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Last active June 12, 2022 02:20
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Build Creator - Step 2 - Counter API
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
// A counter app shows how to expose state mutate APIs. Simple and no magic.
// counter_logic.dart
// Hide the creator with file level private variable.
final _counter = Creator((ref, self) => 0);
// Expose the state related APIs.
int counter(Ref ref, Creator watcher) =>, watcher);
void increment(Ref ref) => ref.update<int>(_counter, (n) => n + 1);
void decrement(Ref ref) => ref.update<int>(_counter, (n) => n - 1);
// main.dart
void main() {
runApp(CreatorGraph(child: const MyApp()));
class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {
const MyApp({Key? key}) : super(key: key);
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return MaterialApp(
home: Scaffold(
appBar: AppBar(title: const Text('Counter example')),
body: Center(
child: Column(
children: [
Watcher((context, ref, self) {
return Text('${counter(ref, self)}');
children: [
onPressed: () => increment(context.ref),
child: const Text('+1'),
onPressed: () => decrement(context.ref),
child: const Text('-1'),
// -------------------------- Creator Library ----------------------------------
/// Creator creates a stream of T.
class Creator<T> {
const Creator(this.create);
final T Function(Ref ref, Creator<T> self) create;
Element<T> _createElement(Ref ref) => Element<T>(ref, this);
// Element holds the state for creator.
class Element<T> {
Element(this.ref, this.creator) : state = creator.create(ref, creator);
final Ref ref;
final Creator<T> creator;
T state;
void recreate() {
final newState = creator.create(ref, creator);
if (newState != state) {
state = newState;
/// Ref holds the creator states and dependencies.
class Ref {
/// Elements which hold state.
final Map<Creator, Element> _elements = {};
/// Dependency graph. Think this as a directional graph.
/// A -> [B, C] means if A changes, B and C need change too.
final Map<Creator, Set<Creator>> _graph = {};
/// Get or create an element for creator.
Element _element<T>(Creator creator) =>
_elements.putIfAbsent(creator, () => creator._createElement(this));
/// Add an edge creator -> watcher to the graph, then return creator's state.
T watch<T>(Creator<T> creator, Creator? watcher) {
if (watcher != null) {
(_graph[creator] ??= {}).add(watcher);
return _element<T>(creator).state;
/// Set state of the creator.
void set<T>(Creator<T> creator, T state) {
final element = _element<T>(creator);
if (state != element.state) {
element.state = state;
/// Set state of creator using an update function. See [set].
void update<T>(Creator<T> creator, T Function(T) update) =>
set<T>(creator, update(_element(creator).state));
/// Force creator to recreate its state.
void recreate(Creator creator) {
/// Delete the creator if it has no watcher. Also delete other creators who
/// loses all their watchers.
void dispose(Creator creator) {
if ((_graph[creator] ?? {}).isNotEmpty) {
return; // The creator is being watched by someone, cannot dispose it.
for (final c in _elements.keys.toSet()) {
if ((_graph[c] ?? {}).contains(creator)) {
dispose(c); // Dispose c if creator is the only watcher of c.
/// Propagate state changes.
void _onStateChange(Creator creator) {
for (final c in _graph[creator] ?? {}) {
/// CreatorGraph simply expose Ref through context.
class CreatorGraph extends InheritedWidget {
CreatorGraph({Key? key, required Widget child})
: super(key: key, child: child);
final Ref ref = Ref();
static CreatorGraph of(BuildContext context) =>
bool updateShouldNotify(CreatorGraph oldWidget) => ref != oldWidget.ref;
extension ContextRef on BuildContext {
Ref get ref => CreatorGraph.of(this).ref;
/// Watch creators to build a widget or to perform other action.
class Watcher extends StatefulWidget {
const Watcher(this.builder, {Key? key}) : super(key: key);
/// Allows watching creators to populate a widget.
final Widget Function(BuildContext context, Ref ref, Creator self)? builder;
State<Watcher> createState() => _WatcherState();
class _WatcherState extends State<Watcher> {
late Creator<Widget> builder;
late Ref ref;
void didChangeDependencies() {
ref = CreatorGraph.of(context).ref; // Save ref to use in dispose.
builder = Creator((ref, self) {
setState(() {});
return widget.builder!(context, ref, self);
void dispose() {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return, null);
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