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Volcano map test
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Sun May 6 20:29:19 2018
@author: astro 1
#Volcano eruption map from 2010 to present
#data downloaded from
#script extracts relavent properties of volcanoes and places colored markers
#with popup info about each one
import pandas as pd
import folium
#download filename is "results" tab delimited
df1 = pd.read_csv("results", sep = '\t')
#look at the shape of the df and get column names
#subset df1 to only get all rows and only columns we need
df2 = df1.loc[:, ("Year", "Name", "Country",
"Latitude", "Longitude", "Type")]
#since this data is from the web check to see if there are any Nan
#can also pass to check if true to run an if statement
if df2.isnull().any().any() is True:
print("Sorry there is at least 1 NaN value")
#check the first and last 5 rows
#df2.head(n = 5)
#df2.tail(n = 5)
#established by now that it's clean data we need to first subset the lat long
df_ll = df2.loc[:, ("Latitude", "Longitude")]
#subset desired properties to display in popup
df_year = df2.loc[:, ("Year")]
df_name = df2.loc[:, ("Name")]
df_country = df2.loc[:, ("Country")]
df_type = df2.loc[:, ("Type")]
#take the dataframe values for lat long and make a list of lists
df_ll_list = df_ll.values.tolist()
#center map at some location if desired
#latlong = [30.2672, -97.7431]
#build the base map centered on latlong with zoom
#map = folium.Map(location = [*latlong],
# zoom_start = 2, tiles = "Mapbox Bright")
#build the map based on no location, just default center of map, no zoom
#map = folium.Map(location = None, tiles = "Mapbox Bright")
#use terrain map layer to actually see volcano terrain
map = folium.Map(location = None, tiles = "Stamen Terrain")
#insert multiple markers, iterate through list
#each marker popup will display the lat lon coordinates from the list
#possibly add a different color marker for the type and look for
#trends where certain types are prevalent
i = 0
for coordinates in df_ll_list:
#assign a color marker for the type of volcano, Strato being the most common
if df_type[i] == "Stratovolcano":
type_color = "green"
elif df_type[i] == "Complex volcano":
type_color = "blue"
elif df_type[i] == "Shield volcano":
type_color = "orange"
type_color = "black"
#now place the markers with the popup labels and data
map.add_child(folium.Marker(location = coordinates,
popup =
"Year: " + str(df_year[i]) + '<br>' +
"Name: " + str(df_name[i]) + '<br>' +
"Country: " + str(df_country[i]) + '<br>'
"Type: " + str(df_type[i]) + '<br>'
"Coordinates: " + str(df_ll_list[i]),
icon = folium.Icon(color = "%s" % type_color)))
i = i + 1
#title the map
fg = folium.FeatureGroup(name = "Volcano eruptions since 2010")
#add title
#save map"volcanoes2010.html")
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