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Created May 8, 2020 16:15
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#!/usr/bin/env python
import io
import json
import random
import sh
import time
import smtplib, ssl
# these are servers that are both close by and in my testing were able to
# produce gigabit readings.
servers = [
# how many servers to use from our list at any one invocation
test_count = 2
# in case wifi gets turned on, ensure we go over gigabit ethernet and error out
# if that doesn't work
interface = "eno1"
# append our log entries here
log_file = '/path/to/speedtest.log'
# used in report output
hostname = sh.hostname('-f')
# minimum expected results, in mbit
min_download = 650.0
min_upload = 25.0
email_server = ""
email_port = 465
email_login = ""
email_password = "your-password-like-a-newb"
destination_emails = [ '' ]
def bytes_to_mbit(b):
return b * 1.0 / 1048576 * 8
def results_to_results_i_care_about(result):
ret = dict()
ret['z_download_bandwidth'] = result['download']['bandwidth']
ret['z_upload_bandwidth'] = result['upload']['bandwidth']
ret['2_download_mbit'] = bytes_to_mbit(ret['z_download_bandwidth'])
ret['3_upload_mbit'] = bytes_to_mbit(ret['z_upload_bandwidth'])
secs = time.time()
lt = time.localtime(secs)
ret['1_date'] = time.strftime("%Y%m%d %H:%M:%S", lt)
ret['z_unix_time'] = secs
ret['z_server_id'] = result["server"]["id"]
ret['z_server_name'] = result["server"]["name"]
ret['z_server_location'] = result["server"]["location"]
return ret
results = []
results_out_of_range = False
servers_to_use = random.sample(servers, test_count)
for server in servers_to_use:
buf = io.StringIO()
sh.speedtest('--server-id=%d' % server, '--format=json', '--interface=%s' % interface, _out=buf)
result = json.loads(buf.getvalue())
#print(json.dumps(results_to_results_i_care_about(result), sort_keys=True, indent=4))
formatted_result = results_to_results_i_care_about(result)
# write data to our log
with open(log_file, 'a+') as f:
# save result for email
# note if the result was out of range
if formatted_result['2_download_mbit'] < min_download:
results_out_of_range = True
if formatted_result['3_upload_mbit'] < min_upload:
results_out_of_range = True
# only send email if results out of range
if not results_out_of_range:
total_d = 0
total_u = 0
for record in results:
total_d = total_d + record["z_download_bandwidth"]
total_u = total_u + record["z_upload_bandwidth"]
count = len(results)
avg_download = "%.2f" % bytes_to_mbit(total_d * 1.0 / count)
avg_upload = "%.2f" % bytes_to_mbit(total_u * 1.0 / count)
msg = f"""\
Subject: Speed Test Bandwidth Report for {hostname}
The average download speed was: {avg_download} mbit
The average upload speed was: {avg_upload} mbit
The raw records:
for record in results:
msg = msg + json.dumps(record, sort_keys=True, indent=4) + "\n"
with smtplib.SMTP_SSL(email_server, email_port, context=ssl.create_default_context()) as server:
server.login(email_login, email_password)
for dest in destination_emails:
server.sendmail(email_login, destination_emails, msg)
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terabyte commented May 8, 2020

make a burner gmail account to use if needed.

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terabyte commented May 8, 2020

ah, yes, dependencies:

$ virtualenv .venv
$ source .venv/bin/activate
$ pip install sh
$ ./venv/bin/python /path/to/this/

Tested with python 3.6

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terabyte commented May 8, 2020

if you want to look at the log without your eyes bleeding, I recommend:

$ apt install jq
$ cat ~/speedtest.log | jq -c '[.["1_date"],.["2_download_mbit"], .["3_upload_mbit"]]'
["20200508 00:09:42",806.605842590332,30.75140380859375]
["20200508 00:11:24",828.466194152832,34.02489471435547]

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