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Created August 10, 2016 23:26
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#!/usr/bin/env python
import os
import hashlib
import argparse
from exitstatus import ExitStatus
# Customized exit handler, though we can't let it be called anywhere else.
def _exit(error_occurred=False, err=None):
if error_occurred:
print "\r\nProcess ended in error, details:"
print _get_exception_string(err)
# Custom built-in for formatting Exception output in a friendly-ish way.
def _get_exception_string(exception=None):
# errtype=type(e).__name__, errmsg=str(e)
# print "[%s] %s" % (errtype, errmsg)
return "[%s] %s" % (type(exception).__name__, str(e))
# Return the size of the file in bytes, necessary for chunking determination
def _get_filesize(path):
return os.path.getsize(path)
# Handler for hash computations, so we don't have to repeat the same 'hash it' code
# four times over
# noinspection PyUnusedLocal,PyShadowingNames
def _compute_hash(filepath, digest):
# Init the hashlib object
if digest == 'md5':
filehash = hashlib.md5()
elif digest == 'sha1':
filehash = hashlib.sha1()
elif digest == 'sha256':
filehash = hashlib.sha256()
elif digest == 'sha512':
filehash = hashlib.sha512()
raise TypeError(
"Invalid digest type specified, accepted are: md5 , sha1, sha256, sha512")
# Open the file specified in the filepath.
with open(filepath, "rb") as filename:
# Check file size, and chunk it if it's greater than 1MB
if _get_filesize(filepath) > 1000000:
for chunk in iter(lambda:, b""):
# For each chunk, incorporate the chunk into the hash sum.
# If we don't need to chunk, run the hash sum directly on the file (<= 1MB only)
# Return the MD5 hash sum (hexadecimal) to the end user.
return filehash.hexdigest()
except Exception as e:
raise RuntimeError(str(e))
# noinspection PyShadowingNames,PyProtectedMember
def _get_arguments():
# Argument Parser for the overall function
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
description="Run hash sum functions on a file and return them (default: "
"run both MD5 and SHA1, if no hash sum flags provided).",
# Reset the title for "Optional Arguments" (help builtin)
# NOTE: May introduce undefined behavior in future, be careful!
parser._optionals.title = "Optional Arguments"
# Argument Group for Hash Sum Flags, which define what hashes to run when at least one
# of these args is specified.
sum_flags = parser.add_argument_group('Hash Sum Flags')
sum_flags.add_argument('-md5', required=False, action="store_true",
help="Generate an MD5 sum for the file.")
sum_flags.add_argument('-sha1', required=False, action="store_true",
help="Generate a SHA1 sum for the file.")
sum_flags.add_argument('-sha256', required=False, action="store_true",
help="Generate a SHA256 sum for the file.")
sum_flags.add_argument('-sha512', required=False, action="store_true",
help="Generate a SHA512 sum for the file.")
# Argument Group for Required Arguments, i.e. the path to the file.
required_args = parser.add_argument_group('Required Arguments')
required_args.add_argument('filepath', help="Path to file to run sums on.",
# Actually parse the args, and return this to the system.
return parser.parse_args()
def main():
# Init the vars for sums, used for checks later.
md5 = None
sha1 = None
sha256 = None
sha512 = None
# Provide some useful data to user about progress, and what file we're actually checking.
print "FilePath: %s\r\n" % filepath
if "md5" in SUMS_TO_RUN:
print "Generating MD5 sum, this could take some time..."
# Actually compute MD5
md5 = _compute_hash(filepath, 'md5')
# More useful progress data.
print "MD5 hash calculated.\r\n"
if "sha1" in SUMS_TO_RUN:
print "Generating SHA1 sum, this could take some time..."
# Actually compute SHA1
sha1 = _compute_hash(filepath, 'sha1')
# More useful progress data.
print "SHA1 hash calculated.\r\n"
if "sha256" in SUMS_TO_RUN:
print "Generating sha256 sum, this could take some time..."
# Actually compute sha256
sha256 = _compute_hash(filepath, 'sha256')
# More useful progress data.
print "SHA256 hash calculated.\r\n"
if "sha512" in SUMS_TO_RUN:
print "Generating SHA512 sum, this could take some time..."
# Actually compute sha512
sha512 = _compute_hash(filepath, 'sha512')
# More useful progress data.
print "SHA512 hash calculated.\r\n"
print "Done, output below.\r\n\r\n"
print "FilePath: %s\r\n" % filepath
print "Requested Hash Sums:"
if md5:
print " MD5 sum: %s" % str(md5)
if sha1:
print " SHA1 sum: %s" % str(sha1)
if sha256:
print " SHA256 sum: %s" % str(sha256)
if sha512:
print " SHA512 sum: %s" % str(sha512)
except Exception as err:
# If the process dies off for any reason, we need to catch the exception and state it back
# to the user, then die off gracefully.
print "Process died with error: %s" % str(err)
_exit(error_occurred=True, err=err)
# We have a few things we need to run *before* we get to main().
# Namely, argument parsing, cleaning the file paths slightly, and
# also checking if the file path exists for checking.
if __name__ == "__main__":
# noinspection PyBroadException
# Init "SUMS_TO_RUN", which will contain what hash sums we should run.
# First, we need to get the arguments.
args = _get_arguments()
# Store the filepath argument.
filepath = args.filepath
# First check if the filepath contains any slashes of any kind, and if not, rewrite path
# to cwd. Also triggers if path is `./blah`.
if ('/' not in filepath and '\\' not in filepath) or ('./' in filepath):
if '/' in os.getcwd():
filepath = os.getcwd() + '/' + filepath
elif '\\' in os.getcwd():
filepath = os.getcwd() + '\\' + filepath
# Now we check if the path provided exists
if not os.path.exists(filepath):
raise IOError(
"The specified file path does not exist. Provided path: %s" % filepath)
# PreProcessing: Determine from args which functions to run.
if not (args.md5 or args.sha1 or args.sha256 or args.sha512):
SUMS_TO_RUN = ['md5', 'sha1']
if args.md5:
if args.sha1:
if args.sha256:
if args.sha512:
# Now, call main() which will execute the actual hash functions.
except Exception as e:
_exit(error_occurred=True, err=e)
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