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Last active June 15, 2017 13:53
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A series of git operations to walk newcomers through the ropes (Windows-oriented)
REM <-- this is how you make a comment in .bat (batch) files
REM cd or chdir to change directories
cd Desktop
chdir C:\
REM use "." or ".." to refer to the current or parent directory, respectively
cd ..
cd .\Desktop
REM use no arguments just to print your current location, if you get lost
REM list the current directory contents
REM add "/A" to see hidden and protected files too
dir /A
REM use "help" to get a quick reference sheet
help dir
REM clear off your terminal with cls
REM echo just returns what you give it
echo hello world
REM this is especially useful when combined with "redirection operators": ">" and ">>"
echo creates/overwrites a file! > NewOrOverwrittenFile.txt
echo appends to a file! >> Appending.log
REM paging output can be done with "more". Note the use of the "|" character to direct the output stream
echo "Some command that spits out a whole bunch of stuff" | more
REM note that we have to escape any percent signs with another percent sign
git clone GitTraining2
cd GitTraining2
REM ==============================================================
REM ==============================================================
REM Adding files
echo hello>world.txt
git status
git add world.txt
git status
git commit -m "Adding world.txt"
REM modifying files
echo Tyler>>world.txt
git add world.txt
git status
git commit -m "Modifying world.txt"
REM unstaging files
echo !>>world.txt
git add world.txt
git reset world.txt
git status
REM removing files
echo hello world>message.txt
git add *.txt
git commit -m "Saving changes"
REM option 1 to remove a file: git rm (delete and stage)
git rm world.txt
REM option 2: manually del from file system, then git add
del message.txt
git add message.txt
git status
REM now let's unstage and restore the delete of world.txt
git reset HEAD world.txt
git checkout world.txt
REM commit to get rid of message.txt
git commit -m "Removing message.txt"
REM undoing files changes
echo hello>world.txt
git status
git checkout world.txt
git status
REM Undoing commits! This will rewind changes from the last FOUR commits into our "staged changes".
git reset --soft HEAD~4
git reset world.txt
del world.txt
REM and we're back where we started at the beginning of this file
REM view what we've done!
git log
REM add "-p" for more details
REM ==============================================================
REM ==============================================================
REM Pulling - fetch retrieves updates from the remote server, and merge applies the updates to your local clone
git fetch
git merge origin/master
REM 'git pull' is just is a shortcut for the previous two
git pull
REM viewing branch tracking
git remote -v show
git branch -vv -a
REM Pushing
echo hello world!>message.txt
git add message.txt
git commit -m "Adding the message!"
git push
REM Conflicts
REM All but the first person that tries to push the "adding message.txt" commit will get rejected!
git pull
git push
REM check out the log - there are extra commits merging your change with your teammates
REM these were automatic if you all used the same message.txt - if you didn't, you would've had to merge yourself
git log
REM Create branches to avoid excessive merging
git branch newbranch
git checkout newbranch
git status
REM You can combine the branch and checkout commands into one:
git checkout -b supernewbranch
REM The branch doesn't exist on the remote until you say so! Local-only branches can be useful for personal organization.
git push --set-upstream origin supernewbranch
REM Switch branches
git status
git checkout newbranch
git status
REM You can create branches in "folders" - really just normal branches with slashes in the name.
REM check it out in a GUI though - most good ones will represent them as folders
git branch folder/branch
git branch folder/otherbranch
REM Lets make a change and push it
echo New message>message.txt
git add message.txt
git commit -m "New message!"
git push
REM our git push command needs to be a little different - we have to tell the remote to set up a new remote branch for us to track against
git push --set-upstream origin newbranch
REM if we make more changes we can just do git push like normal - this is only a first-time thing for new branches
REM View branches
git branch
git branch -vv
git branch -a -vv
REM delete unwatned branches using -d/--delete
git branch -d supernewbranch
git branch -a -vv
REM If you pushed the branch to the remote, you need to delete there as well. Be careful not to delete branches you haven't merged yet!
git push origin -d supernewbranch
git branch -a -vv
REM Merging - lets get our change back into master! Start by switching to master...
git checkout master
git merge newbranch
git status
git push
REM now it's safe to delete the branch if you want.
REM So what happens when we have conflicts?
REM First, lets create one if we haven't one already
echo Person1's message>message.txt
git add message.txt
git commit -m "Adding my personal message!"
git push
REM the first person has no problem - but others will create a conflict!
git pull
git status
REM Let's resolve this guy....
notepad.exe message.txt
git add message.txt
git commit -m "Merging message.txt"
git push
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