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Computes the voxelwise btable from initial bvecs/bvals and calc_grad_perc_dev output (from fullwarp output of
#! /usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# first draft of script to compute voxelwise bvec and bval after GNL
# work on the output of calc_grad_perc_dev
# calc_grad_perc_dev works on the fullwarp output of
import numpy as np
import nibabel as nib
import argparse
Compute bvecs and bvals at each voxel according to gradient percent deviation map.
def buildArgsParser():
p = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=DESCRIPTION)
p.add_argument('bvecs', action='store', type=str,
help='Path of the bvecs file')
p.add_argument('bvals', action='store', type=str,
help='Path of the bvals file')
p.add_argument('devX', action='store', type=str,
help='Path of X gradient deviation file')
p.add_argument('devY', action='store', type=str,
help='Path of Y gradient deviation file')
p.add_argument('devZ', action='store', type=str,
help='Path of Z gradient deviation file')
p.add_argument('outfile', action='store', type=str,
help='Path of the output btable file')
p.add_argument('--mask', dest='mask', action='store', type=str,
help='Path of the mask file. If none given, computes on the full volume.')
return p
def main():
# parse inpout
parser = buildArgsParser()
args = parser.parse_args()
bvecsfile = args.bvecs
bvalsfile = args.bvals
devXfile = args.devX
devYfile = args.devY
devZfile = args.devZ
outfile = args.outfile
maskfile = args.mask
# load data
bvecs = np.genfromtxt(bvecsfile)
if bvecs.shape[1] != 3:
bvecs = bvecs.T
bvals = np.genfromtxt(bvalsfile)
devX_img = nib.load(devXfile)
devY_img = nib.load(devYfile)
devZ_img = nib.load(devZfile)
devX = devX_img.get_data()
devY = devY_img.get_data()
devZ = devZ_img.get_data()
if maskfile is None:
mask = np.ones(devX.shape[:3])
print('No mask used, beware of inaccurate volume boundary.')
mask = nib.load(maskfile).get_data()
# convert percentage to fraction
devX *= 0.01
devY *= 0.01
devZ *= 0.01
# make the grad non lin tensor
dev = np.concatenate((devX[...,None], devY[...,None], devZ[...,None]), axis=4)
# "q" gradient
bscaled_grad = (bvecs*np.sqrt(bvals)[:,None])
new_bscaled_grad = np.zeros(mask.shape+bvecs.shape)
for idx in np.ndindex(mask.shape):
if mask[idx]:
# distort bvecs
new_bscaled_grad[idx] =[idx])
# renormalize gradient direction
new_b = np.linalg.norm(new_bscaled_grad, axis=4)
new_grad = new_bscaled_grad / new_b[...,None]
# nan removal (from the b division at b0)
new_grad[...,bvals<10,:] = 0
# new b is the norm squared of the distorded gradient
new_b = new_b**2
# make the (X,Y,Z,N,4) btable
btable = np.concatenate((new_grad, new_b[...,None]), axis=4)
# save
output_img = nib.Nifti1Image(btable, devX_img.affine, devX_img.header), outfile)
if __name__ == '__main__':
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