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Last active March 23, 2023 02:44
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MDOF Dynamic Analysis
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# The following Python code is implemented by Professor Terje Haukaas at
# the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, Canada. It is made
# freely available online at together with notes,
# examples, and additional Python code. Please be cautious when using
# this code; it may contain bugs and comes without warranty of any form.
# Please see the Programming note for how to get started, and notice
# that you must copy certain functions into the file
# Also notice that for this particular code you need the file
# ElCentroGroundMotion.txt, which is posted nearby.
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import terjesfunctions as fcns
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# INPUT [N, m, s, kg]
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Constants
E = 2.0e+11
I = 8.09e-5
A = 0.0091
M = 400.0
storeyHeight = 4.0
bayWidth = 6.0
# Nodes (x, y)
nodes = np.array([(0.0, 0.0),
(bayWidth, 0.0),
(2.0*bayWidth, 0.0),
(0.0, storeyHeight),
(bayWidth, storeyHeight),
(2.0*bayWidth, storeyHeight),
(0.0, 2.0*storeyHeight),
(bayWidth, 2.0*storeyHeight),
(2.0*bayWidth, 2.0*storeyHeight)])
# Frame elements (node1, node2, E, I, A)
frameElements = np.array([(1, 4, E, I, A),
(2, 5, E, I, A),
(3, 6, E, I, A),
(4, 5, E, I, A),
(5, 6, E, I, A),
(4, 7, E, I, A),
(5, 8, E, I, A),
(6, 9, E, I, A),
(7, 8, E, I, A),
(8, 9, E, I, A)])
# Mass (node, value, dof)
mass = np.array([(4, M, 1),
(5, M, 1),
(6, M, 1),
(7, M, 1),
(8, M, 1),
(9, M, 1)])
# Boundary conditions (node, 0=free, 1=fixed)
constraints = np.array([(1, 1, 1, 1),
(2, 1, 1, 1),
(3, 1, 1, 1)])
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Number of DOFs
numDOFsPerNodeInStructure = 3
numNodes = nodes.shape[0]
totalNumDOFs = numDOFsPerNodeInStructure * numNodes
# Count elements
numFrameElements = frameElements.shape[0]
# Initialize the big stiffness matrix
Ka = np.zeros((totalNumDOFs, totalNumDOFs))
# Assemble frame elements
KlStorageFrame = []
TlgStorageFrame = []
for i in range(numFrameElements):
# Information about element
E = frameElements[i, 2]
I = frameElements[i, 3]
A = frameElements[i, 4]
# Information about nodes
node1 = int(frameElements[i, 0])
node2 = int(frameElements[i, 1])
nodeList = np.array([node1, node2])
nodalcoords = np.array([nodes[node1-1, 0], nodes[node1-1, 1], nodes[node2-1, 0], nodes[node2-1, 1]])
# Element length and orientation
delta_x = nodalcoords[2] - nodalcoords[0]
delta_y = nodalcoords[3] - nodalcoords[1]
L = np.sqrt(delta_x ** 2 + delta_y ** 2)
# Get Kl and Tlg
nu = 0
beta = 0
[Kl, Kgeometric, Tlg] = fcns.getFrameStiffness2D(E, nu, I, A, beta, L, delta_x, delta_y, 0)
# Calculate Kg = Tlg^T * Kl * Tlg
Kg = (np.transpose(Tlg).dot(Kl)).dot(Tlg)
# Assemble
numDOFsPerNodeInElement = 3
Ka = fcns.assembleStiffnessMatrix(Ka, Kg, nodeList, numDOFsPerNodeInElement, numDOFsPerNodeInStructure)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Add the mass to DOF 1 and 2 of the node, not the rotational DOF
Ma = np.zeros((totalNumDOFs, totalNumDOFs))
numMasses = mass.shape[0]
for i in range(numMasses):
dof = int((mass[i, 0]-1)*numDOFsPerNodeInStructure + mass[i, 2] - 1)
Ma[dof, dof] = mass[i, 1]
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# DOFs locked by input
dofStatus = np.zeros(totalNumDOFs)
nfix = constraints.shape[0]
for k in range(nfix):
fixedNode = int(constraints[k, 0])
for m in range(numDOFsPerNodeInStructure):
if constraints[k, m + 1] == 1:
dofStatus[(fixedNode - 1) * numDOFsPerNodeInStructure + m] = 1
# DOFs without stiffness
for i in range(totalNumDOFs):
if Ka[i, i] == 0:
dofStatus[i] = 1
numFreeDOFs = int(totalNumDOFs - np.sum(dofStatus))
Kf = np.zeros((numFreeDOFs, numFreeDOFs))
Mf = np.zeros((numFreeDOFs, numFreeDOFs))
iota = np.zeros(numFreeDOFs)
iCounter = 0
jCounter = 0
for i in range(totalNumDOFs):
if dofStatus[i] == 0:
jCounter = 0
for j in range(i + 1):
if dofStatus[j] == 0:
Kf[iCounter, jCounter] = Ka[i, j]
Kf[jCounter, iCounter] = Ka[i, j]
jCounter += 1
Mf[iCounter, iCounter] = Ma[i, i]
iota[iCounter] = Ma[i, i]
iCounter += 1
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Here we need scipy, to solve the *generalized* eigenvalue problem [K-omega^2*M]{u} = 0
import scipy
# Determine eigenvalues, which are gamma = omega^2
allEigenvalues = scipy.linalg.eigvals(Kf, Mf)
# Sort them
sortedEigenvalues = np.sort(allEigenvalues)
# Check them
eigenvalues = []
for i in range(len(sortedEigenvalues)):
if sortedEigenvalues[i].real == np.inf:
# Remove infinite eigenvalues (zero mass DOFs)
# Calculate corresponding frequencies and periods
numEigenvalues = len(eigenvalues)
naturalFrequencies = []
naturalPeriods = []
print('\n'"Found the following", numEigenvalues, "eigenvalues:"'\n')
for i in range(numEigenvalues):
frequency = np.sqrt(eigenvalues[i])
period = 2*np.pi/frequency
print(" Frequency: %.2frad, Period: %.3fsec" % (frequency, period))
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Set target damping ratio
targetDampingRatio = 0.05
# Enforce that damping on the first two modes
omega1 = naturalFrequencies[0]
omega2 = naturalFrequencies[1]
# Calculate alpha and beta in C = alpha*M + beta*K
factor = 2 * targetDampingRatio / (omega1 + omega2)
alpha = omega1 * omega2 * factor
beta = factor
# Create the damping matrix
Cf = np.multiply(Mf, alpha) + np.multiply(Kf, beta)
# Calculate the damping ratio at the different periods
dampingRatios = []
for i in range(numEigenvalues):
dampingRatios.append(alpha / (2 * naturalFrequencies[i]) + beta * naturalFrequencies[i] / 2)
# Plot those damping ratios
fig = plt.figure(1)
plt.title("Damping Ratio at Different Natural Periods")
plt.plot(naturalPeriods, dampingRatios, 'ks-', label='Actual damping')
plt.plot([naturalPeriods[0], naturalPeriods[-1]], [targetDampingRatio, targetDampingRatio], 'rs-', label='Target damping')
plt.xlabel("Period [sec]")
plt.ylabel("Damping Ratio")
print('\n'"Press any key to continue...")
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Load the El Centro ground motion record
groundAcceleration = []
f = open("ElCentroGroundMotion.txt", "r")
lines = f.readlines()
for oneline in lines:
splitline = oneline.split()
for j in range(len(splitline)):
value = 9.81 * float(splitline[j])
# Output
print('\n'"Max ground acceleration in units of g:", np.max(np.abs(groundAcceleration)) / 9.81)
# Create time axis
numTimePoints = len(groundAcceleration)
delta_t = 0.02
t = np.linspace(0, delta_t*numTimePoints, numTimePoints)
# Plot the ground motion
fig = plt.figure(2)
plt.title("El Centro Ground Motion")
plt.plot(t, groundAcceleration, 'k-')
plt.xlabel("Time [sec]")
plt.ylabel("Ground Acceleration [m/s^2]")
print('\n'"Press any key to continue...")
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Initial declarations
Pplus1 = np.zeros(numFreeDOFs)
displacement = np.zeros(numFreeDOFs)
velocity = np.zeros(numFreeDOFs)
acceleration = np.zeros(numFreeDOFs)
# Initialize plot
fig = plt.figure(3)
# Find outer plot limits
xmin = 0.0
xmax = 0.0
ymin = 0.0
ymax = 0.0
for i in range(numNodes):
if nodes[i, 0] < xmin:
xmin = nodes[i, 0]
elif nodes[i, 0] > xmax:
xmax = nodes[i, 0]
elif nodes[i, 1] < ymin:
ymin = nodes[i, 1]
elif nodes[i, 1] > ymax:
ymax = nodes[i, 1]
xmin = xmin - (xmax - xmin) * 0.3
ymin = ymin - (ymax - ymin) * 0.3
xmax = xmax + (xmax - xmin) * 0.3
ymax = ymax + (ymax - ymin) * 0.3
# Make the plotting area square
xrange = xmax - xmin
yrange = ymax - ymin
if xrange > yrange:
ymin -= 0.5 * (xrange - yrange)
ymax += 0.5 * (xrange - yrange)
xmin -= 0.5 * (yrange - xrange)
xmax += 0.5 * (yrange - xrange)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Newmark parameters (0.167<beta<0.25) (gamma=0.5)
newmarkBeta = 0.25
newmarkGamma = 0.5
# Newmark constants
a1 = 1.0 / (newmarkBeta * delta_t**2)
a2 = -1.0 / (newmarkBeta * delta_t**2)
a3 = -1.0 / (newmarkBeta * delta_t)
a4 = (1.0 - 1.0 / (2.0 * newmarkBeta))
a5 = newmarkGamma / (newmarkBeta * delta_t)
a6 = -newmarkGamma / (newmarkBeta * delta_t)
a7 = (1.0 - newmarkGamma / newmarkBeta)
a8 = delta_t * (1.0 - newmarkGamma / (2.0 * newmarkBeta))
# Track max displacement
uMax = 0
# Start the loop
for step in range(numTimePoints):
# Keep track of time
time = step * delta_t
# Set the external force vector
Pplus1 = np.multiply(iota, groundAcceleration[step])
# Establish the system of equations using the Newmark constants
newDispFactor = np.multiply(a1, Mf) + np.multiply(a5, Cf)
accelFactor = np.multiply(a4, Mf) + np.multiply(a8, Cf)
velocFactor = np.multiply(a3, Mf) + np.multiply(a7, Cf)
dispFactor = np.multiply(a2, Mf) + np.multiply(a6, Cf)
Kefficient = newDispFactor + Kf
Fplus1 = Pplus1 - - -
# Solve the system of equilibrium equations
uPlus1 = np.linalg.solve(Kefficient, Fplus1)
# Maximum displacement
uaMax = np.max(np.abs(uPlus1))
if uaMax > uMax:
uMax = uaMax
# Determine increment in displacement
delu = uPlus1 - displacement
# Determine acceleration at time step i+1
accelerationPlus1 = np.multiply(a1, delu) + np.multiply(a3, velocity) + np.multiply(a4, acceleration)
# Determine velocity at time step i+1
velocityPlus1 = np.multiply(a5, delu) + np.multiply(a7, velocity) + np.multiply(a8, acceleration)
# Set response values at time step i equal to response at time step i+1
displacement = uPlus1
velocity = velocityPlus1
acceleration = accelerationPlus1
# Get ua by adding zeros to the array
ua = np.zeros(totalNumDOFs)
iCounter = 0
for i in range(totalNumDOFs):
if dofStatus[i] == 0:
ua[i] = displacement[iCounter]
iCounter += 1
# Clear previous lines from plot
# Set scale factor
scale_factor = 500
# Get coordinates of displaced nodes
xcoord = np.zeros(2)
ycoord = np.zeros(2)
for i in range(numFrameElements):
node1 = int(frameElements[i, 0])
node2 = int(frameElements[i, 1])
xcoord[0] = nodes[node1 - 1, 0] + ua[(node1 - 1) * numDOFsPerNodeInStructure + 0] * scale_factor
ycoord[0] = nodes[node1 - 1, 1] + ua[(node1 - 1) * numDOFsPerNodeInStructure + 1] * scale_factor
xcoord[1] = nodes[node2 - 1, 0] + ua[(node2 - 1) * numDOFsPerNodeInStructure + 0] * scale_factor
ycoord[1] = nodes[node2 - 1, 1] + ua[(node2 - 1) * numDOFsPerNodeInStructure + 1] * scale_factor
# Plot each line segment
plt.plot(xcoord, ycoord, 'ks-')
# Polish and hold plot
plt.title("MDOF Dynamics (Time: %.1f sec, Max displacement: %.4f mm)" % (time, 1000*uMax))
plt.axis([xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax])
# Hold the plot a few seconds at the very end
print('\n'"Press any key to continue...")
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Hello, thank you for this code, i want to help me please.
NameError: name 'fcns' is not defined
How can i fix it @terjehaukaas

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AbaevZ commented Mar 23, 2023

Dear Professor Haukaas

Thank you very much for your code!
I'm facing a problem when I try to run the code.
The third figure doesn't plot a displaced shape of the frame and also glitches a long time while plotting.
The title also prints a total duration of the ground motion instead of the corresponding time of maximum displacement (as in your screenshot).
Can you suggest where can be a mistake?
Screenshot 2023-03-23 114326

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