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Created July 23, 2017 12:28
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# Implement support for Common Workflow Language (CWL) for Toil.
# Copyright (C) 2015 Curoverse, Inc
# Copyright (C) 2016 UCSC Computational Genomics Lab
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
from toil.job import Job
from toil.common import Toil
from toil.version import baseVersion
from toil.lib.bioio import setLoggingFromOptions
from argparse import ArgumentParser
import cwltool.errors
import cwltool.load_tool
import cwltool.main
import cwltool.workflow
import cwltool.expression
import cwltool.builder
import cwltool.resolver
import cwltool.stdfsaccess
from cwltool.pathmapper import adjustFiles
from cwltool.process import shortname, adjustFilesWithSecondary, fillInDefaults, compute_checksums
from cwltool.utils import aslist
import schema_salad.validate as validate
import schema_salad.ref_resolver
import os
import tempfile
import json
import sys
import logging
import copy
import functools
# Python 3 compatibility imports
from six.moves import xrange
from six import iteritems, string_types
import six.moves.urllib.parse as urlparse
cwllogger = logging.getLogger("cwltool")
# The job object passed into CWLJob and CWLWorkflow
# is a dict mapping to tuple of (key, dict)
# the final dict is derived by evaluating each
# tuple looking up the key in the supplied dict.
# This is necessary because Toil jobs return a single value (a dict)
# but CWL permits steps to have multiple output parameters that may
# feed into multiple other steps. This transformation maps the key in the
# output object to the correct key of the input object.
class IndirectDict(dict):
class MergeInputs(object):
def __init__(self, sources):
self.sources = sources
def resolve(self):
raise NotImplementedError()
class MergeInputsNested(MergeInputs):
def resolve(self):
return [v[1][v[0]] for v in self.sources]
class MergeInputsFlattened(MergeInputs):
def resolve(self):
r = []
for v in self.sources:
v = v[1][v[0]]
if isinstance(v, list):
return r
class StepValueFrom(object):
def __init__(self, expr, inner, req):
self.expr = expr
self.inner = inner
self.req = req
def do_eval(self, inputs, ctx):
return cwltool.expression.do_eval(self.expr, inputs, self.req,
None, None, {}, context=ctx)
def resolve_indirect_inner(d):
if isinstance(d, IndirectDict):
r = {}
for k, v in d.items():
if isinstance(v, MergeInputs):
r[k] = v.resolve()
r[k] = v[1][v[0]]
return r
return d
def resolve_indirect(d):
inner = IndirectDict() if isinstance(d, IndirectDict) else {}
needEval = False
for k, v in iteritems(d):
if isinstance(v, StepValueFrom):
inner[k] = v.inner
needEval = True
inner[k] = v
res = resolve_indirect_inner(inner)
if needEval:
ev = {}
for k, v in iteritems(d):
if isinstance(v, StepValueFrom):
ev[k] = v.do_eval(res, res[k])
ev[k] = res[k]
return ev
return res
def getFile(fileStore, dir, fileTuple, index=None, export=False, primary=None, rename_collision=False,
"""Extract input file from Toil jobstore.
Uses standard filestore to retrieve file, then provides a symlink to it
for running. If export is True (for final outputs), it gets copied to
the final location.
Keeps track of files being used locally with 'existing'
# File literal outputs with no path, from writeFile
if fileTuple is None:
raise cwltool.process.UnsupportedRequirement("CWL expression file inputs not yet supported in Toil")
fileStoreID, fileName = fileTuple
if rename_collision is False:
if primary:
dir = os.path.dirname(primary)
dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(dir=dir)
dstPath = os.path.join(dir, fileName)
if rename_collision:
n = 1
while os.path.exists(dstPath):
n += 1
stem, ext = os.path.splitext(dstPath)
stem = "%s_%s" % (stem, n)
dstPath = stem + ext
if export:
fileStore.exportFile(fileStoreID, "file://" + dstPath)
srcPath = fileStore.readGlobalFile(fileStoreID)
if srcPath != dstPath:
if os.path.exists(dstPath):
if index.get(dstPath, None) != fileStoreID:
raise Exception("Conflicting filesStoreID %s and %s both trying to link to %s" % (index.get(dstPath, None), fileStoreID, dstPath))
os.symlink(srcPath, dstPath)
existing[srcPath] = dstPath
index[dstPath] = fileStoreID
return dstPath
def writeFile(writeFunc, index, existing, x):
"""Write output files back into Toil jobstore.
'existing' is a set of files retrieved as inputs from getFile. This ensures
they are mapped back as the same name if passed through.
# Toil fileStore references are tuples of pickle and internal file
if isinstance(x, tuple):
return x
# File literal outputs with no path, we don't write these and will fail
# with unsupportedRequirement when retrieving later with getFile
elif x.startswith("_:"):
return None
if x not in index:
x = existing.get(x, x)
if not urlparse.urlparse(x).scheme:
rp = os.path.realpath(x)
rp = x
index[x] = (writeFunc(rp), os.path.basename(x))
except Exception as e:
cwllogger.error("Got exception '%s' while copying '%s'", e, x)
return index[x]
def computeFileChecksums(fs_access, f):
# File literal inputs with no path, no checksum
if isinstance(f, dict) and f.get("location", "").startswith("_:"):
return f
return compute_checksums(fs_access, f)
def addFilePartRefs(p):
"""Provides new v1.0 functionality for referencing file parts.
if p.get("class") == "File" and p.get("path"):
dirname, basename = os.path.split(p["path"])
nameroot, nameext = os.path.splitext(basename)
for k, v in [("dirname", dirname,), ("basename", basename),
("nameroot", nameroot), ("nameext", nameext)]:
p[k] = v
return p
def locToPath(p):
"""Back compatibility -- handle converting locations into paths.
if "path" not in p and "location" in p:
p["path"] = p["location"].replace("file:", "")
return p
def pathToLoc(p):
"""Associate path with location.
v1.0 should be specifying location but older YAML uses path
-- this provides back compatibility.
if "path" in p:
p["location"] = p["path"]
return p
class ResolveIndirect(Job):
def __init__(self, cwljob):
super(ResolveIndirect, self).__init__()
self.cwljob = cwljob
def run(self, fileStore):
return resolve_indirect(self.cwljob)
class CWLJobWrapper(Job):
def __init__(self, tool, cwljob, **kwargs):
super(CWLJob, self).__init__(cores=1,
self.tool = tool
self.cwljob = cwljob
self.kwargs = kwargs
def run(self):
if 'builder' in self.kwargs:
builder = self.kwargs["builder"]
builder = cwltool.builder.Builder()
builder.job = {}
builder.requirements = []
builder.outdir = None
builder.tmpdir = None
builder.timeout = 0
builder.resources = {}
req = tool.evalResources(builder, {})
realjob = CWLJob(cores=req["cores"],
disk=((req["tmpdirSize"]*1024*1024) + (req["outdirSize"]*1024*1024)),
return realjob.rv()
class CWLJob(Job):
"""Execute a CWL tool wrapper."""
def __init__(self, tool, cwljob, **kwargs):
if 'builder' in kwargs:
builder = kwargs["builder"]
builder = cwltool.builder.Builder()
builder.job = {}
builder.requirements = []
builder.outdir = None
builder.tmpdir = None
builder.timeout = 0
builder.resources = {}
req = tool.evalResources(builder, {})
self.cwltool = remove_pickle_problems(tool)
# pass the default of None if basecommand is empty
unitName = self.cwltool.tool.get("baseCommand", None)
if isinstance(unitName, (list, tuple)):
unitName = ' '.join(unitName)
super(CWLJob, self).__init__(cores=req["cores"],
disk=((req["tmpdirSize"]*1024*1024) + (req["outdirSize"]*1024*1024)),
#super(CWLJob, self).__init__()
self.cwljob = cwljob
self.jobName = str(self.cwltool.tool['id'])
except KeyError:
# fall back to the Toil defined class name if the tool doesn't have an identifier
self.executor_options = kwargs
def run(self, fileStore):
cwljob = resolve_indirect(self.cwljob)
fillInDefaults(self.cwltool.tool["inputs"], cwljob)
inpdir = os.path.join(fileStore.getLocalTempDir(), "inp")
outdir = os.path.join(fileStore.getLocalTempDir(), "out")
tmpdir = os.path.join(fileStore.getLocalTempDir(), "tmp")
# Copy input files out of the global file store, ensure path/location synchronized
index = {}
existing = {}
adjustFilesWithSecondary(cwljob, functools.partial(getFile, fileStore, inpdir, index=index,
cwltool.pathmapper.adjustFileObjs(cwljob, pathToLoc)
cwltool.pathmapper.adjustFileObjs(cwljob, addFilePartRefs)
# Run the tool
opts = copy.deepcopy(self.executor_options)
# Exports temporary directory for batch systems that reset TMPDIR
os.environ["TMPDIR"] = os.path.realpath(opts.pop("tmpdir", None) or tmpdir)
(output, status) = cwltool.main.single_job_executor(self.cwltool, cwljob,
if status != "success":
raise cwltool.errors.WorkflowException(status)
cwltool.pathmapper.adjustDirObjs(output, locToPath)
cwltool.pathmapper.adjustFileObjs(output, locToPath)
cwltool.pathmapper.adjustFileObjs(output, functools.partial(computeFileChecksums,
# Copy output files into the global file store.
adjustFiles(output, functools.partial(writeFile, fileStore.writeGlobalFile, {}, existing))
return output
def makeJob(tool, jobobj, **kwargs):
if tool.tool["class"] == "Workflow":
wfjob = CWLWorkflow(tool, jobobj, **kwargs)
followOn = ResolveIndirect(wfjob.rv())
return (wfjob, followOn)
# check if tool has ResourceRequirement and if the resource requirement
# involves an expression.
if there_is_an_expression:
job = CWLJobWrapper(tool, jobobj, **kwargs)
job = CWLJob(tool, jobobj, **kwargs)
return (job, job)
class CWLScatter(Job):
def __init__(self, step, cwljob, **kwargs):
super(CWLScatter, self).__init__()
self.step = step
self.cwljob = cwljob
self.executor_options = kwargs
def flat_crossproduct_scatter(self, joborder, scatter_keys, outputs, postScatterEval):
scatter_key = shortname(scatter_keys[0])
l = len(joborder[scatter_key])
for n in xrange(0, l):
jo = copy.copy(joborder)
jo[scatter_key] = joborder[scatter_key][n]
if len(scatter_keys) == 1:
jo = postScatterEval(jo)
(subjob, followOn) = makeJob(self.step.embedded_tool, jo, **self.executor_options)
self.flat_crossproduct_scatter(jo, scatter_keys[1:], outputs, postScatterEval)
def nested_crossproduct_scatter(self, joborder, scatter_keys, postScatterEval):
scatter_key = shortname(scatter_keys[0])
l = len(joborder[scatter_key])
outputs = []
for n in xrange(0, l):
jo = copy.copy(joborder)
jo[scatter_key] = joborder[scatter_key][n]
if len(scatter_keys) == 1:
jo = postScatterEval(jo)
(subjob, followOn) = makeJob(self.step.embedded_tool, jo, **self.executor_options)
outputs.append(self.nested_crossproduct_scatter(jo, scatter_keys[1:], postScatterEval))
return outputs
def run(self, fileStore):
cwljob = resolve_indirect(self.cwljob)
if isinstance(self.step.tool["scatter"], string_types):
scatter = [self.step.tool["scatter"]]
scatter = self.step.tool["scatter"]
scatterMethod = self.step.tool.get("scatterMethod", None)
if len(scatter) == 1:
scatterMethod = "dotproduct"
outputs = []
valueFrom = {shortname(i["id"]): i["valueFrom"] for i in self.step.tool["inputs"] if "valueFrom" in i}
def postScatterEval(io):
shortio = {shortname(k): v for k, v in iteritems(io)}
def valueFromFunc(k, v):
if k in valueFrom:
return cwltool.expression.do_eval(
valueFrom[k], shortio, self.step.requirements,
None, None, {}, context=v)
return v
return {k: valueFromFunc(k, v) for k,v in io.items()}
if scatterMethod == "dotproduct":
for i in xrange(0, len(cwljob[shortname(scatter[0])])):
copyjob = copy.copy(cwljob)
for sc in [shortname(x) for x in scatter]:
copyjob[sc] = cwljob[sc][i]
copyjob = postScatterEval(copyjob)
(subjob, followOn) = makeJob(self.step.embedded_tool, copyjob, **self.executor_options)
elif scatterMethod == "nested_crossproduct":
outputs = self.nested_crossproduct_scatter(cwljob, scatter, postScatterEval)
elif scatterMethod == "flat_crossproduct":
self.flat_crossproduct_scatter(cwljob, scatter, outputs, postScatterEval)
if scatterMethod:
raise validate.ValidationException(
"Unsupported complex scatter type '%s'" % scatterMethod)
raise validate.ValidationException(
"Must provide scatterMethod to scatter over multiple inputs")
return outputs
class CWLGather(Job):
def __init__(self, step, outputs):
super(CWLGather, self).__init__()
self.step = step
self.outputs = outputs
def allkeys(self, obj, keys):
if isinstance(obj, dict):
for k in obj.keys():
elif isinstance(obj, list):
for l in obj:
self.allkeys(l, keys)
def extract(self, obj, k):
if isinstance(obj, dict):
return obj.get(k)
elif isinstance(obj, list):
cp = []
for l in obj:
cp.append(self.extract(l, k))
return cp
def run(self, fileStore):
outobj = {}
keys = set()
self.allkeys(self.outputs, keys)
for k in keys:
outobj[k] = self.extract(self.outputs, k)
return outobj
class SelfJob(object):
"""Fake job object to facilitate implementation of"""
def __init__(self, j, v):
self.j = j
self.v = v
def rv(self):
return self.v
def addChild(self, c):
return self.j.addChild(c)
def hasChild(self, c):
return self.j.hasChild(c)
def remove_pickle_problems(obj):
"""doc_loader does not pickle correctly, causing Toil errors, remove from objects.
if hasattr(obj, "doc_loader"):
obj.doc_loader = None
if hasattr(obj, "embedded_tool"):
obj.embedded_tool = remove_pickle_problems(obj.embedded_tool)
if hasattr(obj, "steps"):
obj.steps = [remove_pickle_problems(s) for s in obj.steps]
return obj
class CWLWorkflow(Job):
"""Traverse a CWL workflow graph and schedule a Toil job graph."""
def __init__(self, cwlwf, cwljob, **kwargs):
super(CWLWorkflow, self).__init__()
self.cwlwf = cwlwf
self.cwljob = cwljob
self.executor_options = kwargs
self.cwlwf = remove_pickle_problems(self.cwlwf)
def run(self, fileStore):
cwljob = resolve_indirect(self.cwljob)
# `promises` dict
# from: each parameter (workflow input or step output)
# that may be used as a "source" for a step input workflow output
# parameter
# to: the job that will produce that value.
promises = {}
# `jobs` dict from step id to job that implements that step.
jobs = {}
for inp in self.cwlwf.tool["inputs"]:
promises[inp["id"]] = SelfJob(self, cwljob)
alloutputs_fufilled = False
while not alloutputs_fufilled:
# Iteratively go over the workflow steps, scheduling jobs as their
# dependencies can be fufilled by upstream workflow inputs or
# step outputs. Loop exits when the workflow outputs
# are satisfied.
alloutputs_fufilled = True
for step in self.cwlwf.steps:
if step.tool["id"] not in jobs:
stepinputs_fufilled = True
for inp in step.tool["inputs"]:
if "source" in inp:
for s in aslist(inp["source"]):
if s not in promises:
stepinputs_fufilled = False
if stepinputs_fufilled:
jobobj = {}
for inp in step.tool["inputs"]:
key = shortname(inp["id"])
if "source" in inp:
if inp.get("linkMerge") or len(aslist(inp["source"])) > 1:
linkMerge = inp.get("linkMerge", "merge_nested")
if linkMerge == "merge_nested":
jobobj[key] = (
MergeInputsNested([(shortname(s), promises[s].rv())
for s in aslist(inp["source"])]))
elif linkMerge == "merge_flattened":
jobobj[key] = (
MergeInputsFlattened([(shortname(s), promises[s].rv())
for s in aslist(inp["source"])]))
raise validate.ValidationException(
"Unsupported linkMerge '%s'", linkMerge)
jobobj[key] = (
shortname(inp["source"]), promises[inp["source"]].rv())
elif "default" in inp:
d = copy.copy(inp["default"])
jobobj[key] = ("default", {"default": d})
if "valueFrom" in inp and "scatter" not in step.tool:
if key in jobobj:
jobobj[key] = StepValueFrom(inp["valueFrom"],
jobobj[key] = StepValueFrom(inp["valueFrom"],
("None", {"None": None}),
if "scatter" in step.tool:
wfjob = CWLScatter(step, IndirectDict(jobobj), **self.executor_options)
followOn = CWLGather(step, wfjob.rv())
(wfjob, followOn) = makeJob(step.embedded_tool, IndirectDict(jobobj),
jobs[step.tool["id"]] = followOn
connected = False
for inp in step.tool["inputs"]:
for s in aslist(inp.get("source", [])):
if not promises[s].hasChild(wfjob):
connected = True
if not connected:
# workflow step has default inputs only, isn't connected to other jobs,
# so add it as child of workflow.
for out in step.tool["outputs"]:
promises[out["id"]] = followOn
for inp in step.tool["inputs"]:
for s in aslist(inp.get("source", [])):
if s not in promises:
alloutputs_fufilled = False
# may need a test
for out in self.cwlwf.tool["outputs"]:
if "source" in out:
if out["source"] not in promises:
alloutputs_fufilled = False
outobj = {}
for out in self.cwlwf.tool["outputs"]:
outobj[shortname(out["id"])] = (shortname(out["outputSource"]), promises[out["outputSource"]].rv())
return IndirectDict(outobj)
cwltool.process.supportedProcessRequirements = ("DockerRequirement",
def unsupportedInputCheck(p):
"""Check for file inputs we don't current support in Toil:
- Directories
- File literals
if p.get("class") == "Directory":
raise cwltool.process.UnsupportedRequirement("CWL Directory inputs not yet supported in Toil")
if p.get("contents") and (not p.get("path") and not p.get("location")):
raise cwltool.process.UnsupportedRequirement("CWL File literals not yet supported in Toil")
def unsupportedRequirementsCheck(requirements):
"""Check for specific requirement cases we don't support.
for r in requirements:
if r["class"] == "InitialWorkDirRequirement":
for l in r.get("listing", []):
if isinstance(l, dict) and l.get("writable"):
raise cwltool.process.UnsupportedRequirement("CWL writable InitialWorkDirRequirement not yet supported in Toil")
def unsupportedDefaultCheck(tool):
"""Check for file-based defaults, which don't get staged correctly in Toil.
for inp in tool["in"]:
if isinstance(inp, dict) and "default" in inp:
if isinstance(inp["default"], dict) and inp["default"].get("class") == "File":
raise cwltool.process.UnsupportedRequirement("CWL default file inputs not yet supported in Toil")
def main(args=None, stdout=sys.stdout):
parser = ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("cwltool", type=str)
parser.add_argument("cwljob", type=str, nargs="?", default=None)
# Will override the "jobStore" positional argument, enables
# user to select jobStore or get a default from logic one below.
parser.add_argument("--jobStore", type=str)
parser.add_argument("--conformance-test", action="store_true")
parser.add_argument("--not-strict", action="store_true")
parser.add_argument("--no-container", action="store_true")
parser.add_argument("--quiet", dest="logLevel", action="store_const", const="ERROR")
parser.add_argument("--basedir", type=str)
parser.add_argument("--outdir", type=str, default=os.getcwd())
parser.add_argument("--version", action='version', version=baseVersion)
parser.add_argument("--preserve-environment", type=str, nargs='+',
help="Preserve specified environment variables when running CommandLineTools",
metavar=("VAR1 VAR2"),
# mkdtemp actually creates the directory, but
# toil requires that the directory not exist,
# so make it and delete it and allow
# toil to create it again (!)
workdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
if args is None:
args = sys.argv[1:]
options = parser.parse_args([workdir] + args)
use_container = not options.no_container
if options.logLevel:
useStrict = not options.not_strict
t = cwltool.load_tool.load_tool(options.cwltool, cwltool.workflow.defaultMakeTool,
resolver=cwltool.resolver.tool_resolver, strict=useStrict)
except cwltool.process.UnsupportedRequirement as e:
return 33
if options.conformance_test:
loader = schema_salad.ref_resolver.Loader({})
jobloaderctx = {"path": {"@type": "@id"}, "format": {"@type": "@id"}}
jobloaderctx.update(t.metadata.get("$namespaces", {}))
loader = schema_salad.ref_resolver.Loader(jobloaderctx)
if options.cwljob:
uri = (options.cwljob if urlparse.urlparse(options.cwljob).scheme
else "file://" + os.path.abspath(options.cwljob))
job, _ = loader.resolve_ref(uri, checklinks=False)
job = {}
cwltool.pathmapper.adjustDirObjs(job, unsupportedInputCheck)
cwltool.pathmapper.adjustFileObjs(job, unsupportedInputCheck)
except cwltool.process.UnsupportedRequirement as e:
return 33
cwltool.pathmapper.adjustDirObjs(job, pathToLoc)
cwltool.pathmapper.adjustFileObjs(job, pathToLoc)
if type(t) == int:
return t
fillInDefaults(t.tool["inputs"], job)
if options.conformance_test:
adjustFiles(job, lambda x: x.replace("file://", ""))
cwltool.main.single_job_executor(t, job, basedir=options.basedir,
conformance_test=True, use_container=use_container,
preserve_environment=options.preserve_environment), indent=4))
return 0
if not options.basedir:
options.basedir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(options.cwljob or options.cwltool))
outdir = options.outdir
with Toil(options) as toil:
def importDefault(tool):
cwltool.pathmapper.adjustDirObjs(tool, locToPath)
cwltool.pathmapper.adjustFileObjs(tool, locToPath)
adjustFiles(tool, lambda x: "file://%s" % x if not urlparse.urlparse(x).scheme else x)
adjustFiles(tool, functools.partial(writeFile, toil.importFile, {}, {}))
if options.restart:
outobj = toil.restart()
basedir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(options.cwljob or options.cwltool))
builder = t._init_job(job, basedir=basedir, use_container=use_container)
(wf1, wf2) = makeJob(t, {}, use_container=use_container,
tmpdir=os.path.realpath(outdir), builder=builder)
if isinstance(wf1, CWLWorkflow):
[unsupportedDefaultCheck(s.tool) for s in wf1.cwlwf.steps]
except cwltool.process.UnsupportedRequirement as e:
return 33
cwltool.pathmapper.adjustDirObjs(builder.job, locToPath)
cwltool.pathmapper.adjustFileObjs(builder.job, locToPath)
adjustFiles(builder.job, lambda x: "file://%s" % os.path.abspath(os.path.join(basedir, x))
if not urlparse.urlparse(x).scheme else x)
cwltool.pathmapper.adjustDirObjs(builder.job, pathToLoc)
cwltool.pathmapper.adjustFileObjs(builder.job, pathToLoc)
cwltool.pathmapper.adjustFileObjs(builder.job, addFilePartRefs)
adjustFiles(builder.job, functools.partial(writeFile, toil.importFile, {}, {}))
wf1.cwljob = builder.job
outobj = toil.start(wf1)
outobj = resolve_indirect(outobj)
adjustFilesWithSecondary(outobj, functools.partial(getFile, toil, outdir, index={}, existing={},
export=True, rename_collision=True))
cwltool.pathmapper.adjustFileObjs(outobj, pathToLoc)
except cwltool.process.UnsupportedRequirement as e:
return 33
stdout.write(json.dumps(outobj, indent=4))
return 0
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