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Last active December 19, 2015 10:38
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Journal for OpenStack Ceilometer work -- 5 Jul 2013

5 Jul 2013

Bug I posted on Launchpad about GnomeKeyring errors when installing Devstack

Pulled new changes and ran tests

  • Pulled down new changes in /opt/stack/ceilometer with git pull origin master

  • Rebuilt test environment but got error message about

    ceilometer.conf.sample is not up to date, please run 
  • Had to run $ ./tools/conf/, then the command

    $ tox -r -e py27,pep8

    works and all tests pass -- yay!

How to run a single test

  • By trial and error, it seems like you can run a single test by doing something like

    $ tox -e py27 --
  • Interestingly enough if I do this command

    $ tox -e py27 --

    It matches all the tests that start with test_get_meters, so it runs test_get_meters, test_get_meters_by_user, test_get_meters_by_project, test_get_meters_by_metaquery, test_get_meters_by_empty metaquery

The bug I'm working on

  • jd wants me to focus on this bug "unable to sort data with MongoDB":

  • Notice there are already some compound indexes for MongoDB in ceilometer/storage/

    for primary in ['user_id', 'project_id']:
            (primary, pymongo.ASCENDING),
            ('source', pymongo.ASCENDING),
        ], name='resource_idx')
            ('resource_id', pymongo.ASCENDING),
            (primary, pymongo.ASCENDING),
            ('counter_name', pymongo.ASCENDING),
            ('timestamp', pymongo.ASCENDING),
            ('source', pymongo.ASCENDING),
        ], name='meter_idx')
  • My guess on how to fix the bug: add a simple index only for descending time stamps in class Connection of the file ceilometer/storage/, something like

    self.db.meter.ensure_index(('timestamp', pymongo.DESCENDING))
  • But first I want to reproduce the error jd mentioned in the bug report

    OperationFailure: database error: too much data for sort() with no index. add an index or specify a smaller limit
  • Made test set 1000 times larger by hacking tests/storage/ with a line

    timestamps_for_test_samples_default_order = timestamps_for_test_samples_default_order*1000

    then ran a single test with the command

    $ tox -e py27 --

    The runtime was 1510 seconds.

  • Also created a test that only gets the samples and doesn't check time order

    def test_get_samples_index(self):
        f = storage.SampleFilter()
        results = list(self.conn.get_samples(f))

    then I ran the test

    $ tox -e py27 --

    and the run time was 1468 sec, not much faster. So very little time is spent checking the time ordering of the samples.

  • I then tried increasing the database size by an order of magnitude:

    timestamps_for_test_samples_default_order = timestamps_for_test_samples_default_order*10000

    but the test takes forever to run. There was no result after 12 hours, so I stopped the test with a keyboard interrupt.

  • If I try a ridiculously large database size

    timestamps_for_test_samples_default_order = timestamps_for_test_samples_default_order*10000000

    Python throws a MemoryError probably because the list is too large for memory.

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