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Last active April 3, 2024 20:15
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G2 Example 2
from G2AnalysisSDOFNonlinearDynamic import *
from G2MaterialBilinear import *
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# SI units: N, m, kg, sec.
# Natural periods considered
minPeriod = 0.1
maxPeriod = 5.0
numPeriodPoints = 50
naturalPeriods = np.linspace(minPeriod, maxPeriod, numPeriodPoints)
# Select natural period index for which to plot ductility demands
plotIndex = int(numPeriodPoints/5)
# Strengths considered
minRelativeStrength = 0.5
maxRelativeStrength = 1.0
numStrengthPoints = 6
sValues = np.linspace(minRelativeStrength, maxRelativeStrength, numStrengthPoints)
# Fix stiffness and let mass be calculated (elasto-plastic material)
E = 1e4
alpha = 0.0
# Damping ratio
dampingRatio = 0.05
# Load ground motion
groundMotion = "GroundMotionElCentro.txt"
dt = 0.02
gmScaling = 1
gm = []
f = open(groundMotion, "r")
lines = f.readlines()
for oneline in lines:
splitline = oneline.split()
for j in range(len(splitline)):
value = 9.81 * float(splitline[j]) * gmScaling
gm = np.array(gm)
duration = dt * (len(gm)-1)
# First do linear analysis to pick up ue for all natural periods
uy = 1e6
fy = E * uy
ueStorage = np.zeros(numPeriodPoints)
for i in range(numPeriodPoints):
# Mass from natural period
M = (naturalPeriods[i]/2/np.pi)**2 * E
# Run analysis
material = bilinearMaterial(['Bilinear', E, fy, alpha])
t, uTrack, vTrack, aTrack, dudx, dvdx, dadx, dnl = nonlinearDynamicSDOFAnalysis(duration, dt, material, M, dampingRatio, gm, gmScaling, [])
# Pick up maximum response
ueStorage[i] = np.max(np.abs(uTrack))
# Loop over natural periods, and for each, loop over relative strengths and calculate ductility demand
ratioStorage = np.zeros((numPeriodPoints, numStrengthPoints))
for i in range(numPeriodPoints):
# Mass from natural period
M = (naturalPeriods[i]/2/np.pi)**2 * E
# Store results if plots are requested
if i == plotIndex:
Tn = naturalPeriods[i]
equalDisplacementDuctilityStorage = []
ductilityDemandStorage = []
# Loop over relative strengths
for j in range(numStrengthPoints):
# Yield displacement and yield strength
uy = sValues[j]*ueStorage[i]
fy = E * uy
# Run analysis
material = bilinearMaterial(['Bilinear', E, fy, alpha])
t, uTrack, vTrack, aTrack, dudx, dvdx, dadx, dnl = nonlinearDynamicSDOFAnalysis(duration, dt, material, M, dampingRatio, gm, gmScaling, [])
# Pick up maximum response
um = np.max(np.abs(uTrack))
# Ductility demands
equalDisplacementDuctility = ueStorage[i]/uy
ductilityDemand = um/uy
# Append to storage
if i == plotIndex:
ratioStorage[i, j] = ductilityDemand/equalDisplacementDuctility
if i == plotIndex:
# Plot "spectrum" as function of s
plt.xlabel("Relative Strength")
plt.ylabel("Ductility Demand")
plt.title("Ductility Demand ($T_n=%.2fsec.$)" % Tn)
plt.plot(sValues, ductilityDemandStorage, 'k-', linewidth=1.0, label="Actual ductility demand")
plt.plot(sValues, equalDisplacementDuctilityStorage, 'k--', linewidth=1.0, label="Equal displacement rule")
plt.legend(loc='upper right')
print('\n'"Click somewhere in the plot to continue...")
# Another plot
plt.xlabel("Equal Displacement Ductility")
plt.ylabel("Actual Ductility Demand")
plt.title("Ductility Demand ($T_n=%.2fsec.$)" % Tn)
plt.plot(equalDisplacementDuctilityStorage, ductilityDemandStorage, 'k-', linewidth=1.0, label="Actual ductility demand")
plt.plot(equalDisplacementDuctilityStorage, equalDisplacementDuctilityStorage, 'k--', linewidth=1.0, label="Equal displacement rule")
plt.legend(loc='upper left')
print('\n'"Click somewhere in the plot to continue...")
# Plot spectrum
colorList = ["black", "blue", "orange", "green", "red", "purple", "brown", "pink", "gray", "olive", "cyan", "magenta", "yellow"]
plt.xlabel("Natural Period, $T_n$")
plt.ylabel("Ductility Ratio")
plt.title("Ductility Demand Spectrum")
for j in range(numStrengthPoints):
plt.plot(naturalPeriods, ratioStorage[:, j], '-', color=colorList[j], linewidth=1.0, label=("s=%.1f" % (sValues[j])))
plt.legend(loc='upper right')
print('\n'"Click somewhere in the plot to continue...")
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