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Last active March 15, 2016 15:22
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# #
# This script works in conjunction with a XBOXAPI.COM account. #
# You must create a XBOXAPI.COM account in order to use it. #
# #
# You do not need the paid subscription unless you intend #
# to perform more than 120 API Requests an hour #
# #
# The information you need from the account is: #
# -XboxAPI API Key #
# -XBOX Profile User ID #
# #
# The information can be found on #
# #
Function Set-FileTimeStamps{
Param (
[datetime]$date = (Get-Date))
Get-ChildItem -Path $path |
ForEach-Object {
$_.CreationTime = $date
$_.LastAccessTime = $date
$_.LastWriteTime = $date
# Get the information from
## Replace ######################## with your XboxAPI API Key
## Replace @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ with your XBOX Profile User ID
$GameClips=(invoke-webrequest -Headers @{"X-AUTH" = "$APIKey"}$profileID/game-clips)
$SavedClips=(invoke-webrequest -Headers @{"X-AUTH" = "$APIKey"}$profileID/game-clips/saved)
# Replace "Z:\XBox One Games" with your folder location
$gameVidSaveLocation="Z:\XBox One Games_Hoov"
# Convert the information to usable form
$GCcontent=$GameClips.content | convertfrom-json
$SCcontent=$SavedClips.content | convertfrom-json
$AllContent=$($GCcontent + $SCContent) | select -Unique *
# Process each clip record recieved
foreach($clip in $AllContent){
# Store the game name
# Store the date and time the clip was recorded
# Convert the date and time the clip was recorded to usable form
## Change this as you need to fix the timestamp ( you can change the name of the variable, just make sure it is updated though the rest of the script ), change the -5 to whatever is needed
# Convert the date and time variable to format for use in file name
$recordedWhen=get-date $recordedWhenEST -Format ""
# Store thumbnail information in variable
# Store the uri of the small and large thumnails into variables
$smallThumnbnailuri=($thumbnails | where {$_.thumbnailType -eq "Small"}).uri
$largeThumnbnailuri=($thumbnails | where {$_.thumbnailType -eq "Large"}).uri
$videoUris=$clip.gameClipUris | where {$_.uri -like "*mp4*"}
# Store the video URI into a variable
# Store the video size into a variable
## Not currently used in the script, but could be used for logging or reporting functions if added to the script
# Convert the size of the video to Megabytes
## Not currently used in the script, but could be used for logging or reporting functions if added to the script
# Store a short name of the game into a variable, currently only configrued for Halo. If not halo, short name is "Xbox One Game"
if($game -eq "Halo 5: Guardians"){
elseif($game -eq "Destiny"){
elseif($game -eq "TOM CLANCY'S THE DIVISION BETA"){
elseif($game -eq "Halo: The Master Chief Collection"){
elseif($game -eq "Assassin's Creed IV Black Flag"){
elseif($game -eq "Destiny Beta"){
elseif($game -eq "Titanfall"){
elseif($game -eq "Battlefield 4"){
$gameShort="Xbox One Game"
# Store the folder path the games will be saved
# Specify the filenames for the files to be downlaoded
$vidFileName = "$gameShort`_$recordedwhen.mp4"
$stFileName = "$gameShort`_smallThumbnail_$recordedwhen.png"
$ltFileName = "$gameShort`_largeThumbnail_$recordedwhen.png"
# Specify the full path name for the files to be downloaded
# Check to see if the folder path where the games will be saved exists. If it does not, create it.
if(Test-Path $folderPath){
#do nothing, the folder exists
new-item -path $folderPath -ItemType directory
# Check to see if the clip being processed has already had the thumnails and clip downloaded. If any one of the 3 files has not been downlaoded, downlaod and replace
if((Test-Path $vidSaveLocation) -and (Test-Path $stSaveLocation) -and (Test-Path $ltSaveLocation)){
#do nothing, the fileset was already downloaded
# Download the video clip, set the timestamps on the video clip to the actual time it was recorded
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "$videoUri" -OutFile "$vidSaveLocation"
Set-FileTimeStamps -path "$vidSaveLocation" -date "$recordedWhenEST"
# Download the video clip, set the timestamps on the video clip to the actual time it was recorded
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "$smallThumnbnailuri" -OutFile "$stSaveLocation"
Set-FileTimeStamps -path "$stSaveLocation" -date "$recordedWhenEST"
# Download the video clip, set the timestamps on the video clip to the actual time it was recorded
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "$largeThumnbnailuri" -OutFile "$ltSaveLocation"
Set-FileTimeStamps -path "$ltSaveLocation" -date "$recordedWhenEST"
$allClipNames+=$c | select @{label="FileName";expression={$vidFileName}},@{label="RecordedWhen";expression={$recordedWhenEST}}
$allClipNames+=$c | select @{label="FileName";expression={$stFileName}},@{label="RecordedWhen";expression={$recordedWhenEST}}
$allClipNames+=$c | select @{label="FileName";expression={$ltFileName}},@{label="RecordedWhen";expression={$recordedWhenEST}}
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