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Last active April 2, 2024 02:39
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G2 Example 12
from G2AnalysisNonlinearDynamic import *
from G2Model import *
from GroundMotionHalfSineWave import *
font = {'family' : 'Times New Roman','size' : 12}
plt.rc('font', **font)
# This example takes features from Figure 3 in the paper by John F. Hall entitled
# Problems encountered from the use (or misuse) of Rayleigh damping, published in
# 2006 in Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics, Volume 35.
materialType = 'Bilinear'
nel = 10
doFDMcheck = False
plotFlag = False
plotPause = 0.001
testConvergence = False
groundMotionFile = 'GroundMotionElCentro.txt'
gmdt = 0.02
dtAnalysis = 0.01
duration = 1
gmScaling = 1
L = 1
A = 1
M = 10000
baseE = 1.07e7
alpha = 0.03
eta = 3
gamma = 0.5
beta = 0.5
targetDamping = 0.05
basefy = 0.12 * 10 * M * 9.81
floorVariation = [1.0, 0.984, 0.951, 0.902, 0.837, 0.755, 0.657, 0.542, 0.411, 0.264]
maxIter = 100
tol = 1e-6
trackNode = [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11]
trackDOF = [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]
NODES = []
for i in range(nel+1):
NODES.append([i*L, 0.0])
CONSTRAINTS = [[1, 1]]
for i in range(nel):
CONSTRAINTS.append([0, 1])
for i in range(nel):
ELEMENTS.append([2, 0.0, i+1, i+2])
for i in range(nel):
SECTIONS.append(['Truss', A])
for i in range(nel):
if materialType == 'Bilinear':
MATERIALS.append(['Bilinear', baseE*floorVariation[i], basefy*floorVariation[i], alpha])
elif materialType == 'BoucWen':
MATERIALS.append(['BoucWen', baseE*floorVariation[i], basefy*floorVariation[i], alpha, eta, beta, gamma])
print('\n'"Cannot understand the material type")
import sys
LOADS = np.zeros((nel+1, 2))
MASS = [[0, 0]]
for i in range(nel):
MASS.append([M, 0])
dM1 = [[0, 0],
[1, 0],
[0, 0],
[0, 0],
[0, 0],
[0, 0],
[0, 0],
[0, 0],
[0, 0],
[0, 0],
[0, 0]]
dM2 = [[0, 0],
[0, 0],
[1, 0],
[0, 0],
[0, 0],
[0, 0],
[0, 0],
[0, 0],
[0, 0],
[0, 0],
[0, 0]]
dM3 = [[0, 0],
[0, 0],
[0, 0],
[1, 0],
[0, 0],
[0, 0],
[0, 0],
[0, 0],
[0, 0],
[0, 0],
[0, 0]]
dM4 = [[0, 0],
[0, 0],
[0, 0],
[0, 0],
[1, 0],
[0, 0],
[0, 0],
[0, 0],
[0, 0],
[0, 0],
[0, 0]]
dM5 = [[0, 0],
[0, 0],
[0, 0],
[0, 0],
[0, 0],
[1, 0],
[0, 0],
[0, 0],
[0, 0],
[0, 0],
[0, 0]]
dM6 = [[0, 0],
[0, 0],
[0, 0],
[0, 0],
[0, 0],
[0, 0],
[1, 0],
[0, 0],
[0, 0],
[0, 0],
[0, 0]]
dM7 = [[0, 0],
[0, 0],
[0, 0],
[0, 0],
[0, 0],
[0, 0],
[0, 0],
[1, 0],
[0, 0],
[0, 0],
[0, 0]]
dM8 = [[0, 0],
[0, 0],
[0, 0],
[0, 0],
[0, 0],
[0, 0],
[0, 0],
[0, 0],
[1, 0],
[0, 0],
[0, 0]]
dM9 = [[0, 0],
[0, 0],
[0, 0],
[0, 0],
[0, 0],
[0, 0],
[0, 0],
[0, 0],
[0, 0],
[1, 0],
[0, 0]]
dM10 = [[0, 0],
[0, 0],
[0, 0],
[0, 0],
[0, 0],
[0, 0],
[0, 0],
[0, 0],
[0, 0],
[0, 0],
[1, 0]]
# *******************************************
# *******************************************
DDMparameters = [['Element', 'E', [1]],
['Element', 'E', [2]],
['Element', 'E', [3]],
['Element', 'E', [4]],
['Element', 'E', [5]],
['Element', 'E', [6]],
['Element', 'E', [7]],
['Element', 'E', [8]],
['Element', 'E', [9]],
['Element', 'E', [10]],
['Element', 'fy', [1]],
['Element', 'fy', [2]],
['Element', 'fy', [3]],
['Element', 'fy', [4]],
['Element', 'fy', [5]],
['Element', 'fy', [6]],
['Element', 'fy', [7]],
['Element', 'fy', [8]],
['Element', 'fy', [9]],
['Element', 'fy', [10]],
['Node', 'M', dM1],
['Node', 'M', dM2],
['Node', 'M', dM3],
['Node', 'M', dM4],
['Node', 'M', dM5],
['Node', 'M', dM6],
['Node', 'M', dM7],
['Node', 'M', dM8],
['Node', 'M', dM9],
['Node', 'M', dM10],
['Model', 'targetDamping']]
parameterNames = ['K1', 'K2', 'K3', 'K4', 'K5', 'K6', 'K7', 'K8', 'K9', 'K10', 'fy1', 'fy2', 'fy3', 'fy4', 'fy5', 'fy6', 'fy7', 'fy8', 'fy9', 'fy10', 'M1', 'M2', 'M3', 'M4', 'M5', 'M6', 'M7', 'M8', 'M9', 'M10', 'Damping']
m = model(a)
dampingModel = ['Rayleigh', 'Initial', 'Initial', 1, 2, targetDamping]
t, gm, u, v, acc, dudx, dvdx, dadx, dnl1, dnl2 = nonlinearDynamicAnalysis(m, dampingModel, groundMotionFile, gmScaling, gmdt, dtAnalysis, duration, trackNode, trackDOF, DDMparameters, plotFlag)
isdr1 = u[0,:]
isdr2 = u[1,:]-u[0,:]
isdr3 = u[2,:]-u[1,:]
isdr4 = u[3,:]-u[2,:]
isdr5 = u[4,:]-u[3,:]
isdr6 = u[5,:]-u[4,:]
isdr7 = u[6,:]-u[5,:]
isdr8 = u[7,:]-u[6,:]
isdr9 = u[8,:]-u[7,:]
isdr10 = u[9,:]-u[8,:]
figure, axis = plt.subplots(11, 1)
myMarkerSize = 3
myLineWidth = 0.5
myLabelSize = 9
cov = 0.01
topTen = 10
floorCount = 10
maxIndex = np.argmax(np.abs(isdr10))
uMax = isdr10[maxIndex]
sensitivityVector = []
counter = 0
floorCount -= 1
for i in range(10):
sensitivityVector.append((dudx[floorCount, counter, maxIndex] - dudx[floorCount-1, counter, maxIndex]) * baseE * floorVariation[i] * cov)
counter += 1
for i in range(10):
sensitivityVector.append((dudx[floorCount, counter, maxIndex] - dudx[floorCount-1, counter, maxIndex]) * basefy * floorVariation[i] * cov)
counter += 1
for i in range(10):
sensitivityVector.append((dudx[floorCount, counter, maxIndex] - dudx[floorCount-1, counter, maxIndex]) * M * cov)
counter += 1
sensitivityVector.append((dudx[floorCount, counter, maxIndex] - dudx[floorCount-1, counter, maxIndex]) * targetDamping * cov)
ranking = np.argsort(np.multiply(np.abs(sensitivityVector), -1))
sensSum = np.sum(np.abs(sensitivityVector))
percentChange = sensSum/np.abs(uMax)*100
for i in range(topTen):
print("%8s: %.1f" % (parameterNames[ranking[i]], np.abs(sensitivityVector[ranking[i]])/sensSum*100 ))
print('\n'"Change in %.4fm for one percent perturbations: %.5fm (%.3f%%)" % (uMax, sensSum, percentChange))
myLabel = '%.3fm (%.1f%%)' % (uMax, percentChange)
axis[0].plot(t, isdr10, 'k-', label=myLabel, linewidth=myLineWidth)
axis[0].plot(dtAnalysis*maxIndex, uMax, 'ko', markersize=myMarkerSize)
axis[0].legend(loc='upper left', prop={'size':myLabelSize}, handlelength=0.1, handletextpad=None)
maxIndex = np.argmax(np.abs(isdr9))
uMax = isdr9[maxIndex]
sensitivityVector = []
counter = 0
floorCount -= 1
for i in range(10):
sensitivityVector.append((dudx[floorCount, counter, maxIndex] - dudx[floorCount-1, counter, maxIndex]) * baseE * floorVariation[i] * cov)
counter += 1
for i in range(10):
sensitivityVector.append((dudx[floorCount, counter, maxIndex] - dudx[floorCount-1, counter, maxIndex]) * basefy * floorVariation[i] * cov)
counter += 1
for i in range(10):
sensitivityVector.append((dudx[floorCount, counter, maxIndex] - dudx[floorCount-1, counter, maxIndex]) * M * cov)
counter += 1
sensitivityVector.append((dudx[floorCount, counter, maxIndex] - dudx[floorCount-1, counter, maxIndex]) * targetDamping * cov)
ranking = np.argsort(np.multiply(np.abs(sensitivityVector), -1))
sensSum = np.sum(np.abs(sensitivityVector))
percentChange = sensSum/np.abs(uMax)*100
for i in range(topTen):
print("%8s: %.1f" % (parameterNames[ranking[i]], np.abs(sensitivityVector[ranking[i]])/sensSum*100 ))
print('\n'"Change in %.4fm for one percent perturbations: %.5fm (%.3f%%)" % (uMax, sensSum, percentChange))
myLabel = '%.3fm (%.1f%%)' % (uMax, percentChange)
axis[1].plot(t, isdr9, 'k-', label=myLabel, linewidth=myLineWidth)
axis[1].plot(dtAnalysis*maxIndex, uMax, 'ko', markersize=myMarkerSize)
axis[1].legend(loc='upper left', prop={'size':myLabelSize}, handlelength=0.1, handletextpad=None)
maxIndex = np.argmax(np.abs(isdr8))
uMax = isdr8[maxIndex]
sensitivityVector = []
counter = 0
floorCount -= 1
for i in range(10):
sensitivityVector.append((dudx[floorCount, counter, maxIndex] - dudx[floorCount-1, counter, maxIndex]) * baseE * floorVariation[i] * cov)
counter += 1
for i in range(10):
sensitivityVector.append((dudx[floorCount, counter, maxIndex] - dudx[floorCount-1, counter, maxIndex]) * basefy * floorVariation[i] * cov)
counter += 1
for i in range(10):
sensitivityVector.append((dudx[floorCount, counter, maxIndex] - dudx[floorCount-1, counter, maxIndex]) * M * cov)
counter += 1
sensitivityVector.append((dudx[floorCount, counter, maxIndex] - dudx[floorCount-1, counter, maxIndex]) * targetDamping * cov)
ranking = np.argsort(np.multiply(np.abs(sensitivityVector), -1))
sensSum = np.sum(np.abs(sensitivityVector))
percentChange = sensSum/np.abs(uMax)*100
for i in range(topTen):
print("%8s: %.1f" % (parameterNames[ranking[i]], np.abs(sensitivityVector[ranking[i]])/sensSum*100 ))
print('\n'"Change in %.4fm for one percent perturbations: %.5fm (%.3f%%)" % (uMax, sensSum, percentChange))
myLabel = '%.3fm (%.1f%%)' % (uMax, percentChange)
axis[2].plot(t, isdr8, 'k-', label=myLabel, linewidth=myLineWidth)
axis[2].plot(dtAnalysis*maxIndex, uMax, 'ko', markersize=myMarkerSize)
axis[2].legend(loc='upper left', prop={'size':myLabelSize}, handlelength=0.1, handletextpad=None)
maxIndex = np.argmax(np.abs(isdr7))
uMax = isdr7[maxIndex]
sensitivityVector = []
counter = 0
floorCount -= 1
for i in range(10):
sensitivityVector.append((dudx[floorCount, counter, maxIndex] - dudx[floorCount-1, counter, maxIndex]) * baseE * floorVariation[i] * cov)
counter += 1
for i in range(10):
sensitivityVector.append((dudx[floorCount, counter, maxIndex] - dudx[floorCount-1, counter, maxIndex]) * basefy * floorVariation[i] * cov)
counter += 1
for i in range(10):
sensitivityVector.append((dudx[floorCount, counter, maxIndex] - dudx[floorCount-1, counter, maxIndex]) * M * cov)
counter += 1
sensitivityVector.append((dudx[floorCount, counter, maxIndex] - dudx[floorCount-1, counter, maxIndex]) * targetDamping * cov)
ranking = np.argsort(np.multiply(np.abs(sensitivityVector), -1))
sensSum = np.sum(np.abs(sensitivityVector))
percentChange = sensSum/np.abs(uMax)*100
for i in range(topTen):
print("%8s: %.1f" % (parameterNames[ranking[i]], np.abs(sensitivityVector[ranking[i]])/sensSum*100 ))
print('\n'"Change in %.4fm for one percent perturbations: %.5fm (%.3f%%)" % (uMax, sensSum, percentChange))
myLabel = '%.3fm (%.1f%%)' % (uMax, percentChange)
axis[3].plot(t, isdr7, 'k-', label=myLabel, linewidth=myLineWidth)
axis[3].plot(dtAnalysis*maxIndex, uMax, 'ko', markersize=myMarkerSize)
axis[3].legend(loc='upper left', prop={'size':myLabelSize}, handlelength=0.1, handletextpad=None)
maxIndex = np.argmax(np.abs(isdr6))
uMax = isdr6[maxIndex]
sensitivityVector = []
counter = 0
floorCount -= 1
for i in range(10):
sensitivityVector.append((dudx[floorCount, counter, maxIndex] - dudx[floorCount-1, counter, maxIndex]) * baseE * floorVariation[i] * cov)
counter += 1
for i in range(10):
sensitivityVector.append((dudx[floorCount, counter, maxIndex] - dudx[floorCount-1, counter, maxIndex]) * basefy * floorVariation[i] * cov)
counter += 1
for i in range(10):
sensitivityVector.append((dudx[floorCount, counter, maxIndex] - dudx[floorCount-1, counter, maxIndex]) * M * cov)
counter += 1
sensitivityVector.append((dudx[floorCount, counter, maxIndex] - dudx[floorCount-1, counter, maxIndex]) * targetDamping * cov)
ranking = np.argsort(np.multiply(np.abs(sensitivityVector), -1))
sensSum = np.sum(np.abs(sensitivityVector))
percentChange = sensSum/np.abs(uMax)*100
for i in range(topTen):
print("%8s: %.1f" % (parameterNames[ranking[i]], np.abs(sensitivityVector[ranking[i]])/sensSum*100 ))
print('\n'"Change in %.4fm for one percent perturbations: %.5fm (%.3f%%)" % (uMax, sensSum, percentChange))
myLabel = '%.3fm (%.1f%%)' % (uMax, percentChange)
axis[4].plot(t, isdr6, 'k-', label=myLabel, linewidth=myLineWidth)
axis[4].plot(dtAnalysis*maxIndex, uMax, 'ko', markersize=myMarkerSize)
axis[4].legend(loc='upper left', prop={'size':myLabelSize}, handlelength=0.1, handletextpad=None)
maxIndex = np.argmax(np.abs(isdr5))
uMax = isdr5[maxIndex]
sensitivityVector = []
counter = 0
floorCount -= 1
for i in range(10):
sensitivityVector.append((dudx[floorCount, counter, maxIndex] - dudx[floorCount-1, counter, maxIndex]) * baseE * floorVariation[i] * cov)
counter += 1
for i in range(10):
sensitivityVector.append((dudx[floorCount, counter, maxIndex] - dudx[floorCount-1, counter, maxIndex]) * basefy * floorVariation[i] * cov)
counter += 1
for i in range(10):
sensitivityVector.append((dudx[floorCount, counter, maxIndex] - dudx[floorCount-1, counter, maxIndex]) * M * cov)
counter += 1
sensitivityVector.append((dudx[floorCount, counter, maxIndex] - dudx[floorCount-1, counter, maxIndex]) * targetDamping * cov)
ranking = np.argsort(np.multiply(np.abs(sensitivityVector), -1))
sensSum = np.sum(np.abs(sensitivityVector))
percentChange = sensSum/np.abs(uMax)*100
for i in range(topTen):
print("%8s: %.1f" % (parameterNames[ranking[i]], np.abs(sensitivityVector[ranking[i]])/sensSum*100 ))
print('\n'"Change in %.4fm for one percent perturbations: %.5fm (%.3f%%)" % (uMax, sensSum, percentChange))
myLabel = '%.3fm (%.1f%%)' % (uMax, percentChange)
axis[5].plot(t, isdr5, 'k-', label=myLabel, linewidth=myLineWidth)
axis[5].plot(dtAnalysis*maxIndex, uMax, 'ko', markersize=myMarkerSize)
axis[5].legend(loc='upper left', prop={'size':myLabelSize}, handlelength=0.1, handletextpad=None)
maxIndex = np.argmax(np.abs(isdr4))
uMax = isdr4[maxIndex]
sensitivityVector = []
counter = 0
floorCount -= 1
for i in range(10):
sensitivityVector.append((dudx[floorCount, counter, maxIndex] - dudx[floorCount-1, counter, maxIndex]) * baseE * floorVariation[i] * cov)
counter += 1
for i in range(10):
sensitivityVector.append((dudx[floorCount, counter, maxIndex] - dudx[floorCount-1, counter, maxIndex]) * basefy * floorVariation[i] * cov)
counter += 1
for i in range(10):
sensitivityVector.append((dudx[floorCount, counter, maxIndex] - dudx[floorCount-1, counter, maxIndex]) * M * cov)
counter += 1
sensitivityVector.append((dudx[floorCount, counter, maxIndex] - dudx[floorCount-1, counter, maxIndex]) * targetDamping * cov)
ranking = np.argsort(np.multiply(np.abs(sensitivityVector), -1))
sensSum = np.sum(np.abs(sensitivityVector))
percentChange = sensSum/np.abs(uMax)*100
for i in range(topTen):
print("%8s: %.1f" % (parameterNames[ranking[i]], np.abs(sensitivityVector[ranking[i]])/sensSum*100 ))
print('\n'"Change in %.4fm for one percent perturbations: %.5fm (%.3f%%)" % (uMax, sensSum, percentChange))
myLabel = '%.3fm (%.1f%%)' % (uMax, percentChange)
axis[6].plot(t, isdr4, 'k-', label=myLabel, linewidth=myLineWidth)
axis[6].plot(dtAnalysis*maxIndex, uMax, 'ko', markersize=myMarkerSize)
axis[6].legend(loc='upper left', prop={'size':myLabelSize}, handlelength=0.1, handletextpad=None)
maxIndex = np.argmax(np.abs(isdr3))
uMax = isdr3[maxIndex]
sensitivityVector = []
counter = 0
floorCount -= 1
for i in range(10):
sensitivityVector.append((dudx[floorCount, counter, maxIndex] - dudx[floorCount-1, counter, maxIndex]) * baseE * floorVariation[i] * cov)
counter += 1
for i in range(10):
sensitivityVector.append((dudx[floorCount, counter, maxIndex] - dudx[floorCount-1, counter, maxIndex]) * basefy * floorVariation[i] * cov)
counter += 1
for i in range(10):
sensitivityVector.append((dudx[floorCount, counter, maxIndex] - dudx[floorCount-1, counter, maxIndex]) * M * cov)
counter += 1
sensitivityVector.append((dudx[floorCount, counter, maxIndex] - dudx[floorCount-1, counter, maxIndex]) * targetDamping * cov)
ranking = np.argsort(np.multiply(np.abs(sensitivityVector), -1))
sensSum = np.sum(np.abs(sensitivityVector))
percentChange = sensSum/np.abs(uMax)*100
for i in range(topTen):
print("%8s: %.1f" % (parameterNames[ranking[i]], np.abs(sensitivityVector[ranking[i]])/sensSum*100 ))
print('\n'"Change in %.4fm for one percent perturbations: %.5fm (%.3f%%)" % (uMax, sensSum, percentChange))
myLabel = '%.3fm (%.1f%%)' % (uMax, percentChange)
axis[7].plot(t, isdr3, 'k-', label=myLabel, linewidth=myLineWidth)
axis[7].plot(dtAnalysis*maxIndex, uMax, 'ko', markersize=myMarkerSize)
axis[7].legend(loc='upper left', prop={'size':myLabelSize}, handlelength=0.1, handletextpad=None)
maxIndex = np.argmax(np.abs(isdr2))
uMax = isdr2[maxIndex]
sensitivityVector = []
counter = 0
floorCount -= 1
for i in range(10):
sensitivityVector.append((dudx[floorCount, counter, maxIndex] - dudx[floorCount-1, counter, maxIndex]) * baseE * floorVariation[i] * cov)
counter += 1
for i in range(10):
sensitivityVector.append((dudx[floorCount, counter, maxIndex] - dudx[floorCount-1, counter, maxIndex]) * basefy * floorVariation[i] * cov)
counter += 1
for i in range(10):
sensitivityVector.append((dudx[floorCount, counter, maxIndex] - dudx[floorCount-1, counter, maxIndex]) * M * cov)
counter += 1
sensitivityVector.append((dudx[floorCount, counter, maxIndex] - dudx[floorCount-1, counter, maxIndex]) * targetDamping * cov)
ranking = np.argsort(np.multiply(np.abs(sensitivityVector), -1))
sensSum = np.sum(np.abs(sensitivityVector))
percentChange = sensSum/np.abs(uMax)*100
for i in range(topTen):
print("%8s: %.1f" % (parameterNames[ranking[i]], np.abs(sensitivityVector[ranking[i]])/sensSum*100 ))
print('\n'"Change in %.4fm for one percent perturbations: %.5fm (%.3f%%)" % (uMax, sensSum, percentChange))
myLabel = '%.3fm (%.1f%%)' % (uMax, percentChange)
axis[8].plot(t, isdr2, 'k-', label=myLabel, linewidth=myLineWidth)
axis[8].plot(dtAnalysis*maxIndex, uMax, 'ko', markersize=myMarkerSize)
axis[8].legend(loc='upper left', prop={'size':myLabelSize}, handlelength=0.1, handletextpad=None)
maxIndex = np.argmax(np.abs(isdr1))
uMax = isdr1[maxIndex]
sensitivityVector = []
counter = 0
for i in range(10):
sensitivityVector.append(dudx[0, counter, maxIndex] * baseE * floorVariation[i] * cov)
counter += 1
for i in range(10):
sensitivityVector.append(dudx[0, counter, maxIndex] * basefy * floorVariation[i] * cov)
counter += 1
for i in range(10):
sensitivityVector.append(dudx[0, counter, maxIndex] * M * cov)
counter += 1
sensitivityVector.append(dudx[0, counter, maxIndex] * targetDamping * cov)
ranking = np.argsort(np.multiply(np.abs(sensitivityVector), -1))
sensSum = np.sum(np.abs(sensitivityVector))
percentChange = sensSum/np.abs(uMax)*100
for i in range(topTen):
print("%8s: %.1f" % (parameterNames[ranking[i]], np.abs(sensitivityVector[ranking[i]])/sensSum*100 ))
print('\n'"Change in %.4fm for one percent perturbations: %.5fm (%.3f%%)" % (uMax, sensSum, percentChange))
myLabel = '%.3fm (%.1f%%)' % (uMax, percentChange)
axis[9].plot(t, isdr1, 'k-', label=myLabel, linewidth=myLineWidth)
axis[9].plot(dtAnalysis*maxIndex, uMax, 'ko', markersize=myMarkerSize)
plt.xlabel("Time [sec.]")
axis[9].legend(loc='upper left', prop={'size':myLabelSize}, handlelength=0.1, handletextpad=None)
axis[10].plot(t, dnl1, 'k-', label='1st mode nonlinearity', linewidth=myLineWidth)
axis[10].plot(t, dnl2, 'k--', label='2nd mode nonlinearity', linewidth=myLineWidth)
axis[10].legend(loc='upper left', prop={'size':6})
print('\n'"Click somewhere in the plot to continue...")
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