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Last active February 29, 2020 18:06
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# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# The following Python code is implemented by Professor Terje Haukaas at
# the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, Canada. It is made
# freely available online at together with notes,
# examples, and additional Python code. Please be cautious when using
# this code; it may contain bugs and comes without warranty of any form.
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import terjesfunctions as fcns
from matplotlib.tri import Triangulation, UniformTriRefiner
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
def createRectangle(yLowerLeft, zLowerLeft, width, height):
if width > height:
intervals = round(width / float(height))
forward = np.linspace(yLowerLeft, yLowerLeft+width, intervals+1)
backward = np.linspace(yLowerLeft+width, yLowerLeft, intervals+1)
yValues = np.concatenate((forward, backward))
forward = np.linspace(zLowerLeft, zLowerLeft, intervals+1)
backward = np.linspace(zLowerLeft+height, zLowerLeft+height, intervals+1)
zValues = np.concatenate((forward, backward))
intervals = round(height / float(width))
up = np.linspace(yLowerLeft+width, yLowerLeft+width, intervals+1)
down = np.linspace(yLowerLeft, yLowerLeft, intervals+1)
yValues = np.concatenate((up, down))
up = np.linspace(zLowerLeft, zLowerLeft+height, intervals+1)
down = np.linspace(zLowerLeft+height, zLowerLeft, intervals+1)
zValues = np.concatenate((up, down))
return yValues, zValues
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
refinement = 2
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# INPUT, CONVEX AND NUMBERED COUNTERCLOCKWISE (The last one is used by the code)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
t = 10.0
b = 100.0
h = 200.0
yBottom, zBottom = createRectangle(t/2, -t/2, b-t/2, t)
yMiddle, zMiddle = createRectangle(-t/2, -t/2, t, t)
yWeb, zWeb = createRectangle(-t/2, t/2, t, h+t/2)
y = [yBottom, yMiddle, yWeb]
z = [zBottom, zMiddle, zWeb]
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
ttop = 15.0
tbottom = 15.0
tweb = 15.0
btop = 100.0
bbottom = 150.0
h = 250.0
yBottomLeft, zBottomLeft = createRectangle(-bbottom/2, -tbottom/2, bbottom/2-tweb/2, tbottom)
yBottomRight, zBottomRight = createRectangle(tweb/2, -tbottom/2, bbottom/2-tweb/2, tbottom)
yBottomMiddle, zBottomMiddle = createRectangle(-tweb/2, -tbottom/2, tweb, tbottom)
yWeb, zWeb = createRectangle(-tweb/2, tbottom/2, tweb, h-tbottom/2-ttop/2)
yTopLeft, zTopLeft = createRectangle(-btop/2, h-ttop/2, btop/2-tweb/2, ttop)
yTopRight, zTopRight = createRectangle(tweb/2, h-ttop/2, btop/2-tweb/2, ttop)
yTopMiddle, zTopMiddle = createRectangle(-tweb/2, h-ttop/2, tweb, ttop)
y = [yBottomLeft, yBottomMiddle, yBottomRight, yWeb, yTopLeft, yTopMiddle, yTopRight]
z = [zBottomLeft, zBottomMiddle, zBottomRight, zWeb, zTopLeft, zTopMiddle, zTopRight]
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
b = 500.0
h = 200.0
ttop = 10.0
tbottom = 10.0
tleft = 15.0
tright = 20.0
yBottom, zBottom = createRectangle(tleft/2, -tbottom/2, b-tleft/2-tright/2, tbottom)
yLowerLeft, zLowerLeft = createRectangle(-tleft/2, -tbottom/2, tleft, tbottom)
yLeft, zLeft = createRectangle(-tleft/2, tbottom/2, tleft, h-tbottom/2-ttop/2)
yUpperLeft, zUpperLeft = createRectangle(-tleft/2, h-ttop/2, tleft, ttop)
yTop, zTop = createRectangle(tleft/2, h-ttop/2, b-tleft/2-tright/2, ttop)
yUpperRight, zUpperRight = createRectangle(b-tright/2, h-ttop/2, tright, ttop)
yRight, zRight = createRectangle(b-tright/2, tbottom/2, tright, h-ttop/2-tbottom/2)
yLowerRight, zLowerRight = createRectangle(b-tright/2, -tbottom/2, tright, tbottom)
y = [yBottom, yLowerLeft, yLeft, yUpperLeft, yTop, yUpperRight, yRight, yLowerRight]
z = [zBottom, zLowerLeft, zLeft, zUpperLeft, zTop, zUpperRight, zRight, zLowerRight]
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
b = 100.0
h = 0.5*np.sqrt(3)*b
y = np.array([(-b/2, b/2, 0.0)])
z = np.array([(0.0, 0.0, h)])
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
b = 100.0
h = 200.0
yRect, zRect = createRectangle(0.0, 0.0, b, h)
y = [yRect]
z = [zRect]
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
t = 20.0
b = 80.0
h = 200.0
yBottomRight, zBottomRight = createRectangle(t/2, -t/2, b-t/2, t)
yBottomMiddle, zBottomMiddle = createRectangle(-t/2, -t/2, t, t)
yWeb, zWeb = createRectangle(-t/2, t/2, t, h-t/2-t/2)
yTopRight, zTopRight = createRectangle(t/2, h-t/2, b-t/2, t)
yTopMiddle, zTopMiddle = createRectangle(-t/2, h-t/2, t, t)
y = [yBottomMiddle, yBottomRight, yWeb, yTopMiddle, yTopRight]
z = [zBottomMiddle, zBottomRight, zWeb, zTopMiddle, zTopRight]
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
if len(y) != len(z):
print("ERROR: Inconsistent number of shapes!")
for i in range(len(y)):
if len(y[i]) != len(z[i]):
print("ERROR: Inconsistent number of coordinates!")
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
nodes = []
areas = []
localyCentroid = []
localzCentroid = []
connectivity = []
threeNodes = [0, 0, 0]
A = 0
sumyA = 0
sumzA = 0
sumySquaredA = 0
sumzSquaredA = 0
sumyzA = 0
for i in range(len(y)):
# Create the triangles
triang = Triangulation(y[i], z[i])
refiner = UniformTriRefiner(triang)
newtriang = refiner.refine_triangulation(subdiv=refinement)
# Store nodes and connectivity
for t in newtriang.triangles:
# Triangle vertices
n1 = t[0]
n2 = t[1]
n3 = t[2]
# y-coordinates of vertices
y1 = newtriang.x[n1]
y2 = newtriang.x[n2]
y3 = newtriang.x[n3]
# y-coordinates of vertices
z1 = newtriang.y[n1]
z2 = newtriang.y[n2]
z3 = newtriang.y[n3]
# Centroid
y0 = (y1 + y2 + y3) / 3.0
z0 = (z1 + z2 + z3) / 3.0
# Area
dA = 0.5 * ((y2 - y1) * (z3 - z1) - (y3 - y1) * (z2 - z1))
A += dA
if dA < 0.0:
# First moment of the area about the origin
sumyA += y0 * dA
sumzA += z0 * dA
# Prepare for calculation of the moment of inertia
sumySquaredA += dA / 6.0 * (y1**2 + y2**2 + y3**2 + y1*y2 + y1*y3 + y2*y3)
sumzSquaredA += dA / 6.0 * (z1**2 + z2**2 + z3**2 + z1*z2 + z1*z3 + z2*z3)
# Linear shape functions gave that; constant coordinates value is simpler but less accurate:
#sumySquaredA += y0 ** 2 * dA
#sumzSquaredA += z0 ** 2 * dA
# Prepare for calculation of the product of inertia, using constant coordinate values
sumyzA += y0 * z0 * dA
# Initialize the nodes array, if necessary
if len(nodes) == 0:
nodes.append([y1, z1])
# Store nodal coordinates, if they exist
node1Exists = False
node2Exists = False
node3Exists = False
for j in range(len(nodes)):
if abs((nodes[j])[0]-y1)<1e-9 and abs((nodes[j])[1]-z1)<1e-9:
threeNodes[0] = int(j)
node1Exists = True
if abs((nodes[j])[0]-y2)<1e-9 and abs((nodes[j])[1]-z2)<1e-9:
threeNodes[1] = int(j)
node2Exists = True
if abs((nodes[j])[0]-y3)<1e-9 and abs((nodes[j])[1]-z3)<1e-9:
threeNodes[2] = int(j)
node3Exists = True
# Store NEW nodal coordinates
if node1Exists == False:
nodes.append([y1, z1])
threeNodes[0] = int(len(nodes)-1)
if node2Exists == False:
nodes.append([y2, z2])
threeNodes[1] = int(len(nodes)-1)
if node3Exists == False:
nodes.append([y3, z3])
threeNodes[2] = int(len(nodes)-1)
# Store the connectivity
connectivity.append([threeNodes[0], threeNodes[1], threeNodes[2]])
# Count DOFs and allocate K and F
numDOFsPerNodeInStructure = 1
numDOFsPerNodeInElement = 1
numNodes = len(nodes)
totalNumDOFs = numDOFsPerNodeInStructure * numNodes
Ka = np.zeros((totalNumDOFs, totalNumDOFs))
Fa = np.zeros(totalNumDOFs)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Centroid coordinates
yCentroid = sumyA / A
zCentroid = sumzA / A
# Moments of inertia
Iy = sumzSquaredA - 2.0 * zCentroid * sumzA + zCentroid**2 * A
Iz = sumySquaredA - 2.0 * yCentroid * sumyA + yCentroid**2 * A
# Product of inertia
Iyz = sumyzA + yCentroid * zCentroid * A - zCentroid * sumyA - yCentroid * sumzA
# Apply caution with the principal axes rotation: what if Iy=Iz
thetaPrincipal = 0.0
if np.abs(Iyz) < 1e-3:
thetaPrincipal = 0.0
elif np.abs(Iy-Iz) < 1e-3:
if np.abs(Iyz) < 1e-3:
thetaPrincipal = 0.0
thetaPrincipal = np.sign(Iyz) * 0.25 * np.pi
thetaPrincipal = 0.5 * np.arctan(2.0*Iyz/(Iy-Iz))
# Let counter-clockwise rotation of the system be positive
thetaPrincipal *= -1
# Transform the moments of inertia
IyRotated = 0.5*(Iy+Iz) + 0.5*np.sqrt((Iz-Iy)**2 + 4.0* Iyz**2)
IzRotated = 0.5*(Iy+Iz) - 0.5*np.sqrt((Iz-Iy)**2 + 4.0* Iyz**2)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Shift and rotate axis system to align with centroid and principal axes
if np.abs(thetaPrincipal) > 1e-3:
for i in range(len(nodes)):
yOld = (nodes[i])[0] - yCentroid
zOld = (nodes[i])[1] - zCentroid
(nodes[i])[0] = yOld * np.cos(thetaPrincipal) + zOld * np.sin(thetaPrincipal)
(nodes[i])[1] = -yOld * np.sin(thetaPrincipal) + zOld * np.cos(thetaPrincipal)
storeYcentroid = yCentroid
storeZcentroid = zCentroid
yCentroid = 0.0
zCentroid = 0.0
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
for i in range(len(connectivity)):
# Node numbers
node1 = (connectivity[i])[0]
node2 = (connectivity[i])[1]
node3 = (connectivity[i])[2]
# y-coordinates of vertices
y1 = (nodes[node1])[0] - yCentroid
y2 = (nodes[node2])[0] - yCentroid
y3 = (nodes[node3])[0] - yCentroid
# y-coordinates of vertices
z1 = (nodes[node1])[1] - zCentroid
z2 = (nodes[node2])[1] - zCentroid
z3 = (nodes[node3])[1] - zCentroid
# Coordinates for finite element analysis
z23 = z2-z3
z31 = z3-z1
z12 = z1-z2
y32 = y3-y2
y13 = y1-y3
y21 = y2-y1
# Element stiffness matrix
factor = 1.0/(4.0*areas[i])
k11 = factor * (y32**2 + z23**2)
k22 = factor * (y13**2 + z31**2)
k33 = factor * (y21**2 + z12**2)
k12 = factor * (y13*y32 + z23*z31)
k13 = factor * (y21*y32 + z12*z23)
k23 = factor * (y13*y21 + z12*z31)
Kelement = np.array([(k11, k12, k13),
(k12, k22, k23),
(k13, k23, k33)])
# Element load vector
factor = 1.0/6.0
F1 = factor * ((y1*y32 - z1*z23) + (y2*y32 - z2*z23) + (y3*y32 - z3*z23))
F2 = factor * ((y1*y13 - z1*z31) + (y2*y13 - z2*z31) + (y3*y13 - z3*z31))
F3 = factor * ((y1*y21 - z1*z12) + (y2*y21 - z2*z12) + (y3*y21 - z3*z12))
Felement = np.array([-F1, -F2, -F3])
# Element assembly
nodeList = np.array([node1+1, node2+1, node3+1])
Ka = fcns.assembleStiffnessMatrix(Ka, Kelement, nodeList, numDOFsPerNodeInElement, numDOFsPerNodeInStructure)
Fa = fcns.assembleLoadVector(Fa, Felement, nodeList, numDOFsPerNodeInElement, numDOFsPerNodeInStructure)
# Lock the warping at one node and solve for the others
Ff = Fa[0:totalNumDOFs-1]
for i in range(totalNumDOFs-1):
Ff[i] = Ff[i] - Ka[i, totalNumDOFs-1]
Kf = Ka[0:totalNumDOFs-1, 0:totalNumDOFs-1]
uf = np.linalg.solve(Kf, Ff)
ua = np.append(uf, 1.0)
# Determine shear centre coordinates
warpIntegral = 0
yscIntegral = 0
zscIntegral = 0
for i in range(len(connectivity)):
# Node numbers
node1 = (connectivity[i])[0]
node2 = (connectivity[i])[1]
node3 = (connectivity[i])[2]
# y-coordinates of vertices
y1 = (nodes[node1])[0] - yCentroid
y2 = (nodes[node2])[0] - yCentroid
y3 = (nodes[node3])[0] - yCentroid
# y-coordinates of vertices
z1 = (nodes[node1])[1] - zCentroid
z2 = (nodes[node2])[1] - zCentroid
z3 = (nodes[node3])[1] - zCentroid
# Warping values
u1 = ua[node1]
u2 = ua[node2]
u3 = ua[node3]
# Accumulate integrals needed to get final omega diagram
warpIntegral += (u1+u2+u3)/3.0 * areas[i]
yscIntegral += areas[i]/12.0*(u1*(2*z1+z2+z3) + u2*(z1+2*z2+z3) + u3*(z1+z2+2*z3))
zscIntegral += areas[i]/12.0*(u1*(2*y1+y2+y3) + u2*(y1+2*y2+y3) + u3*(y1+y2+2*y3))
# Normalizing constant and shear centre coordinates
normalizingConstant = -warpIntegral / A
if np.abs(thetaPrincipal) > 1e-3:
ysc = -yscIntegral / IyRotated
zsc = zscIntegral / IzRotated
ysc = -yscIntegral / Iy
zsc = zscIntegral / Iz
# Final warping diagram
finalWarp = []
for i in range(totalNumDOFs):
yValue = (nodes[i])[0]
zValue = (nodes[i])[1]
finalWarp.append(ua[i] + normalizingConstant + ysc*(zValue-zCentroid) - zsc*(yValue-yCentroid))
# Shear centre coordinates in original axis system
ysc = yCentroid + ysc
zsc = zCentroid + zsc
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Cw = 0
J = 0
for i in range(len(connectivity)):
# Node numbers
node1 = (connectivity[i])[0]
node2 = (connectivity[i])[1]
node3 = (connectivity[i])[2]
# y-coordinates of vertices
y1 = (nodes[node1])[0] - yCentroid
y2 = (nodes[node2])[0] - yCentroid
y3 = (nodes[node3])[0] - yCentroid
# y-coordinates of vertices
z1 = (nodes[node1])[1] - zCentroid
z2 = (nodes[node2])[1] - zCentroid
z3 = (nodes[node3])[1] - zCentroid
# Coordinates for finite element analysis
z23 = z2-z3
z31 = z3-z1
z12 = z1-z2
y32 = y3-y2
y13 = y1-y3
y21 = y2-y1
# Warping values
u1 = finalWarp[node1]
u2 = finalWarp[node2]
u3 = finalWarp[node3]
# Warping constant
dA = areas[i]
Cw += dA / 6.0 * (u1**2 + u2**2 + u3**2 + u1*u2 + u1*u3 + u2*u3)
# St. Venant constant
Czeta1 = (u2 * y1 * y13 + u3 * y1 * y21 + u1 * y1 * y32 - u3 * z1 * z12 - u1 * z1 * z23 - u2 * z1 * z31)/(2*dA)
Czeta2 = (u2 * y13 * y2 + u3 * y2 * y21 + u1 * y2 * y32 - u3 * z12 * z2 - u1 * z2 * z23 - u2 * z2 * z31)/(2*dA)
Czeta3 = (u2 * y13 * y3 + u3 * y21 * y3 + u1 * y3 * y32 - u3 * z12 * z3 - u1 * z23 * z3 - u2 * z3 * z31)/(2*dA)
Czeta12 = 2 * y1 * y2 + 2 * z1 * z2
Czeta13 = 2 * y1 * y3 + 2 * z1 * z3
Czeta23 = 2 * y2 * y3 + 2 * z2 * z3
Czeta1s = y1**2 + z1**2
Czeta2s = y2**2 + z2**2
Czeta3s = y3**2 + z3**2
J += (Czeta1+Czeta2+Czeta3)*dA/3.0 + (Czeta12+Czeta13+Czeta23)*dA/12.0 + (Czeta1s+Czeta2s+Czeta3s)*dA/6.0
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
if np.abs(thetaPrincipal) > 1e-3:
yCentroid = storeYcentroid
zCentroid = storeZcentroid
yscOff = ysc
zscOff = zsc
ysc = yscOff * np.cos(thetaPrincipal) - zscOff * np.sin(thetaPrincipal) + yCentroid
zsc = yscOff * np.sin(thetaPrincipal) + zscOff * np.cos(thetaPrincipal) + zCentroid
for i in range(len(nodes)):
yOld = (nodes[i])[0]
zOld = (nodes[i])[1]
(nodes[i])[0] = yOld * np.cos(thetaPrincipal) - zOld * np.sin(thetaPrincipal) + yCentroid
(nodes[i])[1] = yOld * np.sin(thetaPrincipal) + zOld * np.cos(thetaPrincipal) + zCentroid
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
print('\n'"Area:", A)
print('\n'"Centroid y-coordinate: %.2f" % yCentroid)
print('\n'"Centroid z-coordinate: %.2f" % zCentroid)
print('\n'"Moment of inertia Iy: %.2f" % Iy)
print('\n'"Moment of inertia Iz: %.2f" % Iz)
if np.abs(thetaPrincipal) > 1e-3:
print('\n'"Principal axis rotation (degrees): %.2f" % (thetaPrincipal/np.pi*180.0))
print('\n'"Product of inertia Iyz: %.2f" % Iyz)
print('\n'"New principal moment of inertia Iy: %.2f" % IyRotated)
print('\n'"New principal moment of inertia Iz: %.2f" % IzRotated)
print('\n'"Shear centre y-coordinate in original coordinate system: %.2f" % ysc)
print('\n'"Shear centre z-coordinate in original coordinate system: %.2f" % zsc)
print('\n'"Shear centre y-coordinate: %.2f" % ysc)
print('\n'"Shear centre z-coordinate: %.2f" % zsc)
print('\n'"St. Venant torsion constant J: %.2f" % J)
print('\n'"Warping torsion constant Cw: %.2f" % Cw)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Determine warping bounds
maxWarp = np.amax(finalWarp)
minWarp = np.amin(finalWarp)
# Plot the edges of the triangles
alreadyPlotted = []
for i in range(len(connectivity)):
# Node numbers
node1 = (connectivity[i])[0]
node2 = (connectivity[i])[1]
node3 = (connectivity[i])[2]
# y-coordinates of vertices
y1 = (nodes[node1])[0]
y2 = (nodes[node2])[0]
y3 = (nodes[node3])[0]
# y-coordinates of vertices
z1 = (nodes[node1])[1]
z2 = (nodes[node2])[1]
z3 = (nodes[node3])[1]
# Warping value at nodes
warp1 = finalWarp[node1]
warp2 = finalWarp[node2]
warp3 = finalWarp[node3]
# Plot first edge
if [node1, node2] not in alreadyPlotted:
warpAverage = (warp1+warp2)/2.0
colorCode = (warpAverage - minWarp) / (maxWarp - minWarp)
plt.plot(np.array([y1, y2]), np.array([z1, z2]), color=(colorCode, 0, 1-colorCode), zorder=1)
alreadyPlotted.append([node1, node2])
# Plot second edge
if [node1, node3] not in alreadyPlotted:
warpAverage = (warp1+warp3)/2.0
colorCode = (warpAverage - minWarp) / (maxWarp - minWarp)
plt.plot(np.array([y1, y3]), np.array([z1, z3]), color=(colorCode, 0, 1-colorCode), zorder=1)
alreadyPlotted.append([node1, node3])
# Plot third edge
if [node2, node3] not in alreadyPlotted:
warpAverage = (warp2+warp3)/2.0
colorCode = (warpAverage - minWarp) / (maxWarp - minWarp)
plt.plot(np.array([y2, y3]), np.array([z2, z3]), color=(colorCode, 0, 1-colorCode), zorder=1)
alreadyPlotted.append([node2, node3])
# Create the plot
max = 0
min = 0
for i in range(len(y)):
theMax = np.max(y[i])
theMin = np.min(y[i])
if theMax > max:
max = theMax
if theMin < min:
min = theMin
for i in range(len(z)):
theMax = np.max(z[i])
theMin = np.min(z[i])
if theMax > max:
max = theMax
if theMin < min:
min = theMin
yMin = min - (max-min)*0.4
border = (max - min) * 0.1
plt.plot(np.array([yCentroid, max+border]), np.array([zCentroid, zCentroid+(np.abs(max)+border-yCentroid)*np.tan(thetaPrincipal)]), 'k-',linewidth=1.0)
plt.plot(np.array([yCentroid, yMin-border]), np.array([zCentroid, zCentroid-(np.abs(yMin)+border+yCentroid)*np.tan(thetaPrincipal)]), 'k-',linewidth=1.0)
plt.plot(np.array([yCentroid, yCentroid-(np.abs(max)+border-zCentroid)*np.tan(thetaPrincipal)]), np.array([zCentroid, max+border]), 'k-',linewidth=1.0)
plt.plot(np.array([yCentroid, yCentroid+(np.abs(min)+border+zCentroid)*np.tan(thetaPrincipal)]), np.array([zCentroid, min-border]), 'k-',linewidth=1.0)
plt.scatter([yCentroid], [zCentroid], s=100, c='k', marker='o', zorder=2)
plt.scatter([ysc], [zsc], s=100, c='k', marker='o', zorder=2)
plt.axis([yMin-border, max+border, min-border, max+border])
plt.title("Centroid + Shear Centre + Warping")
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