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Last active January 5, 2022 11:20
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Save terbo/a8d4021af0cb4729133a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
list wireless clients connected to hostapd access point
# read /var/run/hostapd for interfaces to poll
# read process list to find list of running hostapds (or get from hostapd_cli)
# get mac address, connected time, transmitted packets
# read arp table
# match arp address to ip address
# print matches
# rinse repeat
import os, re, sys, time, string
import subprocess, humanize as pp
from netaddr import *
hostapd_control_path = '/var/run/hostapd'
hostapd_cli_path = '/usr/local/bin/hostapd_cli'
ifconfig_path = '/sbin/ifconfig'
arp_path = '/usr/sbin/arp'
arp_flags = '-an'
hostapd_interfaces = os.listdir(hostapd_control_path)
hostapd_uptime = 0
clients = dict()
arp_table = dict()
hostapd_stats = dict()
def get_hostapd():
global hostapd_uptime
for hostapd_iface in hostapd_interfaces:
hostapd_cli_cmd = [hostapd_cli_path,'-i',hostapd_iface,'all_sta']
hostapd_uptime = time.time() - int(os.stat('%s/%s' % (hostapd_control_path, hostapd_iface))[9])
all_sta_output = subprocess.Popen(hostapd_cli_cmd,stdout=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()[0]
hostapd_output = subprocess.Popen([hostapd_cli_path,'status'],stdout=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()[0].split('\n')
channel = re.sub('channel=','',hostapd_output[16])
bssid = re.sub('bssid\[0\]=','',hostapd_output[24])
ssid = re.sub('ssid\[0\]=','',hostapd_output[25])
clientcount = int(re.sub('num_sta\[0\]=','',hostapd_output[26]))
hostapd_stats[hostapd_iface] = [ssid, bssid, channel, clientcount]
macreg = r'^('+r'[:-]'.join([r'[0-9a-fA-F]{2}'] * 6)+r')$'
stas = re.split(macreg,all_sta_output, flags=re.MULTILINE)
mac = rx = tx = ctime = ''
for sta_output in stas:
for line in sta_output.split('\n'):
if re.match(macreg,line):
mac = line
if re.match('rx_packets',line):
rx = re.sub('rx_packets=','',line)
if re.match('tx_packets',line):
tx = re.sub('tx_packets=','',line)
if re.match('connected_time=',line):
ctime = re.sub('connected_time=','',line)
if mac and rx and tx and ctime:
clients[mac] = [ctime, rx, tx]
def get_arp_table():
arp_output = subprocess.Popen([arp_path,arp_flags],stdout=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()[0].split('\n')
for line in xrange(len(arp_output)):
l = arp_output[line].split(' ')
iface = l[6]
if iface in hostapd_interfaces:
ip = l[1]
mac = l[3]
if re.match('[A-Z0-9][A-Z0-9]:',mac,re.IGNORECASE):
arp_table[mac] = [ip, iface]
def get_vendor(mac):
try: vendor = EUI(mac).oui.registration().org
except: vendor = 'Unknown'
return vendor
for hostapd_iface in hostapd_interfaces:
iface = hostapd_stats[hostapd_iface]
print '%s (%s / %s, channel %s): %s Client%s, Started: %s' % ( iface[0], iface[1], get_vendor(iface[1]), iface[2],
iface[3], 's' if iface[3]>1 else '',
pp.naturaltime(hostapd_uptime) )
for mac in clients:
print ' %s' % arp_table[mac][0],
print ' [%s / %s]' % (mac, get_vendor(mac)),
print ': connected %s, %sk in / %sk out' % (pp.naturaltime(clients[mac][2]), pp.intcomma(clients[mac][0]), pp.intcomma(clients[mac][1]))
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ABeater commented Feb 5, 2018

"ps": I will look deeper into it tomorrow. I just wanted to ask :)

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check your path to hostapd_cli_cmd

Also, bssid, ssid, and num_sta are now off by one. Might want to do some actual regex matching for them since output of hostapd isn't consistent.

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