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Created February 2, 2021 20:00
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build bootable linux.img from linux kernel image and initrd image
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# creates bootable disk image as file (e.g. linux.img)
# places kernel image and initrd image on this disk
# and uses grub install to make it bootable
# then you can test it with smthng like 'qemu-system-x86_64 linux.img'
set -e # terminate script on error
# img size in mb
# create zeroed file
dd if=/dev/zero of="$IMG_NAME" bs=1024k count=$IMG_SIZE
# now map out file on pseudo device to work with it as if it was a hdd
# also store the device name into variable
# need sudo for losetup
echo need sudo for 'losetup':
PSEUDO_HDD=$(sudo losetup --find --show "$IMG_NAME")
echo device created: $PSEUDO_HDD
# create label (msdos) and partition on our pseudo hdd aka file
# need sudo for parted
sudo parted -a optimal $PSEUDO_HDD --script -- mklabel msdos > /dev/null
sudo parted -a optimal $PSEUDO_HDD --script -- mkpart primary 1 100% > /dev/null
# print disk info
sudo parted $PSEUDO_HDD --script -- p
# create ext4 filesystem on new partition
# below naming trick might fail ?
sudo mkfs.ext4 $PART_DEVICE
# mount partition to mnt directory
mkdir -p ./mnt
sudo mount $PART_DEVICE ./mnt
# create boot dir and copy kernel and initrd imgs
sudo mkdir -p ./mnt/boot
sudo cp $KERNEL_IMG ./mnt/boot/vmlinuz
sudo cp $INITRD_IMG ./mnt/boot/initrd.img
# install grub to pseudo hdd with root directory set to out partition
sudo grub-install --root-directory=$(pwd)/mnt $PSEUDO_HDD
# create basic grub.cfg
sudo tee ./mnt/boot/grub/grub.cfg > /dev/null << "EOF"
# Begin /boot/grub/grub.cfg
set default=0
set timeout=5
insmod ext2
set root=(hd0,msdos1)
insmod vbe
insmod vga
insmod gfxterm
loadfont /boot/grub/fonts/unicode.pf2
set gfxmode=auto
set gfxpayload=keep
terminal_output gfxterm
menuentry "linux" {
linux /boot/vmlinuz logo.nologo
initrd /boot/initrd.img
# unmount pseudo hdd
sudo umount ./mnt
# unmap pseudo hdd
sudo losetup -d $PSEUDO_HDD && echo device unmaped: $PSEUDO_HDD
# now you can test the image with qemu with smthing like 'qemu-system-X86_64 linux.img'
# or you can write it to usb flash drive with smthing like 'dd if=/linux.img of=/dev/sdb' to make usb flash bootable
# all your usb flash drive data will be lost !!
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