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Created June 24, 2021 06:26
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Linked list comparison between TypeScript and ReScript
export abstract class List<T> {
readonly isEmpty: boolean
constructor(readonly length: number) {
this.isEmpty = !length
*[Symbol.iterator](): Generator<T, void, void> {
for (let xs = this as List<T>; xs instanceof NonEmptyList; xs =
yield xs.first
export class NonEmptyList<T> extends List<T> {
constructor(readonly first: T, readonly rest: List<T>) {
super(rest.length + 1)
export class EmptyList extends List<never> {
static #instance: EmptyList
constructor() {
return (EmptyList.#instance ??= this)
import { EmptyList, List, NonEmptyList } from "./list-classes"
export const empty = new EmptyList()
export const shift = <T>(first: T, rest: List<T>) =>
new NonEmptyList(first, rest)
export const make = <T>(...xs: T[]) =>
xs.reduceRight((ys, x) => shift(x, ys), empty as List<T>)
export const convert = <T>(xs: Iterable<T>) => make(...xs)
export const push = <T>(xs: List<T>, x: T): NonEmptyList<T> =>
xs instanceof NonEmptyList
? shift(xs.first, push(, x))
: shift(x, empty)
export const pop = <T>({ first, rest }: NonEmptyList<T>): [List<T>, T] => {
if (rest instanceof NonEmptyList) {
const [init, last] = pop<T>(rest)
return [shift(first, init), last]
} else return [empty, first]
export const unsafeGet = <T>(xs: NonEmptyList<T>, index: number) => {
if (index < -xs.length || index >= xs.length)
throw new Error("index out of bounds")
const safeGet = ({ first, rest }: NonEmptyList<T>, index: number): T =>
index < 1 ? first : safeGet(rest as NonEmptyList<T>, index - 1)
return safeGet(xs, index < 0 ? index + xs.length : index)
export const unsafeDelete = <T>(xs: NonEmptyList<T>, index: number) => {
if (index < -xs.length || index >= xs.length)
throw new Error("index out of bounds")
const safeDelete = (
{ first, rest }: NonEmptyList<T>,
index: number,
): [List<T>, T] => {
if (index < 1) return [rest, first]
else {
const [skipped, deleted] = safeDelete(rest as NonEmptyList<T>, index - 1)
return [shift(first, skipped), deleted]
return safeDelete(xs, index < 0 ? index + xs.length : index)
import { EmptyList } from "./list-classes"
import * as List from "./list-functions"
const shiftTest = List.shift("hello", List.shift("world", List.empty)) //?
const makeTest = List.make("hello", "world") //? Array.from($)
const emptyTest = List.make() //? Array.from($)
console.assert(emptyTest === new EmptyList())
const pushPopTest = List.pop(List.push(List.push(List.empty, "hello"), "world")) //?
List.unsafeGet(shiftTest, 0) //?
List.unsafeGet(shiftTest, 1) //?
// List.unsafeGet(shiftTest, 2) // exception
const deleteTest = List.unsafeDelete(shiftTest, 0) //? $[0]
List.unsafeDelete(shiftTest, 1) //? $[1]
// List.unsafeDelete(shiftTest, 2) // exception
type rec list<'t> = EmptyList | NonEmptyList('t, list<'t>, int)
let length = xs =>
switch xs {
| EmptyList => 0
| NonEmptyList(_, _, length) => length
let empty = EmptyList
let shift = (rest, first) => NonEmptyList(first, rest, rest->length + 1)
let make = xs => xs->Belt.Array.reduceReverse(empty, shift)
let makeTest = ["hello", "world"]->make
* convert is impossible :(
let rec push = (xs, x) =>
switch xs {
| EmptyList => empty->shift(x)
| NonEmptyList(first, rest, _) => rest->push(x)->shift(first)
let rec unsafePop = (NonEmptyList(first, rest, _)) =>
switch rest {
| EmptyList => (empty, first)
| NonEmptyList(_, _, _) => {
let (init, last) = rest->unsafePop
(init->shift(first), last)
let unsafeGet = (xs, index) => {
let length = xs->length
if index < length || index >= length {
invalid_arg("index out of bounds")
let rec safeGet = (NonEmptyList(first, rest, _), index) =>
index == 0 ? first : rest->safeGet(index - 1)
xs->safeGet(index < 0 ? index + length : index)
let unsafeDelete = (xs, index) => {
let length = xs->length
if index < length || index >= length {
invalid_arg("index out of bounds")
let rec safeDelete = (NonEmptyList(first, rest, _), index) => {
if index == 0 {
(rest, first)
} else {
let (skipped, deleted) = rest->safeDelete(index - 1)
(skipped->shift(first), deleted)
xs->safeDelete(index < 0 ? index + length : index)
"compilerOptions": {
"target": "ESNext",
"strict": true,
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