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Created September 19, 2019 00:08
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A rough perl script to wrap around a DNS resolver, to resolve domains passed into it via args and produces a list of A and AAAA records.
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use Net::DNS;
my $uri; # preinitialize $uri for use later
if (@ARGV <= 0 || @ARGV > 1) {
my $arglen = @ARGV || 0;
warn "We require ONE argument to be provided, " +
"you provided ", $arglen, ".\n";
} else {
$uri = $ARGV[0];
my $res = new Net::DNS::Resolver(recurse=>1, retry=>2, persistent_udp=>1);
my $reply = $res->search($uri, "A");
if ($reply) {
foreach my $rr ($reply->answer) {
print $rr->address, "\n" if $rr->can("address");
} else {
if (index($res->errorstring, "NOERROR") == -1) {
warn "[A] Record Lookup Error: ", $res->errorstring, "\n";
my $reply = $res->search($uri, "AAAA");
if ($reply) {
foreach my $rr ($reply->answer) {
print $rr->address, "\n" if $rr->can("address");
} else {
if (index($res->errorstring, "NOERROR") == -1) {
warn "[AAAA] Record Lookup Error: ", $res->errorstring, "\n";
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