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Created July 6, 2023 02:28
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# fivethirty eight color palette
# タナカケンタ (鶴見教育工学研究所)
# ggthemesパッケージで提供されているパレットが3色しかないため、Pythonのmatplotlibのstyle sheetから借用して6色に
# パレットの作り方は以下を参考にした
fivethirtyeight_color <- function(...) {
fivethirtyeight_colors <- c(
`blue` = "#008fd5",
`red` = "#fc4f30",
`yellow` = "#e5ae38",
`green` = "#6d904f",
`gray` = "#8b8b8b",
`purple` = "#810f7c")
cols <- c(...)
if (is.null(cols))
return (fivethirtyeight_colors)
fivethirtyeight_palette <- function(palette = "main", ...) {
fivethirtyeight_palettes <- list(
`main` = fivethirtyeight_color("blue", "red", "yellow", "green", "gray", "purple"),
`highlight` = fivethirtyeight_color("red", "gray")
palette_gen <- function(palette = "main", direction = 1) {
function(n) {
if (n > length(fivethirtyeight_palette(palette)))
warning("Not enough colors in this palette!")
else {
all_colors <- fivethirtyeight_palette(palette)
all_colors <- unname(unlist(all_colors))
all_colors <- if (direction >= 0) all_colors else rev(all_colors)
color_list <- all_colors[1:n]
palette_gen_c <- function(palette = "main", direction = 1, ...) {
pal <- fivethirtyeight_palette(palette)
pal <- if (direction >= 0) pal else rev(pal)
colorRampPalette(pal, ...)
scale_fill_fivethirtyeight <- function(palette = "main", direction = 1, ...) {
"fill", "fivethirtyeight",
palette_gen(palette, direction),
scale_colour_fivethirtyeight <- function(palette = "main", direction = 1, ...) {
"colour", "fivethirtyeight",
palette_gen(palette, direction),
scale_color_fivethirtyeight <- scale_colour_fivethirtyeight
scale_color_fivethirtyeight_c <- function(palette = "main", direction = 1, ...) {
pal <- palette_gen_c(palette = palette, direction = direction)
scale_colour_gradient2(low = fivethirtyeight_palette("main")[1], mid = fivethirtyeight_palette("main")[3], high = fivethirtyeight_palette("main")[2], ...)
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