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Created January 22, 2013 19:03
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Chattime With Termie
10:27 < Hyptosis> man
10:27 < Hyptosis> this software is an iso
10:28 < Hyptosis> I've never gotten an iso to work, not once
10:28 < Hyptosis> but it's the only copy
10:29 < mey> I remember, back at my high school lans, we almost used nothing but iso files to distribute games to play.
10:29 <termie> i can't think of the last time an iso didn't work
10:30 < mey> How are you trying to use them, Hyptosis?
10:31 <termie> they are non-edible, so don't put em in your mouth
10:31 < Hyptosis> I've tried burning them to a disk, but it just wastes the disc
10:31 < Hyptosis> it doesn't do anything
10:31 < Hyptosis> I'm reading a tutorial now
10:31 <termie> try double clicking
10:31 < Hyptosis> ...
10:31 < Triplefox> i always use iso files with a virtual disk now
10:31 < Triplefox> for win7, it's "magicISO"
10:32 < mey> That's what we did. Daemon Tools back in the day, but I think MS actually provides an ISO mounter now.
10:32 < Hyptosis> Triplefox, I'll try that, thanks!
10:32 < Triplefox> yeah it depends on some stuff like how it was written/copyprotected i think
10:32 <termie> does windows not provide an iso mounter? it's fucking default tech on everything else
10:32 < mey> It doesn't by default.
10:33 < Enno\work> imvu ops has a device that's basically an external HD, but it has a small LCD display and buttons, and can present itself as a USB DVD drive to your computer
10:33 < Enno\work> with the iso of your choice.
10:33 < Enno\work> it is magical.
10:33 < Hyptosis> okay yeah
10:33 < tulokyn> enno: that does sound magical
10:33 < Hyptosis> I havn't done it in a long time
10:33 < Hyptosis> this seems to be going smooth so far
10:33 < Hyptosis> we'll see
10:33 < Enno\work> so you dump a ton of ISOs on it, pick the one you need from the LCD display, plug that into your PC, and boot from it.
10:33 <termie> wow, that's a lot of work for what is double-click on linux or osx
10:33 < Hyptosis> enno that is magical
10:34 <termie> that's like saying "just pxe boot it"
10:34 < Enno\work> termie: this is great for installing a fresh system from a disk.
10:34 < Enno\work> yes, because "just" is exactly what PXE booting is like.
10:35 < Hyptosis> okay my dvds are too small
10:35 < Hyptosis> so lets try magicISO
10:35 <termie> Enno\work: aye, but if you are just installing software i am surprised you can't just mount the file
10:40 < Hyptosis> Am I supposed to just be able to run setup out of magic ISO?
10:41 < Hyptosis> hrmm, extract, let's try that
10:42 < Hyptosis> that didn't work either, lol
10:43 < chris> pxe here works pretty awesomely
10:44 < Hyptosis> I'll try that, this magicISO is cleary shit
10:44 < Hyptosis> or this iso is
10:44 < chris> pxe is kind of a massive thing, not really what you want
10:44 < chris> if you're just mounting an iso
10:44 < Hyptosis> oh
10:44 < Triplefox> yeah um i forgot what i did, i just remember i used magicISO because Daemon Tools crashed on win7
10:44 < Hyptosis> I don't understand why shit can't just work
10:45 < Hyptosis> everythign has to be a fucking battle
10:45 <termie> it _does_ just work everywhere else
10:45 < chris> on linux/osx yeah you just mount the iso no problem
10:45 < chris> windows for some reason has never really done this
10:45 <termie> you can't just shake the heads of dead animals at it, hyptosis, computers don't work like that
10:45 < Hyptosis> termie, I don't have linux, and never will, and I'll die befor eI own a mac, so drop it
10:45 < Hyptosis> Who the fuck are you?
10:46 < chris> I don't understand why isos are so hard on windows
10:46 < Tene> when I've been on windows, I've used daemontools for that.
10:46 < chris> I suspect it's a conscious decision due to piracy complaints
10:46 < Hyptosis> I'll just find a larger dvd and burn it the old fashioned way
10:46 < Hyptosis> thanks for the help though dudes
10:47 < chris> so daemontools doesn't work anymore?
10:47 <termie> the oracle solution
10:47 < chris> I liked daemontools
10:47 < Triplefox> oh and you should try rebooting because those programs have to install drivers
10:47 < Hyptosis> I need this software for work but I"m not/can't drop thousands for it
10:47 < Triplefox> when win7 came out dtools like bluescreened on it
10:47 < Tene> -- daemontools lite
10:47 < Hyptosis> Triplefox OH, wonder if that was the problem?
10:47 < Triplefox> it's probably fixed now though
10:48 < Triplefox> yeah it's worth trying a reboot before you give up...classic windows fix for everything
10:51 < Hyptosis> yeah, you rock dude
10:51 < Triplefox> :3
10:52 <termie> i bet on win8 you could just double click
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