constructors
✘ Object static methods accept primitives
✔ Invalid Date
✘ RegExp constructor can alter flags
✘ hoisted block-level function declaration
▼ __proto__ in object literals[20]
✔ basic support
✘ multiple __proto__ is an error
✘ not a computed property
✘ not a shorthand property
✘ not a shorthand method
▼ Object.prototype.__proto__
✔ get prototype
✔ set prototype
✘ correct property descriptor
✔ String.prototype HTML methods
✔ RegExp.prototype.compile
✘ proper tail calls (tail call optimisation)
▼ arrow functions
✘ 0 parameters
✘ 1 parameter, no brackets
✘ multiple parameters
✘ lexical "this" binding
✘ "this" unchanged by call or apply
✘ can't be bound, can be curried
✘ lexical "arguments" binding
✘ no line break between params and =>
✘ no "prototype" property
▼ const
✔ basic support
✘ is block-scoped
✘ redefining a const is an error
✘ temporal dead zone
✔ basic support (strict mode)
✔ is block-scoped (strict mode)
✔ redefining a const (strict mode)
✔ temporal dead zone (strict mode)
▼ let
✘ basic support
✘ is block-scoped
✘ for-loop statement scope
✘ temporal dead zone
✘ for-loop iteration scope
✔ basic support (strict mode)
✔ is block-scoped (strict mode)
✔ for-loop statement scope (strict mode)
✔ temporal dead zone (strict mode)
✘ for-loop iteration scope (strict mode)
▼ default function parameters
✘ basic functionality
✘ explicit undefined defers to the default
✘ defaults can refer to previous params
✘ temporal dead zone
✘ separate scope
✘ rest parameters
▼ spread (...) operator
✘ with arrays, in function calls
✘ with arrays, in array literals
✘ with strings, in function calls
✘ with strings, in array literals
✘ with generic iterables, in calls
✘ with generic iterables, in arrays
✘ with instances of iterables, in calls
✘ with instances of iterables, in arrays
▼ class
✘ class statement
✘ is block-scoped
✘ class expression
✘ constructor
✘ prototype methods
✘ static methods
✘ implicit strict mode
✘ extends
▼ super
✘ in constructors
✘ in methods
✘ is statically bound
▼ object literal extensions
✘ computed properties
✘ shorthand properties
✘ shorthand methods
▼ for..of loops
✘ with arrays
✘ with strings
✘ with generic iterables
✘ with instances of generic iterables
▼ generators
✔ basic functionality
✔ correct "this" binding
✔ sending
✔ %GeneratorPrototype%
✔ %GeneratorPrototype%.throw
✘ %GeneratorPrototype%.return
✔ yield operator precedence
✘ yield *, arrays
✘ yield *, strings
✘ yield *, generic iterables
✘ yield *, instances of iterables
✘ shorthand generator methods
▼ octal and binary literals
✔ octal literals
✔ binary literals
✔ octal supported by Number()
✔ binary supported by Number()
▼ template strings
✘ basic functionality
✘ tagged template strings
▼ RegExp "y" and "u" flags
✘ "y" flag
✘ "u" flag
▼ typed arrays
✔ Int8Array
✔ Uint8Array
✔ Uint8ClampedArray
✔ Int16Array
✔ Uint16Array
✔ Int32Array
✔ Uint32Array
✔ Float32Array
✔ Float64Array
✔ DataView (Int8)
✔ DataView (Uint8)
✔ DataView (Int16)
✔ DataView (Uint16)
✔ DataView (Int32)
✔ DataView (Uint32)
✔ DataView (Float32)
✔ DataView (Float64)
✘ %TypedArray%.from
✘ %TypedArray%.of
✔ %TypedArray%.prototype.subarray
✘ %TypedArray%.prototype.join
✘ %TypedArray%.prototype.indexOf
✘ %TypedArray%.prototype.lastIndexOf
✘ %TypedArray%.prototype.slice
✘ %TypedArray%.prototype.every
✘ %TypedArray%.prototype.filter
✘ %TypedArray%.prototype.forEach
✘ %TypedArray%.prototype.reduce
✘ %TypedArray%.prototype.reduceRight
✘ %TypedArray%.prototype.reverse
✘ %TypedArray%.prototype.some
✘ %TypedArray%.prototype.sort
✘ %TypedArray%.prototype.copyWithin
✘ %TypedArray%.prototype.find
✘ %TypedArray%.prototype.findIndex
✘ %TypedArray%.prototype.fill
✘ %TypedArray%.prototype.keys
✘ %TypedArray%.prototype.values
✘ %TypedArray%.prototype.entries
▼ Map
✔ basic functionality
✘ constructor arguments
✘ Map.prototype.set returns this
✔ -0 key converts to +0
✔ Map.prototype.size
✔ Map.prototype.delete
✔ Map.prototype.clear
✔ Map.prototype.forEach
✘ Map.prototype.keys
✘ Map.prototype.values
✘ Map.prototype.entries
▼ Set
✔ basic functionality
✘ constructor arguments
✘ Set.prototype.add returns this
✔ -0 key converts to +0
✔ Set.prototype.size
✔ Set.prototype.delete
✔ Set.prototype.clear
✔ Set.prototype.forEach
✘ Set.prototype.keys
✘ Set.prototype.values
✘ Set.prototype.entries
▼ WeakMap
✔ basic functionality
✘ constructor arguments
✘ WeakMap.prototype.set returns this
✔ WeakMap.prototype.delete
▼ WeakSet
✔ basic functionality
✘ constructor arguments
✘ WeakSet.prototype.add returns this
✔ WeakSet.prototype.delete
▼ Proxy
✘ "get" handler
✘ "get" handler, instances of proxies
✘ "set" handler
✘ "set" handler, instances of proxies
✘ "has" handler
✘ "has" handler, instances of proxies
✘ "deleteProperty" handler
✘ "getOwnPropertyDescriptor" handler
✘ "defineProperty" handler
✘ "getPrototypeOf" handler
✘ "setPrototypeOf" handler
✘ "isExtensible" handler
✘ "preventExtensions" handler
✘ "enumerate" handler
✘ "ownKeys" handler
✘ "apply" handler
✘ "construct" handler
✘ Proxy.revocable
✘ Array.isArray support
✘ JSON.stringify support
▼ Reflect
✘ Reflect.get
✘ Reflect.set
✘ Reflect.has
✘ Reflect.deleteProperty
✘ Reflect.getOwnPropertyDescriptor
✘ Reflect.defineProperty
✘ Reflect.getPrototypeOf
✘ Reflect.setPrototypeOf
✘ Reflect.isExtensible
✘ Reflect.preventExtensions
✘ Reflect.enumerate
✘ Reflect.ownKeys
✘ Reflect.apply
✘ Reflect.construct
✔ block-level function declaration[12]
▼ destructuring
✘ with arrays
✘ with strings
✘ with generic iterables
✘ with instances of generic iterables
✘ with objects
✘ multiples in a single var statement
✘ nested
✘ in parameters
✘ in for-in loop heads
✘ in for-of loop heads
✘ rest
✘ nested rest
✘ defaults
✘ defaults in parameters
✔ Promise
▼ Object static methods
✘ Object.assign
✔ Object.getOwnPropertySymbols
✔ Object.setPrototypeOf
▼ function "name" property
✔ function statements
✔ function expressions
✘ new Function
✘ bound functions
✘ variables (function)
✘ object methods (function)
✘ accessor properties
✘ shorthand methods
✘ symbol-keyed methods
✘ class statements
✘ class expressions
✘ variables (class)
✘ object methods (class)
✘ class prototype methods
✘ class static methods
✘ isn't writable, is configurable
✘ Function.prototype.toMethod
▼ String static methods
✘ String.raw
✘ String.fromCodePoint
▼ String.prototype methods
✘ String.prototype.codePointAt
✘ String.prototype.normalize
✔ String.prototype.repeat
✔ String.prototype.startsWith
✔ String.prototype.endsWith
✘ String.prototype.includes
✘ Unicode code point escapes
▼ Symbol
✔ basic functionality
✔ typeof support
✔ symbol keys are hidden to pre-ES6 code
✔ Object.defineProperty support
✘ cannot coerce to string or number
✘ can convert with String()
✔ new Symbol() throws
✘ Object(symbol)
✔ global symbol registry
▼ well-known symbols
✘ Symbol.hasInstance
✘ Symbol.isConcatSpreadable
✘ Symbol.iterator
✘ Symbol.species
✘ Symbol.toPrimitive
✘ Symbol.toStringTag
✘ Symbol.unscopables
▼ RegExp.prototype properties
✘ RegExp.prototype.flags
✘ RegExp.prototype[Symbol.match]
✘ RegExp.prototype[Symbol.replace]
✘ RegExp.prototype[Symbol.split]
✘ RegExp.prototype[]
▼ Array static methods
✘ Array.from
✘ Array.of
▼ Array.prototype methods
✘ Array.prototype.copyWithin
✔ Array.prototype.find
✔ Array.prototype.findIndex
✔ Array.prototype.fill
✔ Array.prototype.keys
✔ Array.prototype.values
✔ Array.prototype.entries
✘ Array.prototype[Symbol.unscopables]
▼ Number properties
✔ Number.isFinite
✔ Number.isInteger
✔ Number.isSafeInteger
✔ Number.isNaN
✔ Number.EPSILON
▼ Math methods
✔ Math.clz32
✔ Math.imul
✔ Math.sign
✔ Math.log10
✔ Math.log2
✔ Math.log1p
✔ Math.expm1
✔ Math.cosh
✔ Math.sinh
✔ Math.tanh
✔ Math.acosh
✔ Math.asinh
✔ Math.atanh
✔ Math.hypot
✔ Math.trunc
✔ Math.fround
✔ Math.cbrt
▼ miscellaneous
✘ duplicate property names in strict mode
✔ no semicolon needed after do-while
✘ no assignments allowed in for-in head
✘ accessors aren't constructors
✘ Object static methods accept primitives
✔ Invalid Date
✘ RegExp constructor can alter flags
✘ hoisted block-level function declaration
▼ __proto__ in object literals[20]
✔ basic support
✘ multiple __proto__ is an error
✘ not a computed property
✘ not a shorthand property
✘ not a shorthand method
▼ Object.prototype.__proto__
✔ get prototype
✔ set prototype
✔ correct property descriptor
✔ String.prototype HTML methods
✔ RegExp.prototype.compile
✘ proper tail calls (tail call optimisation)
▼ arrow functions
✘ 0 parameters
✘ 1 parameter, no brackets
✘ multiple parameters
✘ lexical "this" binding
✘ "this" unchanged by call or apply
✘ can't be bound, can be curried
✘ lexical "arguments" binding
✘ no line break between params and =>
✘ no "prototype" property
▼ const
✔ basic support
✘ is block-scoped
✘ redefining a const is an error
✘ temporal dead zone
✘ basic support (strict mode)
✘ is block-scoped (strict mode)
✘ redefining a const (strict mode)
✘ temporal dead zone (strict mode)
▼ let
✘ basic support
✘ is block-scoped
✘ for-loop statement scope
✘ temporal dead zone
✘ for-loop iteration scope
✘ basic support (strict mode)
✘ is block-scoped (strict mode)
✘ for-loop statement scope (strict mode)
✘ temporal dead zone (strict mode)
✘ for-loop iteration scope (strict mode)
▼ default function parameters
✘ basic functionality
✘ explicit undefined defers to the default
✘ defaults can refer to previous params
✘ temporal dead zone
✘ separate scope
✘ rest parameters
▼ spread (...) operator
✘ with arrays, in function calls
✘ with arrays, in array literals
✘ with strings, in function calls
✘ with strings, in array literals
✘ with generic iterables, in calls
✘ with generic iterables, in arrays
✘ with instances of iterables, in calls
✘ with instances of iterables, in arrays
▼ class
✘ class statement
✘ is block-scoped
✘ class expression
✘ constructor
✘ prototype methods
✘ static methods
✘ implicit strict mode
✘ extends
▼ super
✘ in constructors
✘ in methods
✘ is statically bound
▼ object literal extensions
✘ computed properties
✘ shorthand properties
✘ shorthand methods
▼ for..of loops
✘ with arrays
✘ with strings
✘ with generic iterables
✘ with instances of generic iterables
▼ generators
✘ basic functionality
✘ correct "this" binding
✘ sending
✘ %GeneratorPrototype%
✘ %GeneratorPrototype%.throw
✘ %GeneratorPrototype%.return
✘ yield operator precedence
✘ yield *, arrays
✘ yield *, strings
✘ yield *, generic iterables
✘ yield *, instances of iterables
✘ shorthand generator methods
▼ octal and binary literals
✘ octal literals
✘ binary literals
✘ octal supported by Number()
✘ binary supported by Number()
▼ template strings
✘ basic functionality
✘ tagged template strings
▼ RegExp "y" and "u" flags
✘ "y" flag
✘ "u" flag
▼ typed arrays
✔ Int8Array
✔ Uint8Array
✔ Uint8ClampedArray
✔ Int16Array
✔ Uint16Array
✔ Int32Array
✔ Uint32Array
✔ Float32Array
✔ Float64Array
✔ DataView (Int8)
✔ DataView (Uint8)
✔ DataView (Int16)
✔ DataView (Uint16)
✔ DataView (Int32)
✔ DataView (Uint32)
✔ DataView (Float32)
✔ DataView (Float64)
✘ %TypedArray%.from
✘ %TypedArray%.of
✔ %TypedArray%.prototype.subarray
✘ %TypedArray%.prototype.join
✘ %TypedArray%.prototype.indexOf
✘ %TypedArray%.prototype.lastIndexOf
✘ %TypedArray%.prototype.slice
✘ %TypedArray%.prototype.every
✘ %TypedArray%.prototype.filter
✘ %TypedArray%.prototype.forEach
✘ %TypedArray%.prototype.reduce
✘ %TypedArray%.prototype.reduceRight
✘ %TypedArray%.prototype.reverse
✘ %TypedArray%.prototype.some
✘ %TypedArray%.prototype.sort
✘ %TypedArray%.prototype.copyWithin
✘ %TypedArray%.prototype.find
✘ %TypedArray%.prototype.findIndex
✘ %TypedArray%.prototype.fill
✘ %TypedArray%.prototype.keys
✘ %TypedArray%.prototype.values
✘ %TypedArray%.prototype.entries
▼ Map
✘ basic functionality
✘ constructor arguments
✘ Map.prototype.set returns this
✘ -0 key converts to +0
✘ Map.prototype.size
✘ Map.prototype.delete
✘ Map.prototype.clear
✘ Map.prototype.forEach
✘ Map.prototype.keys
✘ Map.prototype.values
✘ Map.prototype.entries
▼ Set
✘ basic functionality
✘ constructor arguments
✘ Set.prototype.add returns this
✘ -0 key converts to +0
✘ Set.prototype.size
✘ Set.prototype.delete
✘ Set.prototype.clear
✘ Set.prototype.forEach
✘ Set.prototype.keys
✘ Set.prototype.values
✘ Set.prototype.entries
▼ WeakMap
✔ basic functionality
✘ constructor arguments
✘ WeakMap.prototype.set returns this
✔ WeakMap.prototype.delete
▼ WeakSet
✔ basic functionality
✘ constructor arguments
✘ WeakSet.prototype.add returns this
✔ WeakSet.prototype.delete
▼ Proxy
✘ "get" handler
✘ "get" handler, instances of proxies
✘ "set" handler
✘ "set" handler, instances of proxies
✘ "has" handler
✘ "has" handler, instances of proxies
✘ "deleteProperty" handler
✘ "getOwnPropertyDescriptor" handler
✘ "defineProperty" handler
✘ "getPrototypeOf" handler
✘ "setPrototypeOf" handler
✘ "isExtensible" handler
✘ "preventExtensions" handler
✘ "enumerate" handler
✘ "ownKeys" handler
✘ "apply" handler
✘ "construct" handler
✘ Proxy.revocable
✘ Array.isArray support
✘ JSON.stringify support
▼ Reflect
✘ Reflect.get
✘ Reflect.set
✘ Reflect.has
✘ Reflect.deleteProperty
✘ Reflect.getOwnPropertyDescriptor
✘ Reflect.defineProperty
✘ Reflect.getPrototypeOf
✘ Reflect.setPrototypeOf
✘ Reflect.isExtensible
✘ Reflect.preventExtensions
✘ Reflect.enumerate
✘ Reflect.ownKeys
✘ Reflect.apply
✘ Reflect.construct
✘ block-level function declaration[12]
▼ destructuring
✘ with arrays
✘ with strings
✘ with generic iterables
✘ with instances of generic iterables
✘ with objects
✘ multiples in a single var statement
✘ nested
✘ in parameters
✘ in for-in loop heads
✘ in for-of loop heads
✘ rest
✘ nested rest
✘ defaults
✘ defaults in parameters
✔ Promise
▼ Object static methods
✘ Object.assign
✘ Object.getOwnPropertySymbols
✔ Object.setPrototypeOf
▼ function "name" property
✔ function statements
✔ function expressions
✘ new Function
✘ bound functions
✘ variables (function)
✘ object methods (function)
✘ accessor properties
✘ shorthand methods
✘ symbol-keyed methods
✘ class statements
✘ class expressions
✘ variables (class)
✘ object methods (class)
✘ class prototype methods
✘ class static methods
✘ isn't writable, is configurable
✘ Function.prototype.toMethod
▼ String static methods
✘ String.raw
✘ String.fromCodePoint
▼ String.prototype methods
✘ String.prototype.codePointAt
✘ String.prototype.normalize
✘ String.prototype.repeat
✘ String.prototype.startsWith
✘ String.prototype.endsWith
✘ String.prototype.includes
✘ Unicode code point escapes
▼ Symbol
✘ basic functionality
✘ typeof support
✘ symbol keys are hidden to pre-ES6 code
✘ Object.defineProperty support
✘ cannot coerce to string or number
✘ can convert with String()
✘ new Symbol() throws
✘ Object(symbol)
✘ global symbol registry
▼ well-known symbols
✘ Symbol.hasInstance
✘ Symbol.isConcatSpreadable
✘ Symbol.iterator
✘ Symbol.species
✘ Symbol.toPrimitive
✘ Symbol.toStringTag
✘ Symbol.unscopables
▼ RegExp.prototype properties
✘ RegExp.prototype.flags
✘ RegExp.prototype[Symbol.match]
✘ RegExp.prototype[Symbol.replace]
✘ RegExp.prototype[Symbol.split]
✘ RegExp.prototype[]
▼ Array static methods
✘ Array.from
✘ Array.of
▼ Array.prototype methods
✘ Array.prototype.copyWithin
✘ Array.prototype.find
✘ Array.prototype.findIndex
✘ Array.prototype.fill
✘ Array.prototype.keys
✘ Array.prototype.values
✘ Array.prototype.entries
✘ Array.prototype[Symbol.unscopables]
▼ Number properties
✔ Number.isFinite
✔ Number.isInteger
✔ Number.isSafeInteger
✔ Number.isNaN
✔ Number.EPSILON
▼ Math methods
✘ Math.clz32
✔ Math.imul
✘ Math.sign
✘ Math.log10
✘ Math.log2
✘ Math.log1p
✘ Math.expm1
✘ Math.cosh
✘ Math.sinh
✘ Math.tanh
✘ Math.acosh
✘ Math.asinh
✘ Math.atanh
✘ Math.hypot
✘ Math.trunc
✘ Math.fround
✘ Math.cbrt
▼ miscellaneous
✘ duplicate property names in strict mode
✔ no semicolon needed after do-while
✘ no assignments allowed in for-in head
✘ accessors aren't constructors
✘ Object static methods accept primitives
✔ Invalid Date
✘ RegExp constructor can alter flags
✘ hoisted block-level function declaration
▼ __proto__ in object literals[20]
✔ basic support
✘ multiple __proto__ is an error
✘ not a computed property
✘ not a shorthand property
✘ not a shorthand method
▼ Object.prototype.__proto__
✔ get prototype
✔ set prototype
✔ correct property descriptor
✔ String.prototype HTML methods
✔ RegExp.prototype.compile
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