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Last active January 11, 2020 22:53
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# == Class: profile_firewall
# This is a profile to manage iptables on a system using the
# puppetlabs-firewall module. With this class, basic rules are added that only
# allow from icmp, allow from localhost, allow established/related connections,
# and allow ssh. Everything else is denied. Once you have pulled this class
# into your module, you can use the firewall { ... } resource to add your
# own rules.
# See for additional
# information around the firewall resource.
# === Parameters
# [*ensure*]
# String. This should be a value of <tt>running</tt> or <tt>stopped</tt>.
# If set to stopped, iptables is disabled. If set to running, iptables is
# enabled and basic rules are applied.
# Defaults to <tt>running</tt>
# === Variables
# None.
# === Examples
# * iptables running with basic rules
# include profile_firewall
# * iptables stopped
# class { 'profile_firewall': ensure => stopped }
# === Authors
# Alex Schultz <>
class profile_firewall (
$ensure = running,
$ssh_src_range = undef,
$ssh_src = undef,
$ssh_src_desc_modifier = 'anyone',
) {
case $ensure {
/^(running|stopped)$/: {
# valid ensure value
default: {
fail("${title}: Ensure value '${ensure}' is not supported")
if $ssh_src_range != undef {
if $ssh_src != undef {
fail('Can not set both ssh_src and ssh_src_range.')
if $::operatingsystemmajrelease == undef {
$release = $::lsbmajdistrelease
} else {
$release = $::operatingsystemmajrelease
if $release == undef {
fail('This system doesnt have the facts lsbmajdistrelease or operatingsystemmajrelease')
if ($release + 0) < 7 {
class { 'firewall':
ensure => $ensure
if $ensure == running {
include 'profile_firewall::iptables::pre'
include 'profile_firewall::iptables::post'
resources { 'firewall':
purge => true
Firewall {
require => Class['profile_firewall::iptables::pre'],
before => Class['profile_firewall::iptables::post'],
firewall { "050 allow ssh access from ${ssh_src_desc_modifier}":
proto => 'tcp',
src_range => $ssh_src_range,
source => $ssh_src,
dport => '22',
action => 'accept',
firewall { '950 allow zabbix':
proto => 'tcp',
dport => '10050',
action => 'accept',
} else {
include firewalld
if $ensure == running {
include 'profile_firewall::firewalld::pre'
firewalld_zone { 'public':
ensure => 'present',
purge_rich_rules => true,
purge_services => true,
purge_ports => true,
Firewalld {
require => Class['profile_firewall::firewalld::pre'],
firewalld_port { 'allow zabbix':
ensure => present,
zone => 'public',
protocol => 'tcp',
port => '10050',
# == Class: profile_firewall::iptables::pre
# This is the profile_firewall firewaldl pre class.
# It contains rules to be applied first to iptables.
# === Parameters
# None.
# === Variables
# None.
# === Examples
# include profile_firewall::firewalld::pre
class profile_firewall::firewalld::pre {
Firewalld {
require => undef,
# Allowing ssh connections
$service_rich_rule_defaults = {
ensure => present,
zone => 'public',
action => 'accept'
if $profile_firewall::ssh_src_range != undef {
} elsif $profile_firewall::ssh_src != undef {
firewall_parse_range($profile_firewall::ssh_src, 'ssh'),
} else {
# If no ssh_src or ssh_src_range then open ssh for all
firewalld_service { 'Allow access to ssh':
ensure => present,
zone => 'public',
service => 'ssh',
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Error from slack:

Error: Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: Error 400 on SERVER: Evaluation Error: Error while evaluating a Resource 
Statement, Duplicate declaration: Service[firewalld] is already declared in file /etc/puppetlabs/code/modules/firewalld/manifests/init.pp:64; 
cannot redeclare at /etc/puppetlabs/code/modules/firewall/manifests/linux/redhat.pp:28 at /etc/puppetlabs/code/modules/firewall/manifests
/linux/redhat.pp:28:5 on node...

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