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Created August 31, 2011 17:17
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# - Install and configure IE Application Compatibility images in VirtualBox
# Some parts from:
## Prerequisites:
# - VirtualBox 4.0+
# - unrar (`brew install unrar`)
# - 7zip (`brew install 7zip`)
## Instructions:
# 1. Download the desired image from
# 2. Download Intel network adapter drivers from
function die() {
echo $@
exit 1
USAGE="Usage: $0 <MS .exe file> <Intel driver .exe file>"
[ -z "$exe_file" ] && die $USAGE
[ -z "$drv_file" ] && die $USAGE
os_ver=`echo $exe_file | awk -F_ '{ print $2 }'`
ie_ver=`echo $exe_file | awk -F_ '{ print $3 }' | sed -E 's/IE([0-9]+).*/\1/'`
vbox_name="Windows $os_ver + IE $ie_ver"
echo "Working on $exe_file (IE $ie_ver)..."
# Find the vhd file
vhd_file=`unrar l $exe_file | awk '/.vhd/' | sed -E 's/ *(.*\.vhd).*/\1/'`
[ -z "$vhd_file" ] && die "Couldn't find the vhd file ($vhd_file)"
echo "Found vhd file: $vhd_file"
# Create the drive dir
echo "mkdir $vhd_dst"
[ -d $vhd_dst ] || mkdir $vhd_dst || die "Couldn't create $vhd_dst"
echo "vhd: $vhd"
# Unzip the disk image
if [ -e "$vhd" ] ; then
echo "VHD already extracted: $vhd_file"
echo "Extracting..."
nice unrar e "$exe_file" "$vhd_file" "$vhd_dst" || die "Couldn't extract $vhd_file from $exe_file"
echo "done."
echo "--- Convert image"
vdi="`echo $vhd | sed -e 's/\.vhd$/.vdi/'`"
VBoxManage clonehd --format VDI "$vhd" "$vdi"
# Create the VirtualBox VM
echo "--- Create virtual machine"
VBoxManage createvm --name "$vbox_name" --register --ostype "WindowsXP" \
|| die "Error creating virtual machine"
echo "--- Mount storage"
VBoxManage storagectl "$vbox_name" --name "IDE Controller" --add ide --bootable on
echo "--- Update virtual machine"
VBoxManage modifyvm "$vbox_name" \
--memory 512 --vram 32 --hwvirtex on --ioapic on --nic1 nat --nictype1 82540EM \
--hda "$vdi" || die "Error modifying vm"
# All the IE images have the same UUID so need to fix before registering
# This would be the easiest, but it doesn't work. Knows bug in VBox
echo "--- Change uuid"
#VBoxManage internalcommands setvdiuuid "$vhd_file" || die "Error changing VDI UUID"
#VBoxManage internalcommands sethduuid "$vhd" || die "Error changing HD UUID"
echo "--- Create driver CD"
drv_cdr="$(basename $drv_file .exe).cdr"
drv_iso="$(basename $drv_file .exe).iso"
7z x -o$drv_dir $drv_file
hdiutil create -srcfolder $drv_dir -format UDTO $drv_cdr
hdiutil makehybrid -iso -joliet -o $drv_iso $drv_cdr
echo "--- Mount driver CD"
VBoxManage storageattach "$vbox_name" --name "IDE Controller" --port 0 --device 1 \
--type dvddrive --medium "$drv_iso"
echo "--- Cleanup"
rm -rf "$vhd" "$drv_cdr" "$drv_dir"
echo "---------"
echo "Remember to boot into safe mode F8 then in dos command:"
echo " cd \WINDOWS\system32\drivers"
echo " ren processr.sys processr.old"
echo "Once rebooted install vboxadditions then run"
echo " D:\VBoxWindowsAdditions-x86.exe /extract /D=C:\Drivers"
echo "To avoid popups:"
echo " * Start > Administrative Tools > Computer Management"
echo " * Select Device Manager."
echo " * Select Batteries, Unknown Device -> Disable"
echo " * Select Network Adapters, Ethernet Controller -> Update Driver"
echo " * Select Yes, now and every time, click Next"
echo " * Select Install from a list or specific location, click Next"
echo " * Enter location 'C:\Drivers\x86\Network\AMD'"
echo " * Click Finish"
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