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Created June 29, 2021 20:23
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# Constructor -------------------------------------------------------------
#' Combination matrix axis
#' @inheritParams guide_axis
#' @param sep A `character(1)` to split label strings.
#' @param levels A `character()` with the order of labels.
#' @param zebra_even,zebra_odd An `element_rect` object to determine the
#' look of alternating bands.
#' @param connector An `element_line` object to determine the look of the
#' lines connecting positive points.
#' @param pos_shape A symbol to use for positive points.
#' @param neg_shape A symbol to use for negative points.
#' @param pos_gp A `gpar` object giving graphical parameters for positive
#' points.
#' @param neg_gp A `gpar` object giving graphical parameters for negative
#' points.
#' @return A `guide` object that can be given to a position scale or the
#' `guides()` functions.
#' @export
#' @md
#' @examples
#' df <- data.frame(
#' x = c("A,B,C", "A,B", "A,C", "C", ""),
#' y = 1:5
#' )
#' ggplot(df, aes(x, y)) +
#' geom_col() +
#' guides(x = guide_axis_combmatrix())
guide_axis_combmatrix <- function(
title = waiver(),
check.overlap = FALSE,
angle = NULL, = 1,
order = 0,
position = waiver(),
sep = "[^[:alnum:]]+",
levels = NULL,
zebra_even = element_rect(),
zebra_odd = element_rect(),
connector = element_line(),
pos_shape = 19,
neg_shape = 19,
pos_gp = gpar(col = "black"),
neg_gp = gpar(col = "#D0D0D0")
) {
# Validate some inputs
if (!(inherits(zebra_even, c("element_rect", "element_blank")))) {
stop("The `zebra_even` argument is expected to be an 'element_rect'.")
if (!(inherits(zebra_odd, c("element_rect", "element_blank")))) {
stop("The `zebra_odd` argument is expected to be an 'element_rect'")
if (!(inherits(connector, c("element_line", "element_blank")))) {
stop("The `connector` argument is expected to be an 'element_line'")
# Make attempt to match connector colour to point colour if left unspecified
if (!inherits(connector, "element_blank") && is.null(connector$colour)) {
if (!is.null(pos_gp$col)) {
connector$colour <- pos_gp$col[1]
title = title,
check.overlap = check.overlap,
angle = angle, =,
order = order,
position = position,
available_aes = c("x", "y"),
name = "axis",
sep = sep,
levels = levels,
zebra_even = zebra_even,
zebra_odd = zebra_odd,
connector = connector,
pos_shape = pos_shape,
neg_shape = neg_shape,
pos_gp = pos_gp,
neg_gp = neg_gp
), class = c("guide", "axis_combmatrix", "axis"))
# Methods -----------------------------------------------------------------
#' @export
guide_train.axis_combmatrix <- function(guide, scale, aesthetic = NULL) {
guide <- NextMethod()
labs <- strsplit(guide$key$.label, guide$sep)
uniq <- Reduce(union, labs)
if (!is.null(guide$levels)) {
uniq <- intersect(guide$levels, uniq)
if (length(uniq) == 0) {
warning("No appropriate labels have been found.")
guide$levels <- rev(uniq)
#' @export
guide_gengrob.axis_combmatrix <- function(guide, theme) {
key <- guide$key
aes <- names(key)[!grepl("^\\.", names(key))][1]
position <- match.arg(guide$position, c("top", "bottom", "right", "left"))
# Calculate theme elements
line_elem <- calc_element(paste("axis.line", aes, position, sep = "."), theme)
text_elem <- calc_element(paste("axis.text", aes, position, sep = "."), theme)
tick_len <- calc_element(paste("axis.ticks.length", aes, position, sep = "."), theme)
connector <- calc_element("line", theme)
zebra_even <- calc_element("plot.background", theme)
zebra_odd <- calc_element("panel.background", theme)
# Inheritance of specific elements
zebra_even <- inherit_element(guide$zebra_even, zebra_even)
zebra_odd <- inherit_element(guide$zebra_odd, zebra_odd)
connector <- inherit_element(guide$connector, connector)
# Orientation parameters
is_vertical <- position %in% c("left", "right")
is_second <- position %in% c("top", 'right')
init_gtable <- if (is_vertical) gtable_row else gtable_col
alt_aes <- setdiff(c("x", "y"), aes)
size <- switch(aes, x = "width", y = "height")
alt_size <- switch(aes, x = "height", y = "width")
# Draw axis line
if (is_second) {
line <- exec(element_grob, line_elem,
!!aes := unit(c(0, 1), "npc"),
!!alt_aes := unit(c(0, 0), "npc"))
} else {
line <- exec(element_grob, line_elem,
!!aes := unit(c(0, 1), "npc"),
!!alt_aes := unit(c(1, 1), "npc"))
if (nrow(key) == 0) {
gList(line), width = grobWidth(line), height = grobHeight(line)
# Digest labels
labels <- strsplit(key$.label, guide$sep)
levels <- guide$levels
n_row <- length(levels); n_col <- length(labels)
alt_breaks <- rescale(seq_along(levels), from = c(0.5, n_row + 0.5))
# Build combination matrix
combs <- vapply(labels, function(x) {levels %in% x}, logical(n_row))
pos <- as.vector(combs)
# Build points
pts_main <- key[[aes]][as.vector(col(combs))]
pts_alt <- alt_breaks[as.vector(row(combs))]
points <- list(
exec(pointsGrob, !!aes := pts_main[pos], !!alt_aes := pts_alt[pos],
pch = guide$pos_shape, gp = guide$pos_gp),
exec(pointsGrob, !!aes := pts_main[!pos], !!alt_aes := pts_alt[!pos],
pch = guide$neg_shape, gp = guide$neg_gp)
# Connector lines
index <- ifelse(combs, seq_len(length(combs)), NA)
keep <- colSums(index, na.rm = TRUE) > 1
index <- apply(index[, keep, drop = FALSE], 2, range, na.rm = TRUE)
index <- index[, index[1,] != index[2,]]
connector <- exec(
element_grob, connector,
!!aes := pts_main[as.vector(index)],
!!alt_aes := pts_alt[as.vector(index)],
id.lengths = rep(nrow(index), ncol(index))
# Draw text
titles <- ggplot2:::draw_axis_labels(
break_positions = alt_breaks,
break_labels = levels,
label_element = text_elem,
is_vertical = !is_vertical,
check.overlap = guide$check.overlap
# Adjust text viewports
if (is_vertical) {
title_height <- ggplot2:::height_cm(titles)
titles$vp$parent$y <- unit(-0.5 * title_height, "cm") - tick_len
titles$vp$parent$height <- unit(title_height, "cm")
} else {
title_width <- ggplot2:::width_cm(titles)
titles$vp$parent$x <- unit(-0.5 * title_width, "cm") - tick_len
titles$vp$parent$width <- unit(title_width, "cm")
# Draw zebra stripes
zebra_size <- rescale(1, from = c(0, n_row))
even <- alt_breaks[seq_along(levels) %% 2 == 0]
odd <- alt_breaks[seq_along(levels) %% 2 != 0]
zebra_even <- exec(element_grob, zebra_even,
!!alt_aes := even, !!alt_size := zebra_size)
zebra_odd <- exec(element_grob, zebra_odd,
!!alt_aes := even, !!alt_size := zebra_size)
# Assemble output
if (is_vertical) {
axis_size <- unit(text_elem$size, "pt") +
text_elem$margin[2] + text_elem$margin[4]
} else {
axis_size <- unit(text_elem$size, "pt") +
text_elem$margin[1] + text_elem$margin[3]
gt <- exec(init_gtable, "axis", list(line),
!!size := unit.c(unit(1, "npc")),
!!alt_size := axis_size * 1.2 * (n_row + 1))
gt <- gtable_add_grob(
list(zebra_even, zebra_odd, points[[1]], points[[2]], connector, titles),
t = 1, l = 1, b = 1, r = 1, clip = c(rep("on", 5), "off"),
name = c("zebra_even", "zebra_odd", "pos_points",
"neg_points", "line", "labels"),
z = c(1, 1, 4, 2, 3, 5)
children = gList(gt),
width = gtable_width(gt),
height = gtable_height(gt),
cl = "absoluteGrob"
# Helpers -----------------------------------------------------------------
# Based on ggplot2:::combine_elements
inherit_element <- function(child, parent) {
if (is.null(parent) || inherits(child, "element_blank")) {
if (is.null(child)) {
if (!inherits(child, "element") && !inherits(parent, "element")) {
if (inherits(parent, "element_blank")) {
if (child$inherit.blank) {
} else {
n <- names(child)[vapply(child, is.null, logical(1))]
child[n] <- parent[n]
if (inherits(child$size, "rel")) {
child$size <- parent$size * unclass(child$size)
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