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Last active June 2, 2024 06:36
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Proof of concept for a guide based on {marquee}. It can interpolate text with symbols created as a legend and recolour parts of text to match a scale's colour.
# Constructor -------------------------------------------------------------
#' Text guide
#' Can display keys interpolated with text and re-colour text according to
#' colour or fill scale.
#' @inheritParams guide_legend
#' @param label_style A `<marquee_style>` object created by `marquee::style()`.
#' The `color`, `border` and `background` parameters can take one of the
#' keywords `"recolour"` or `"contrast"` to fill in the colour from the scale
#' (`"recolour"`) or be black and white to enhance contrast with the scale's
#' colours (`"contrast"`). These keywords only matter when the scale represent
#' the `colour` or `fill` aesthetic. The helper functions `style_recolour()`,
#' `style_border()` and `style_background()` are available to conveniently
#' set a style.
#' @param detect A boolean. If `TRUE`, the text is scanned for the presence of
#' labels and is assigned the `label_style` automatically. If `FALSE`
#' (default), pieces of text representing labels should be indicated with
#' marquee syntax, see details below.
#' @return A <Guide> object that can be provided to a scale or the `guides()`
#' function.
#' @export
#' ## Text formatting
#' This guide uses {marquee}'s syntax to format text. There is also additional
#' syntax available to make building a guide easier. In the text below, `n`
#' represents the `n`-th break in the scale, `label` represents any of
#' the scale's labels and `foo` represents arbitrary text.
#' * `<<n>>` or `<<label>>` can be used to insert key glyphs into text.
#' * `![](n)` or `![](label)` can also be used to insert key glyphs into text.
#' * `{.n foo}` or `{.label foo}` applies the `label_style` to `foo`, including
#' recolouring or contrasting when the guide represents a colour or fill scale.
#' * `!!n` translates to `{.label label}` to insert a formatted label based on
#' their order.
#' @examples
#' # A standard plot
#' base <- ggplot(mpg, aes(displ, hwy)) +
#' geom_point()
#' # Inserting glyphs
#' base + aes(shape = drv) +
#' scale_shape_discrete(
#' # Same as using <<1>>, <<2>> and <<3>>,
#' # or ![](1), ![](2) and ![](3)
#' # or ![](4), ![](f) and ![](r)
#' "Cars with four wheel <<4>>, forward <<f>> or reverse <<r>> drive.",
#' guide = "marquee"
#' )
#' # Recolouring text
#' base + aes(colour = drv) +
#' scale_colour_discrete(
#' # Same as using {.1 four wheel}, {.2 forward} and {.3 reverse}
#' "Cars with {.4 four wheel}, {.f forward} or {.r reverse} drive.",
#' guide = "marquee"
#' )
#' # Inserting labels
#' base + aes(colour = class) +
#' scale_colour_discrete(
#' "Cars including !!2 and !!6 vehicles",
#' guide = "marquee"
#' )
#' # Automatic label detection
#' base + aes(colour = class) +
#' scale_colour_discrete(
#' "Cars including suv and minivan vehicles",
#' guide = guide_marquee(detect = TRUE)
#' )
#' # With automatic detection every occurrance counts, which is not always good
#' base + aes(colour = drv) +
#' scale_colour_discrete(
#' "The riffraff eats frankfurthers 4 ever",
#' guide = guide_marquee(detect = TRUE)
#' )
#' # Adjust the label style to emphasise what parts are labels
#' base + aes(shape = drv) +
#' scale_shape_discrete(
#' "Cars with {.4 four wheel} <<4>>, {.f forward} <<f>> or {.r reverse} <<r>> drive.",
#' guide = guide_marquee(label_style = style(italic = TRUE))
#' )
#' # Using the background style makes labels white on dark backgrounds and black
#' # on light backgrounds.
#' base + aes(colour = drv) +
#' scale_colour_manual(
#' "Cars with {.4 four wheel}, {.f forward} or {.r reverse} drive.",
#' values = c("grey90", "grey10", "red"),
#' guide = guide_marquee(label_style = style_background())
#' ) +
#' theme(plot.subtitle = element_text(colour = "grey50"))
guide_marquee <- function(
title = waiver(),
label_style = style_recolour(),
detect = FALSE,
theme = NULL,
position = "top",
override.aes = list(),
order = 1,
) {
title = title,
available_aes = "any",
order = order,
detect = detect,
position = position,
label_style = label_style,
theme = theme,
super = GuideMarquee
# Class -------------------------------------------------------------------
GuideMarquee <- ggproto(
"GuideMarquee", GuideLegend,
params = list2(
!!!Guide$params, override.aes = list(),
label_style = style(), detect = FALSE
elements = list(title = "plot.subtitle", spacing = "",
key = "legend.key"),
setup_elements = function(params, elements, theme) {
elements <- Guide$setup_elements(params, elements, theme)
if (!inherits(elements$title, "element_marquee")) {
elements$title <- merge_element(element_marquee(), elements$title)
i <- match(params$position, c("bottom", "left", "top", "right"))
# Offset for so that it is spaced like a normal subtitle
elements$title$margin[i] <- elements$title$margin[i] - elements$spacing
elements$key <- element_grob(elements$key)
draw = function(
self, theme, position = NULL, direction = NULL, params = self$params
) {
params$position <- params$position %||% position
params$direction <- params$direction %||% direction %||%
switch(params$position, top = , bottom = "horizontal", "vertical")
elems <- self$setup_elements(params, self$elements, theme)
text <- params$title
labs <- params$key$.label
glyphs <- group_glyphs(params, elems, elems$title$size)
text <- insert_glyphs(text, glyphs, labs)
text <- replace_tags(text, labs, params)
# By default, turn off the bottom margin of the style
style <- elems$title$style %||% classic_style(margin = trbl(0, 0))
style <- recolour_style(style, text, params)
if (params$position %in% c("top", "bottom")) {
width <- unit(1, "npc")
} else {
width <- calc_element("legend.key.width", theme) * 5
grob <- withr::with_environment(
elems$title, label = text, width = width,
margin_x = FALSE, margin_y = TRUE, style = style
gtable(widths = width, heights = grobHeight(grob)) |>
gtable_add_grob(grob, t = 1, l = 1, clip = "off", name = "guide")
# Style helpers -----------------------------------------------------------
#' Wrappers for `style()`
#' These functions are wrappers for `marquee::style()` that can be given as
#' the `label_style` argument in `guide_marquee()`. They may set some colours
#' to keywords, which will not make sense outside `guide_marquee()`.
#' @inheritParams marquee::style
#' @inheritDotParams marquee::style
#' @return A `<marquee_style>` object.
#' @name style_guide_marquee
#' @export
#' @rdname style_guide_marquee
style_recolour <- function(color = "recolour", ...) {
style(color = color, ...)
#' @export
#' @rdname style_guide_marquee
style_border <- function(border = "recolour", padding = trbl(em(0.1), 0),
background = NA, border_size = trbl(1),
border_radius = rem(0.2), ...) {
border = border, padding = padding,
background = background, border_size = border_size,
border_radius = border_radius, ...
#' @export
#' @rdname style_guide_marquee
style_background <- function(color = "contrast", padding = trbl(em(0.1), 0),
background = "recolour", border = NA,
border_radius = rem(0.2), ...) {
color = color, padding = padding, background = background,
border = border, border_radius = border_radius,
# Internal helpers --------------------------------------------------------
insert_glyphs <- function(text, glyphs, labels) {
img <- paste0("![](", names(glyphs), ")")
n <- rev(seq_along(glyphs))
# Replace `"![](1)"` and `"![](label)"` with glyph images
if (grepl(x = text, "![](", fixed = TRUE)) {
num <- paste0("![](", seq_along(glyphs), ')')
lab <- paste0("![](", labels, ")")
for (i in n) {
text <- gsub(x = text, num[i], img[i], fixed = TRUE)
text <- gsub(x = text, lab[i], img[i], fixed = TRUE)
# Replace `"<<1>>"` and `"<<label>>"` with glyph images
if (grepl(x = text, "<<.*>>")) {
num <- paste0("<<", seq_along(glyphs), ">>")
lab <- paste0("<<", labels, ">>")
for (i in n) {
text <- gsub(x = text, num[i], img[i], fixed = TRUE)
text <- gsub(x = text, lab[i], img[i], fixed = TRUE)
replace_tags <- function(text, labels, params) {
n <- rev(seq_along(labels))
# Replace `"!!1"` tokens with `"{.label label}"`
relabel <- paste0("{.", labels, " ", labels, "}")
if (grepl(x = text, "\\!\\!")) {
num <- paste0("!!", seq_along(labels))
lab <- paste0("!!", labels)
for (i in n) {
text <- gsub(x = text, num[i], relabel[i])
text <- gsub(x = text, lab[i], relabel[i])
# Replace `"{.1 xxx}"` pattern with `"{.label xxx}" pattern`
retag <- paste0("{.", labels, " ")
for (i in rev(seq_along(retag))) {
text <- gsub(x = text, paste0("\\{\\.", i, " "), retag[i])
if (isTRUE(params$detect)) {
# TODO: this is really naive and will also match glyphs and tags
for (i in n) {
text <- gsub(x = text, labels[i], relabel[i], fixed = TRUE)
recolour_style = function(style, text, params) {
key <- params$key
keywords <- c("recolour", "contrast")
label <- params$label_style %||% style()
# Turn off recolouring if this is not a colour/fill guide
is_colour_scale <- any(c("colour", "fill") %in% names(key))
if (!is_colour_scale) {
fields <- c("color", "border", "background")
for (field in fields) {
if (isTRUE(label[[field]] %in% keywords)) {
label[field] <- list(NULL)
# Initialise label styles
style <- modify_style(style, "label", label)
for (i in key$.label) {
style <- modify_style(style, i, label)
# Find out if label style allows for recolouring, early exit if it doesn't
if (!is_colour_scale ||
!isTRUE(label$color %in% keywords) &&
!isTRUE(label$border %in% keywords) &&
!isTRUE(label$background %in% keywords)) {
# Find out which keys are represented in text
idx <- which(vapply(
paste0("\\{\\.", key$.label),
grepl, x = text[1],
FUN.VALUE = logical(1)
# Early exit if no keys are represented in text
if (length(idx) == 0) {
# Populate re-coloured parameters
key_colour <- key$colour %||% key$fill
contrast <- auto_contrast(key_colour)
n <- nrow(key)
colour <- switch(
label$color %||% "null",
recolour = key_colour,
contrast = contrast,
rep(label$color, n)
border <- switch(
label$border %||% "null",
recolour = key_colour,
contrast = contrast,
rep(label$border, n)
background <- switch(
label$background %||% "null",
recolour = key_colour,
contrast = contrast,
rep(label$background, n)
# Set relevant tags in style
for (i in idx) {
style <- modify_style(
style, tag = key$.label[i],
color = colour[i],
border = border[i],
background = background[i]
group_glyphs <- function(params, elems, size) {
n_layers <- length(params$decor) + 1
n_breaks <- params$n_breaks <- nrow(params$key)
size <- convertUnit(unit(size, "pt"), "cm", valueOnly = TRUE)
glyphs <- GuideLegend$build_decor(params$decor, list(), elems, params)
glyphs <- split(glyphs, rep(seq_len(n_breaks), each = n_layers))
glyphs <- lapply(glyphs, function(key) {
width <- lapply(key, attr, which = "width")
width[lengths(width) != 1] <- 0
width <- max(unlist(width))
height <- lapply(key, attr, which = "height")
height[lengths(height) != 1] <- 0
height <- max(unlist(height))
vp <- NULL
if (width != 0 || height != 0) {
vp <- viewport(
width = unit(max(width, size), "cm"),
height = unit(max(height, size), "cm")
inject(grobTree(!!!key, vp = vp))
names(glyphs) <- paste0("GLYPH_", params$key$.label)
auto_contrast <- function(colour) {
out <- rep("black", length(colour))
light <- farver::get_channel(colour, "l", space = "hcl")
out[light < 50] <- "white"
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