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Last active April 4, 2024 22:32
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G2 Example 8
# The following Python code is implemented by Professor Terje Haukaas at
# the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, Canada. It is made
# freely available online at together with notes,
# examples, and additional Python code. Please be cautious when using
# this code; it may contain bugs and comes without warranty of any kind.
# The code implemented in this file is underpinned by axial strain and axial
# stress, which are related to both axial force (P) and bending moment (M).
# The capacity of a cross-section to carry axial force and bending moment
# depends on several factors: its geometry, the materials it is made up of,
# and also the criteria used to define failure, i.e., the capacity limits.
# Importantly, the presence of axial force affects the bending moment capacity,
# and vice versa. This is why the objective in this document is to create a
# P-M interaction diagram.
# A rectangular solid steel cross-section is considered in this file, together
# with an elastic-perfectly-plastic uniaxial material model. That means we can
# apply different deformation scenarios to the cross-section, ramping up the
# deformations until all material fibres yield, and simply print the resulting
# axial force and bending moment as the relevant capacity values. (In this
# particular situation, if the P-M diagram was the only objective, a rigid-
# plastic model without an elastic region would be quicker and better.) The
# resulting capacity values can be compared with the limits Pu and Mu obtained
# from the "lower-bound theorem" of simple plastic capacity analysis. In fact,
# the axes of the P-M interaction diagram are scaled by Pu and Mu, which makes
# the graph independent of the cross-section geometry. The plot is therefore
# identical to that presented in Figure 6.21 in Filippou & Fenves' 2004 chapter
# entitled Methods of Analysis for Earthquake-Resistant Structures in a book
# edited by Bozorgnia and Bertero.
# P-M interaction diagrams for reinforced concrete cross-sections differ in
# several ways, including failure criteria. Typically, a maximum strain values
# in the steel material and the concrete material are used. One important point
# on the P-M interaction diagram for a reinforced concrete cross-section is the
# "balanced point" at which the concrete is at its maximum compressive strain
# and the steel is at its maximum tensile strain. That point is at or near the
# maximum moment capacity, and is associated with moderate axial compressive
# force. Many good references on creating P-M interaction diagram are available
# online, including Professor Michael Scott's Portwood Digital blog:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from G2SectionRectangular import *
# Material properties (N, mm)
E = 200e3
fy = 350
alpha = 0.0
# Cross-section geometry (mm)
h = 100
b = 50
# Number of fibres (number of integration points)
n = 20
# Independent ultimate capacities
Mu = fy * b * (h/2)**2
Pu = fy * b * h
print('\n'"Independent ultimate capacities: Mu=%.0fkNm, Pu=%.0fkN" % (Mu/1e6, Pu/1e3))
# Yield strain and curvature
epsy = fy/E
kappay = epsy / (h/2)
# Storage for final moment and axial force values
finalMstorage = []
finalPstorage = []
# Curvature increments
kappaIncrements = kappay / 10
# Let deformation scenarios be defined by location of zero strain
for i in range(11):
# Location with zero strain
location = i / 10 * h
# Initialize section matrices
us = np.zeros((2, 3))
Ks = np.eye(2)
# Create and recreate the cross-section
theSection = rectangularSection(h, b, n, ['Bilinear', E, fy, alpha])
# Initialize storage for forces and deformations
epsStorage = []
kappaStorage = []
Pstorage = []
Mstorage = []
# Swiftly deal with locations 0 and h, i.e., full compression or tension
if location == 0 or location == h:
# Set incremental section deformations
us[0, 1] = 0
if location == 0:
us[1, 1] = epsy
us[1, 1] = -epsy
# Set total section deformations
us[0, 0] += us[0, 1]
us[1, 0] += us[1, 1]
# State determination
Fs, Ks = theSection.state(us)
# Commit history variables
# Store forces and deformations
kappaStorage.append(us[0, 0])
epsStorage.append(us[1, 0])
# Add curvature gradually, stop when cross-section has zero stiffness
while np.linalg.det(Ks) > 0:
# Set incremental section deformations
us[0, 1] = kappaIncrements
us[1, 1] = kappaIncrements * (h/2 - location)
# Set total section deformations
us[0, 0] += us[0, 1]
us[1, 0] += us[1, 1]
# State determination
Fs, Ks = theSection.state(us)
# Commit history variables
# Store forces and deformations
kappaStorage.append(us[0, 0])
epsStorage.append(us[1, 0])
# Store final moment and axial force values for interaction diagram
# Obtain points on the other side of the interaction diagram, i.e., for opposite sign of moment
for i in range(9):
# Location with zero strain
location = (i+1) / 10 * h
# Initialize section matrices
us = np.zeros((2, 3))
Ks = np.eye(2)
# Create and recreate the cross-section
theSection = rectangularSection(h, b, n, ['Bilinear', E, fy, alpha])
# Initialize storage for forces and deformations
epsStorage = []
kappaStorage = []
Pstorage = []
Mstorage = []
# Add curvature gradually, stop when cross-section has zero stiffness
while np.linalg.det(Ks) > 0:
# Set incremental section deformations
us[0, 1] = -kappaIncrements
us[1, 1] = -kappaIncrements * (h/2 - location)
# Set total section deformations
us[0, 0] += us[0, 1]
us[1, 0] += us[1, 1]
# State determination
Fs, Ks = theSection.state(us)
# Commit history variables
# Store forces and deformations
kappaStorage.append(us[0, 0])
epsStorage.append(us[1, 0])
# Store final moment and axial force values for interaction diagram
# Connect the last point to the first, for the sake of the plot
# Analytical solution
M = []
P = []
granularity = 100
for widthP in np.linspace(h, 0, granularity):
widthM = (h-widthP)/2
for widthP in np.linspace(h/granularity, h, granularity):
widthM = (h-widthP)/2
for widthP in np.linspace(h-h/granularity, 0, granularity):
widthM = (h-widthP)/2
M.append(-widthM*b*fy*(widthP + widthM))
for widthP in np.linspace(h/granularity, h, granularity):
widthM = (h-widthP)/2
M.append(-widthM*b*fy*(widthP + widthM))
# Plot
plt.title('P-M Interaction Diagram')
plt.plot(np.divide(finalMstorage, Mu), np.divide(finalPstorage, Pu), 'bo-', linewidth=1.0, markersize=5, label="From force-deformation curves")
plt.plot(np.divide(M, Mu), np.divide(P, Pu), 'r-', linewidth=1.0, label="Analytical solution")
print('\n'"Click somewhere in the plot to continue...")
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