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Last active January 2, 2016 12:58
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ActiveRecord to_a madness

Same console, same codebase, different database connections. Result: different object types returned.

Example classes

class User < ActiveRecord::Base

class Series < ActiveRecord::Base
   establish_connection postgres_database_hash

With a MySQL connection: Array of arrays

> User.connection.execute('SELECT * from users limit 2').to_a
   (211.0ms)  SELECT * from users limit 2
 => [[1, "jmetta", ""], [2, "johnmetta", ""]]

With a Postgres connection: Array of hashes

 > Series.connection.execute('SELECT * from series limit 2').to_a
    (107.1ms)  SELECT * from series limit 2
  => [{"id"=>"29", "enr_id"=>"114118", "ent_id"=>"164",}, {"id"=>"30", "enr_id"=>"114110", "ent_id"=>"164"}]

In short: WTH, ActiveRecord?

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