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Last active January 30, 2021 04:35
import scala.collection.mutable
object Day9 extends App {
println("Hello Day9")
val sampleArray: Array[Long] = Array(35, 20, 15, 25, 47, 40, 62, 55, 65, 95, 102, 117, 150, 182, 127, 219, 299, 277, 309, 576)
val quizCalculator = { (preamble: Int, sampleArray: Array[Long]) =>
val answer1 = findInvalidNumber(preamble, sampleArray)
answer1.foreach(num => println(s"findInvalidNumber - the answer is ${num}"))
val answer2 = answer1.flatMap {
findEncryptionWeakness(_, sampleArray)
answer2.foreach(num => println(s"findEncryptionWeakness - the answer is ${num}"))
quizCalculator(5, sampleArray)
quizCalculator(25, QuizSampleCode.getSampleCodeArray)
def findInvalidNumber(preamble: Int, sampleArray: Array[Long]): Option[Long] = {
var firstIndex = 0
var lastIndex = preamble
sampleArray.drop(preamble).foreach { number =>
val set = mutable.HashSet[Long]().empty
val slicedArray = sampleArray.slice(firstIndex, lastIndex).sorted
val sumList = slicedArray.zipWithIndex.flatMap { n: (Long, Int) =>
slicedArray.patch(n._2, Nil, 1).map(n._1 + _)
set ++= sumList
if (!set.contains(number)) {
return Some(number)
firstIndex += 1
lastIndex += 1
def findEncryptionWeakness(invalidNumber: Long, sampleArray: Array[Long]): Option[Long] = {
var leftIndex = 0
var rightIndex = leftIndex + 1
val filteredList = sampleArray.filter(_ <= invalidNumber)
while (leftIndex < filteredList.size) {
val slicedList = filteredList.slice(leftIndex, rightIndex + 1)
val sum = slicedList.sum
sum match {
case s if s > invalidNumber => {
leftIndex += 1
rightIndex = +1
case s if s < invalidNumber => rightIndex += 1
case s if s == invalidNumber => {
return Some(slicedList.min + slicedList.max)
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