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Tyler Evert tevert

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tevert /
Created March 30, 2018 00:12

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tevert / basics.bat
Last active June 15, 2017 13:53
A series of git operations to walk newcomers through the ropes (Windows-oriented)
REM <-- this is how you make a comment in .bat (batch) files
REM cd or chdir to change directories
cd Desktop
chdir C:\
REM use "." or ".." to refer to the current or parent directory, respectively
cd ..
cd .\Desktop
tevert / config.rb
Last active July 26, 2016 20:38
A generic knife config file so I don't have to remember this every time, can be overriden/reused for multiple environments. Hopefully cross platform, but I haven't tested that.
org=ENV["CHEF_ORG"] || "Your Org Here"
user=ENV["CHEF_USER"] || "Your Chef Username"
# Try to use environment variables, otherwise assume this file is in ~/.chef
homedir=ENV["HOME"] || ENV["USERPROFILE"] || "#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/.."
chef_server_url "{org}"
client_key "#{homedir}/.chef/#{user}.pem"
node_name user
cookbook_path [ ".", "#{homedir}/.berkshelf/cookbooks" ]
cookbook_copyright org