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<script type="text/javascript">
var piece_board; //盤上の駒の画像のIDを入れておく変数
var piece_black_capture; //先手の駒台の駒の画像のIDを入れておく変数
var piece_white_capture; //後手の駒台の駒の画像のIDを入れておく変数
var piece_promotion_window; //成/不成を選択するウインドウに表示する駒の画像のIDを入れておく変数
var promotion_window; //成/不成を選択するウインドウの画像のIDを入れておく変数
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main(){
cout << "Hello,World" << endl;
function Position(){
this.Board = [];
this.Capture = [];
this.Capture[0] = [];
this.Capture[1] = [];
this.FuFlg = [];
this.FuFlg[0] = [];
function PiecePos(rank,file,piece){
this.rank = rank;
this.file = file;
this.piece = piece;
PiecePos.prototype = {
Add: function(pos1,pos2){
this.rank = pos1.rank + pos2.rank;
this.file = pos1.file + pos2.file;
var CanMove = function(pos){
for(var i = 0; i < 12; i++){
if(pos.dan == FromClickDan + Direction[i].dan && pos.suji == FromClickSuji + Direction[i].suji)return 1;
for(var j = 1; j <= 8; j++){
var moved = new Pos(0,0);
function Pos(dan,suji){
this.dan = dan;
this.suji = suji;
Direction = [];
Direction[0] = new Pos(0,1); //←
Direction[1] = new Pos(1,1); //←↓
Direction[2] = new Pos(1,0); //↓
function Pos(dan,suji){
this.dan = dan;
this.suji = suji;
var showBoard = function(){
for(var dan = 1; dan <= 9; dan++){
for(var suji = 1; suji <= 9; suji++){
#include "struct.h"
Pos Pos::operator + (Pos& pos){
Pos ret;
ret.dan = dan + pos.dan;
ret.suji = suji + pos.suji;
return ret;
Pos& Pos::operator += (Pos& pos){
#include "define_koma.h"
#ifndef _struct
#define _struct
typedef struct Pos{
int dan,suji;
KomaInf koma;
Pos operator + (Pos& pos);
Pos& operator += (Pos& pos);
#define OUT_OF_BOARD 64
#define EMPTY 0
#define FU 1
#define KY 2
#define KE 3
#define GI 4
#define KI 5
#define KA 6
#define HI 7
#define OU 8