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Created August 30, 2012 19:41
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Fix Safari bug with [radio input with no form].cloneNode()
<div id="test3">
test1 :
<input id="test1" type="radio" name="test" checked />
test 2:
<input type="radio" name="test" />
<button id="test">test</button>
<input type="radio" name="test" checked />
test.onclick = function() {
/** @license Safari input[type=radio].cloneNode fix | MIT License | */
// ==ClosureCompiler==
// @output_file_name safariRadioInputCloneNodeFix.min.js
// @compilation_level ADVANCED_OPTIMIZATIONS
// ==/ClosureCompiler==
/** @type {(Node|Function)} */
var test_and_bugfix;
test_and_bugfix = document.createElement("div");
test_and_bugfix.innerHTML = "<input type=radio checked name=t_e>";
if(test_and_bugfix.firstChild.checked === false) {
* @param {(Array.<Node>|Node|NodeList)} inputs
* @param {boolean=} stop
test_and_bugfix = function(inputs, stop) {
if(!inputs || inputs.length === 0)return [];
var result = []
, i = 0
, input =
inputs["length"] !== void 0 ?//isArray
inputs[i] :
, originalChecked
, inputName
, _document
do {
inputName =;
if(input.form !== null && !inputName || input["__originalChecked__"] !== void 0)continue;
if(originalChecked = input.checked) {
input["__originalChecked__"] = originalChecked;
if(!stop) {
_document = input.ownerDocument;
if(_document) {
result = result.concat(test_and_bugfix(_document.querySelectorAll("input[type=radio][name=\"" + inputName + "\"]:checked"), true));
while(input = inputs[++i]);
return result;
var _Node_cloneNode_ = Node.prototype.cloneNode;
Node.prototype.cloneNode = function(deep) {
var result
, inputs
, input
, tmp
if((this.nodeName || "").toLowerCase() == "input" && this.type === "radio" && (name = {
inputs = test_and_bugfix(this);
else if(deep) {
inputs = test_and_bugfix(this.querySelectorAll("input[type=radio][name]"));
result =, deep);
if(inputs)while(input = inputs.pop()) {
if(tmp = input["__originalChecked__"]) {
input.checked = tmp;
delete input["__originalChecked__"];
return result;
/** Safari input[type=radio].cloneNode fix | MIT License | */
;(function() {"use strict";
var d;d=document.createElement("div");d.innerHTML="<input type=radio checked name=t_e>";d.cloneNode(!0);
if(!1===d.firstChild.checked){d=function(a,e){if(!a||0===a.length)return[];var c=[],f=0,b=void 0!==a.length?a[f]:a,h,g;do if(,!(null!==b.form&&!g||void 0!==b.__originalChecked__)){if(h=b.checked)b.__originalChecked__=h,c.push(b);e||(b=b.ownerDocument)&&(c=c.concat(d(b.querySelectorAll('input[type=radio][name="'+g+'"]:checked'),!0)))}while(b=a[++f]);return c};var i=Node.prototype.cloneNode;Node.prototype.cloneNode=function(a){var e,c,f;"input"==(this.nodeName||"").toLowerCase()&&"radio"===
this.type&&("input[type=radio][name]")));,a);if(e)for(;c=e.pop();)if(f=c.__originalChecked__)c.checked=f,delete c.__originalChecked__;return a}};
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