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Created June 24, 2018 18:17
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HKT in OCaml/Reason with functors
(** `Tree` abstracts over differnet kinds of trees *)
module Tree = struct
(** `BasicType` is what tree implementations provide *)
module type BasicType = sig
type _ children
(* polymorphic variant easier to use in implementations *)
type 'a tree = [ `Leaf of 'a | `Branch of 'a children ]
val flatten : 'a tree -> 'a list
(** `BasicTree` is what tree users see *)
module type BasicTree = sig
include BasicType
val lf : 'a -> 'a tree
val br : 'a children -> 'a tree
(** `MakeTree` exposes `children` type as concrete *)
module MakeTree (Type : BasicType) : (BasicTree
with type 'a children = 'a Type.children
) = struct
include Type
(* default implementations of tree primatives *)
let lf data = `Leaf data
let br children = `Branch children
(** `GeneralType` implements `flatten` for general trees *)
module GeneralType = struct
(* NOT `GeneralType : BasicType` or
`children` type would be opaque and
`br` wouldn't know what to receive *)
type 'a tree = [ `Leaf of 'a | `Branch of 'a children ]
and 'a children = 'a tree list
let flatten tree =
let rec aux list = function
| `Leaf leaf -> leaf :: list
| `Branch [] -> list
| `Branch (tree :: rest) ->
aux [] tree @ aux list (`Branch rest) in
Belt.List.reduce [ tree ] [] aux
(** `BinaryType` implements `flatten` for binary trees *)
module BinaryType = struct
(* `tree` and `children` types are mutually recursive *)
type 'a tree = [ `Leaf of 'a | `Branch of 'a children ]
and 'a children = ('a tree * 'a * 'a tree)
let flatten tree =
let rec aux list = function
| `Leaf leaf -> leaf :: list
| `Branch (left, data, right) ->
aux [] left @ data :: aux list right in
aux [] tree
(* `open` these *)
module GeneralTree = MakeTree (GeneralType)
module BinaryTree = MakeTree (BinaryType)
let testFunction apply ~(describe : string) ~given ~expect =
let actual = apply given in
Js.log begin
if actual = expect then {j|$describe PASSED|j}
else {j|$describe FAILED: expected $expect but got $actual|j}
(* [[1,2,[3]],4] -> [1,2,3,4] *)
let () = let open Tree.GeneralTree in
testFunction flatten
~given:(br [ br [ lf 1; lf 2; br [ lf 3 ] ]; lf 4 ])
~expect:[ 1; 2; 3; 4 ]
(* [[[1],2,[3]],4,[5]] -> [1,2,3,4,5] *)
let () = let open Tree.BinaryTree in
testFunction flatten
~given:(br (br (lf 1, 2, lf 3), 4, lf 5))
~expect:[ 1; 2; 3; 4; 5 ]
/** `Tree` abstracts over differnet kinds of trees */
module Tree = {
/** `BasicType` is what tree implementations provide */
module type BasicType = {
type children(_);
/* polymorphic variant easier to use in implementations */
type tree('a) = [ | `Leaf('a) | `Branch(children('a))];
let flatten: tree('a) => list('a);
/** `BasicTree` is what tree users see */
module type BasicTree = {
include BasicType;
let lf: 'a => tree('a);
let br: children('a) => tree('a);
/** `MakeTree` exposes `children` type as concrete */
module MakeTree =
(Type: BasicType)
: (BasicTree with type children('a) = Type.children('a)) => {
include Type;
/* default implementations of tree primatives */
let lf = data => `Leaf(data);
let br = children => `Branch(children);
/** `GeneralType` implements `flatten` for general trees */
module GeneralType = {
/* NOT `GeneralType : BasicType` or
`children` type would be opaque and
`br` wouldn't know what to receive */
type tree('a) = [ | `Leaf('a) | `Branch(children('a))]
and children('a) = list(tree('a));
let flatten = tree => {
let rec aux = list =>
| `Leaf(leaf) => [leaf, ...list]
| `Branch([]) => list
| `Branch([tree,]) =>
aux([], tree) @ aux(list, `Branch(rest));
Belt.List.reduce([tree], [], aux);
/** `BinaryType` implements `flatten` for binary trees */
module BinaryType = {
/* `tree` and `children` types are mutually recursive */
type tree('a) = [ | `Leaf('a) | `Branch(children('a))]
and children('a) = (tree('a), 'a, tree('a));
let flatten = tree => {
let rec aux = list =>
| `Leaf(leaf) => [leaf, ...list]
| `Branch(left, data, right) =>
aux([], left) @ [data, ...aux(list, right)];
aux([], tree);
/* `open` these */
module GeneralTree = MakeTree(GeneralType);
module BinaryTree = MakeTree(BinaryType);
let testFunction = (apply, ~describe: string, ~given, ~expect) => {
let actual = apply(given);
if (actual == expect) {
{j|$describe PASSED|j};
} else {
{j|$describe FAILED: expected $expect but got $actual|j};
/* [[1,2,[3]],4] -> [1,2,3,4] */
let () =
~given=br([br([lf(1), lf(2), br([lf(3)])]), lf(4)]),
~expect=[1, 2, 3, 4],
/* [[[1],2,[3]],4,[5]] -> [1,2,3,4,5] */
let () =
~given=br((br((lf(1), 2, lf(3))), 4, lf(5))),
~expect=[1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
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