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Created October 12, 2023 21:44
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Naive Fibonacci, tail recursive, and memoized mutual recursive variants in Reason
module Performance {
external now: unit => float = ""
module BigInt {
type t
type op = (t, t) => t
;[@mel.send] external toString: t => string = "toString"
let zero: t = [%mel.raw "0n"]
let one: t = [%mel.raw "1n"]
let (+): op = [%mel.raw "(x, y) => x + y"]
open BigInt
// stack overflow when n is big
let rec naiveFib = fun
| 0 => zero
| 1 => one
| n when n < 0 => "negative not allowed" |> invalid_arg
| n => naiveFib(n - 1) + naiveFib(n - 2)
let rec tailFib(~prev=zero, ~result=one) = fun
| 0 => prev
| 1 => result
| n when n < 0 => "negative not allowed" |> invalid_arg
| n => tailFib(~prev=result, ~result=result + prev, n - 1)
let lazyFib(maxN) = {
let (^) = Lazy.force
let rec cacheFib(n) = cache^[n]^
and cache = lazy {
fib |> Array.init(maxN)
and fib(n) = lazy {
switch (n) {
| 0 => zero
| 1 => one
| _ => cacheFib(n - 1) + cacheFib(n - 2)
let memoFib = lazyFib(3000)
let test(~name="test", ~until, impl) =
|> Array.init(until)
|> Js.Array.joinWith(", ")
|> ++ " = ")
|> Js.log
let profile(~name="test", ~until, ~times, impl) = {
let start =
for (_ in 1 to times) (for (i in 1 to until) {
impl(i - 1) |> ignore
let seconds = ( -. start) /. 1000.
let operations = times * until |> float_of_int
let opsPerSec = operations /. seconds |> int_of_float
Js.log({j|$name until $until in $opsPerSec ops/sec|j})
naiveFib |> test(~name="naiveFib until 10", ~until=10)
tailFib |> test(~name="tailFib until 10", ~until=10)
memoFib |> test(~name="memoFib until 10", ~until=10)
let by10(impl, n) = impl(n * 10)
tailFib |> by10 |> test(~name="tailFib by 10", ~until=10)
memoFib |> by10 |> test(~name="memoFib by 10", ~until=10)
naiveFib |> profile(~name="naiveFib", ~until=30, ~times=10)
tailFib |> profile(~name="tailFib", ~until=300, ~times=100)
memoFib |> profile(~name="memoFib", ~until=3000, ~times=1000)
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