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Created July 3, 2020 19:53
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import unittest
def solution(N, S, T):
start_ord = ord('A')
s_arr = S.split(',')
t_arr = T.split(' ')
ships = []
for s in s_arr:
ship = {}
split_ship = s.split(' ')
start_coord = split_ship[0]
end_coord = split_ship[1]
start_x = ord(start_coord[1]) - start_ord
start_y = ord(start_coord[0]) - ord('1')
end_x = ord(end_coord[1]) - start_ord
end_y = ord(end_coord[0]) - ord('1')
size = (abs(start_x - end_x) + 1) * (abs(start_y - end_y) + 1)
ship['start_x'] = start_x
ship['start_y'] = start_y
ship['end_x'] = end_x
ship['end_y'] = end_y
ship['size'] = size
targets = []
for t in t_arr:
target = {}
x = ord(t[1]) - start_ord
y = ord(t[0]) - ord('1')
target['x'] = x
target['y'] = y
ships_hit = 0
sank = 0
for ship in ships:
hits_on_ship = 0
for target in targets:
if is_hit_successful(target, ship):
hits_on_ship += 1
if hits_on_ship > 0:
if hits_on_ship == ship['size']:
sank += 1
ships_hit += 1
return '{0},{1}'.format(sank, ships_hit)
def is_hit_successful(target, ship):
is_hit = False
check_upper_bounds = is_coords_greater(target['x'], target['y'], ship['start_x'], ship['start_y'])
check_lower_bounds = is_coords_greater(ship['end_x'], ship['end_y'], target['x'], target['y'])
if check_upper_bounds and check_lower_bounds:
is_hit = True
return is_hit
def is_coords_greater(x1, y1, x2, y2):
return x1 >= x2 and y1 >= y2
class battleshiptest(unittest.TestCase):
def test1(self):
N = 4
S = '1B 2C,2D 4D'
T = '2B 2D 3D 4D 4A'
expected = '1,1'
self.assertEqual(solution(N, S, T), expected)
def test2(self):
N = 3
S = '1A 1B,2C 2C'
T = '1B'
expected = '0,1'
self.assertEqual(solution(N, S, T), expected)
def test3(self):
N = 12
S = '1A 2A,12A 12A'
T = '12A'
expected = '1,0'
self.assertEqual(solution(N, S, T), expected)
if __name__ == "__main__":
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