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Last active March 26, 2019 09:27
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module Transaction = struct
type t = tx_signed
module KEY = struct
type t = tx_signed
let compare a b =
(* TODO move implementation here *)
let is_valid ~tx = false
let make ~sender ~receiver ~amount =
let nonce = (Address.Ledger.get sender).nonce in
let data = {sender; receiver; amount; nonce} in
(* TODO sign tx data *)
{signature = ""; data}
module Pool = struct
module TxSet = Set.Make (KEY)
let data = ref TxSet.empty
let add ~tx =
match is_valid ~tx with
| false -> ()
| true -> data := TxSet.add tx !data
let remove ~tx = data := TxSet.remove tx !data
let mem ~tx = TxSet.mem tx !data
let elements = TxSet.elements !data
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