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Created August 22, 2018 16:00
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aiohttpの勉強で、 logファイルから必要な情報(内部はJSON)を取得する例
import json
import gzip
from operator import itemgetter
from pathlib import Path
import asyncio
def get_logfiles(path):
for p in path.glob("*.gz"):
date_str = p.stem.split('-')[1]
yield p, int(date_str)
async def get_log_lines(p):
with, 'r') as f:
for line in f:
if not isinstance(line, str):
line = line.decode('utf-8')
# await asyncio.sleep(1)
yield line
def check_course_id(course_id, line):
j = json.loads(line)
return course_id == j.get('context', {}).get('course_id')
async def a_get_sorted_files(sorted_files):
for f in sorted_files:
yield f
async def get_line_for_course(sorted_files, course_id, s_date, e_date):
async for p, date_int in a_get_sorted_files(sorted_files):
# await asyncio.sleep(1)
if date_int >= s_date and date_int <= e_date:
async for line in get_log_lines(p):
if check_course_id(course_id, line):
yield line
def get_sorted_files(path="logs"):
path = Path(path)
sorted_files = sorted(get_logfiles(path), key=itemgetter(1))
return sorted_files
from aiohttp import web
import get_course
async def index(request: web.Request) -> web.Response:
return web.Response(
<h1>Open edX course log Service</h1>
<form action="/get-data/" method="post">
Course ID: <input type="text" name="course_id" />
Start Date by int (20180821): <input type="text" name="s_date" />
End Date by int (20180822): <input type="text" name="e_date" />
async def get_data(request: web.Request) -> web.StreamResponse:
data = await
course_id = data.get("course_id")
s_date = int(data.get("s_date", 0))
e_date = int(data.get("e_date", 0))
# print("C", course_id)
sorted_files = get_course.get_sorted_files("/Users/terapyon/tmp/koala/logs")
obj = get_course.get_line_for_course(sorted_files, course_id, s_date, e_date)
response = web.StreamResponse()
await response.prepare(request)
# async with obj as stream:
async for data in obj:
await response.write(data.encode('utf-8'))
await response.write_eof()
return response
def build_app() -> web.Application:
app = web.Application()
app.add_routes([web.get("/", index)])
app.add_routes(["/get-data/", get_data)])
return app
if __name__ == "__main__":
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