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Last active October 15, 2017 16:55
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* AnimalRats.ts file
import {
from "@angular/core";
//import { rxjs } from "rxjs";
import {Observable,Subject} from "rxjs/Rx";
import {
from "../../services/sports.service";
import {
from "../grid/grid.component";
import {
from "../shared/progress/progress-circle";
declare let $: any;
let parrot = null;
selector: "AnimalRats",
template: "<div id=\"jumping\"></div>"
export class AnimalRats implements OnInit {
private sublimeInfoPopUpWindow;
private gridData;
public _dataSource;
private fire;
private _grid;
private _grid2;
private options;
public scrollClicked;
private window;
private isVisible = false;
public encodeBase64: any;
public dragDrop: string;
public clearBtn: string;
public fileSelect: string;
private isDone: boolean = true;
public issublimeLocked = false;
private loggedUserName;
private RatType = "";
public show: string;
public all: string;
public entries: string;
public cancelBtn: string;
public okBtn: string;
public attachBtn: string;
public sunBtn: string;
public browseBtn: string;
public attachmentType: string;
public openFlag = false;
public RatsCheck=false;
public selectedRatId;
public userId;
private activeTab = "tab-1";
@Input() public kendoCommandObj: any;
@ViewChild(ProgressCircle) public progress: ProgressCircle;
private futureAirings = [];
private pastAirings = [];
public sportsService: sportsService;
constructor(sportsService1: sportsService) {this.sportsService = sportsService1;}
private kendocommand = {
edit: {
createAt: "bottom"
group: false,
reorder: true,
disableFreeze: true,
resize: true,
sort: true,
autoBind: true,
filter: false,
pager: {
messages: {
// display: "Showing {0} to {1} of {2} entries"
model: {},
columns: [],
pagesize: 50,
getComponentUrl: "Rats",
searchFields: [],
mandatoryFields: [],
saveStatus: false
@Output() public applyAPTInfo: EventEmitter < any > = new EventEmitter < any > ();
@Output("RatCount") public getRatEvent = new EventEmitter<number>();
public ngOnInit() {
this.RatType = "sublime";
let attributes=this.sportsService.getSeesionStorageValue();
if(attributes) {
this.userId = attributes.user_attributes.SSO[0];
let navHeaderHeight = $(".navHeaderBox").outerHeight();
$(".breadCrumbBox").css("top:" + navHeaderHeight + "px");
this.kendocommand.model = {
id: "RatId",
fields: {
contextRow: {
editable: false,
filterable: true
RatId: {
editable: true,
filterable: false,
sortable: false
RatName: {
editable: false,
nullable: true
RatType: {
editable: true,
nullable: true
RatData: {
editable: false,
nullable: true
notes: {
editable: false,
nullable: true
sunDocID: {
url: {
editable: false,
nullable: true
date: {
editable: false,
nullable: true
addedByName: {
editable: false,
nullable: true
userID: {
editable: false,
nullable: true
operationType: {
editable: true,
filterable: false,
sortable: false
@ViewChild(KendoGridComponent) public gridkendo: KendoGridComponent;
public girdPagesize(value): void {
public getDate(): any {
let cDate = new Date();
let cMonth = cDate.getMonth();
return cMonth + "/" + cDate.getDate() + "/" + cDate.getFullYear(); // +" "+Time;
public tabsUL(event): void {
let tab_id ="#", "");
this.activeTab = tab_id;
public cancel(): void {
this.isDone = true;
this.dragDrop = this.clearBtn;
this.RatType = "sublime";
// Encode File
public climbing(inputValue: any): void {
let that = this;
let file: File = inputValue.files[0];
let myReader: FileReader = new FileReader();
myReader.onloadend = (e) => {
this.encodeBase64 = myReader.result;
that.fileSelect = $("#attachRatBrowseBtn").val().replace(/^.*\\/, "");
if (that.fileSelect === "") {
that.dragDrop = that.clearBtn;
} else {
that.dragDrop = "";
that.dragDrop = that.fileSelect;
if (inputValue.files.length > 0) {
let fileSize = 0;
fileSize = inputValue.files[0].size / 1048576; // size in mb
if (fileSize > 5) {
this.fileSelect = "";
public paper(evt, dropValue, values) {
let todayDate = this.todayDate();
let grid = $("#AnimalRatsGrid").data("kendoGrid");
let _dataSource = grid.dataSource;
let gridLength = _dataSource._data.length;
let fire;
let attributes=this.sportsService.getSeesionStorageValue();
if(attributes) {
this.userId = attributes.user_attributes.SSO[0];
this.loggedUserName = attributes.user_attributes.DisplayName[0];
if (this.fileSelect === null || this.fileSelect === "") {
_dataSource.insert(gridLength, {"RatId": "104","RatName": fire,"RatType": this.RatType,"RatData": "","notes": "","notesId": null,"sunDocID": "","url": "://localhost:1299/upload","date": todayDate,"addedByName": $(".loggedUserName").text(),"userID": this.userId,"operationType": "create"
} else {
let temparry = [];
let lastIndex = this.fileSelect.lastIndexOf(".");
if (lastIndex >= 0) {
fire = this.fileSelect; // .substring(lastIndex,0);
let fileSize = 0;
fileSize = fileSize / 1048576; // size in mb
let k = _dataSource._data.length;
_dataSource.insert(k, {"RatId": "105","RatName": fire,"RatType": this.RatType,"RatData": "","notes": "","notesId": null,"sunDocID": "","url": "://localhost:1299/upload","date": todayDate,"addedByName": $(".loggedUserName").text(),"userID": this.userId,"operationType": "create"
let data = {
"data": [{ "RatId": "106", "RatName": fire, "RatType": this.RatType, "RatData": "", "notes": "", "notesId": null, "sunDocID": "", "url": "://localhost:1299/upload", "date": todayDate, "addedByName": $(".loggedUserName").text(), "userID": "", "operationType": "create"
let RatData = {};
let gridDataKey = "gridData";
RatData[gridDataKey] = data;
this.dragDrop = "";
this.dragDrop = this.clearBtn;
this.fileSelect = "";
let data_source =;
for (let d = 0; d < data_source.length; d++) {
if (data_source[d].issunDoc === true && data_source[d].sunDocID === "") {
let currentData = _dataSource._data;
let strx = this.selectedRatId;
let res = strx.substring(23);
this.userId = attributes.user_attributes.SSO[0];
this.loggedUserName = attributes.user_attributes.DisplayName[0];
let compassUser = this.userId;
let snakes = [
"id": res,
"RatDtos" : [{
"RatId": 0,
"RatName": fire,
"RatType": this.RatType,
"RatData": this.encodeBase64,
"notes": "",
"notesId": 123,
"sunDocID": 123,
"url": "://localhost:1299/upload",
"categoryType": "",
"Timestamp": todayDate,
"userID": compassUser,
"addedByName": this.loggedUserName,
"operationType": "create",
for (let i = 0; i < currentData.length; i++) {
if (currentData[i].RatId === "") {
for (let i = 0; i < _dataSource._destroyed.length; i++) {
this.sportsService.getResponse("player/color/Rat/", "post", snakes[0])
.subscribe(data => {
if (data.code === "S001") {
} else {
err => {
$(".k-pager-numbers li").last().find("a").click();
public browseButtonAdd(): any {
public todayDate(): any {
let date;
let month;
let today = new Date();
let dd = today.getDate();
let mm = today.getMonth() + 1; // January is 0!
let yyyy = today.getFullYear();
if (dd < 10) {
date = dd.toString();
date = "0" + date;
} else {
date = dd.toString();
if (mm < 10) {
month = mm.toString();
month = "0" + month;
} else {
month = mm.toString();
return month + "/" + date + "/" + yyyy;
// On Change
public changeListener($event): void {
public running(values, source:string): void {
<div class="snake-del-menu"><div class="snake-arrow-left"></div><div class="snake-del-menu-label">Rocket Rat</div></div>
<div id="AnimalRatsPopup" class="kendopobUpBox">
<div id="popup-loading"></div>
<div class="row kendoPopUpHeader"><div class="kendoPopUpHeaderTitleBox"> <h4 class="kPopUpTitle">VIEW AIRINGS</h4> </div><div class="kendoPopUpHeaderActionsBox"> <a id="forcloseBtn" class="commonLink triggerKPopUpClick" (click)=close()>CLOSE</a></div>
</div><div class="clearFloat"></div>
<div class="" style="`+(source === "sublime" ? "display:none" : "display:inherit")+`">
<div class="subTabsBox popupSubTab" id="subTabsBoxPopup"><div class="row subTabsContainer listSliderContainer"> <div class="scroller scroller-left inactive"> <i class="glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-left"></i> </div> <div class="scroller scroller-right inactive"> <i class="glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-right"></i> </div> <div class="subTabwrapper listSliderWrapper"> <ul class="nav nav-tabs list sliderList" id="subTabNav"> <li class="active" data-tab="title-tab"><a>title</a></li> <li data-tab="sublime-tab"><a>sublime</a></li> </ul> </div></div></div>
<div class="manage-Rats-tabs-container">
<div id="title-tab" class="manage-Rats-tabs-content active"><div class="row"> <div class="compBoxGrid financeDocComp"> <div class="pull-left"> <div> <label class="fileContainer marginBottom0Imp"><div class="dragDropIcon displayInlineBlock marginTop5px"></div><span class="AnimalUploadInfoText">Drop Rats here to upload (Maximum Rat size: 5MB)</span><input type="file" id="attachRatBrowseBtn" [class.disabled]="issublimeLocked" (change)="changeListener($event)" /> </label> </div> </div> <div class="pull-right"> <label class="commonLink cursorPointer lineHeightInputs" (click)="browseButtonAdd()" id="forAttachRatBrowseBtn" > ADD NEW </label> </div><div class="clearFloat"></div>
</div><div class="addsunRatForm"><div class="kendopobUpBox kendoWindow kPopupConfirmationBox"> <div class="row kendoPopUpGridCollection kendoPopUpContent lineHeightInputs"> <div class="kendoContent">Do you want to upload the selected Rat to sublime.</div> </div><div class="clearFloat"></div> <div class="row kendoPopUpFooter textAligncenterImp"> <button class="commonBtn" type="button" id ="AnimalRatOk" (click)="paper($event,Rat.value)">OK</button> <button class="clearBtn" type="button" id ="AnimalRatCancel" (click)="cancel()">Cancel</button> </div><div class="clearFloat"></div></div></div><div class="RocketAnimalRat" id="divRocketAnimalRat"><div class="kendopobUpBox kendoWindow kPopupConfirmationBox"> <div class="row kendoPopUpGridCollection kendoPopUpContent lineHeightInputs"> <div class="kendoContent">Selected Rat will be Rocketd from sublime permanently.</div> </div><div class="clearFloat"></div> <div class="row kendoPopUpFooter textAligncenterImp"> <button class="commonBtn" type="button" id ="RocketRatYes" (click)="snakeRocket(values)">Rocket</button> <button class="clearBtn" type="button" id ="RocketRatNo" >Cancel</button> </div><div class="clearFloat"></div></div></div><div class="sizeAnimalRat" id="divsizeAnimalRat"><div class="kendopobUpBox kendoWindow kPopupConfirmationBox"> <div class="row kendoPopUpGridCollection kendoPopUpContent lineHeightInputs"> <div class="kendoContent">The Rat size exceeds the max limit of 5 MB</div> </div><div class="clearFloat"></div> <div class="row kendoPopUpFooter textAligncenterImp"> <button class="clearBtn" type="button" id ="sizeRatYes" (click)="snakeSize()">CANCEL</button> </div><div class="clearFloat"></div></div></div>
<div class="col-sm-12 popUpKGrid pad0Imp"><div id="AnimalRatsGrid" class="`+(source === "sublime" ? "sublimePopupkGrid" : "titlePopupkGrid")+`"></div></div>
<div class="" style=\"+(source === \"sublime\" ? \"display:none\" : \"display:inherit\")+\">
<div id="sublime-tab" class="manage-Rats-tabs-content"><div class="col-sm-12 popUpKGrid pad0Imp"> <div class="padTop10px" id="AnimalTitleGrid"></div></div></div>
</div><!-- container -->
<div class="clearFloat"></div>
<div id="contextMenuItems"><ul class= "kendu-custom-contextmenu" id="context-menuWindows"> <li id="delWin">Rocket Windows</li></ul>
let that = this;
$("#subTabsBoxPopup .sliderList li").click(function(){let tab_id = $(this).attr("data-tab");$("#subTabsBoxPopup .sliderList li").removeClass("active");$(".manage-Rats-tabs-content").removeClass("active");$(this).addClass("active");$("#"+tab_id).addClass("active");});
$("#subTabsBoxPopup .glyphicon-chevron-left").click(function(){$("#subTabsBoxPopup .sliderList li").eq(0).trigger("click");$("#subTabsBoxPopup .glyphicon-chevron-left").addClass("inactive");$("#subTabsBoxPopup .glyphicon-chevron-right").removeClass("inactive");});
$("#subTabsBoxPopup .glyphicon-chevron-right").click(function(){$("#subTabsBoxPopup .sliderList li").eq(1).trigger("click");$("#subTabsBoxPopup .glyphicon-chevron-left").removeClass("inactive");$("#subTabsBoxPopup .glyphicon-chevron-right").addClass("inactive");});
$("#attachRatBrowseBtn").unbind().change(function(e) {that.changeListener(e);});$("#attachRatBrowseBtn2").unbind().change(function(e) {that.changeListener(e);});$("#forAttachRatBrowseBtn").unbind().click(function(e) {that.browseButtonAdd();});$("#AnimalRatCancel").unbind().click(function() {that.cancel();});
$("#AnimalRatOk").unbind().click(function(evt, dropValue) {that.paper(evt, dropValue, values);});$("#AnimalRatSave").unbind().click(function(evt, dropValue) {that.paper(evt, dropValue, values);});
$("#forcloseBtn").unbind().click(function() {that.close();});$("#RocketRatYes").unbind().click(function() {that.snakeRocket(values);});
$("#sizeRatYes").unbind().click(function() {that.snakeSize();});
that.sublimeInfoPopUpWindow = $("#AnimalRatsPopup"); = values.excsunileName;that._dataSource = new{pageSize: 10});
that.options = {
excel: {fire: "",allPages: true},dataSource: that._dataSource,selectable: "row",sortable: true,reorderable: true,resizable: true,editable: false,contextMenuId: "context-menuWindows",autoBind: false,pageable: {messages: { display: "Showing {0} to {1} of {2} entries"}
},model: this.kendocommand.model,columns: values.columns,
dataBound: function(e) {
setTimeout(function() {
}, 5000);
if (e.sender.dataSource.view().length === 0) {let container = e.sender.wrapper.children(".k-grid-content"); let scrollOffset = {left: 0,top: 0};container.scrollLeft(scrollOffset.left);}
$("#AnimalRatsGrid .contextMenuRow").bind("click", function(e) {
$(".snake-del-menu").blur(function() {$(this).hide();parrot = null;});
$(".snake-del-menu").click(function() {$(this).hide();let parrot = $(this).parent().parent();
if (parrot != null) {
// let snakeToRocket = parrot;
$(Rat).on("click", "#RocketRatNo", function() {$(".RocketAnimalRat").hide();});
let snake_x = e.pageX; let snake_y = e.pageY - $(".navHeaderBox").height() - $(".breadCrumbBox").height() - 20;
$(".snake-del-menu").css({left: snake_x,top: snake_y});$(".snake-del-menu").fadeIn(200);$(".snake-del-menu").show();$(".snake-del-menu").attr("tabindex", -1).focus();
$("#unlockNo").click(function() { $("#unLockWindow").data("kendoWindow").close();});
// $("#AnimalRatsGrid .RatNameFile").bind("click", function(e) {
// console.log("I am here");
// alert("I am here");
// //let params=values.selectedRow.sunDocID;
// //let url=''+params+'&Ratsource=DISTRIBUTIONRat'
// kendo.ui.progress($("#loading"), true);
// //let vals ="Rats/color/black?RatId="+values.selectedRow.RatId;
// let vals ="Rats/color/black?RatId="+"7887878787";
// //let vals ="Rats/color/black?RatId="+"233223232323";
// this.sportsservice.getResponse(vals, 'get', "")
// .subscribe(data => {
// //this.saveData(data, values.selectedRow.RatName);
// //this.saveData(data, "untitled.txt");
// var blob = new Blob([data], { type: 'application/octet-stream' });
// // var blob = Blob {"size": "11573", "type": "application/octet-stream"}
// let fire = "untitled1.txt";
// this.sportsservice.saveAs(blob,fire);
// //kendo.ui.progress($("#loading"), false);
// },
// err => {
// //kendo.ui.progress($("#loading"), false);
// }
// );
// });
Observable.fromEvent( $("#AnimalRatsGrid .RatNameFile"), "click")
.do((e) => {
console.log("I am here");
alert("I am here");
kendo.ui.progress($("#loading"), true);
}).map(e => "Rats/color/black?RatId="+"7887878787")
.mergeMap(vals => that.sportsservice.getResponse(vals, 'get', ""))
.map(data => { blob: new Blob([data], // [ts] Unused label.
{ type: 'application/octet-stream' }),
fire: "untitled1.txt" // [ts] Cannot find name 'fire'.any
//[ts] Type 'void' has no property 'blob' and no string index signature.
({blob, fire}) => that.sportsservice.saveAs(blob,fire),
err => { }
if (values.title === "RatS") {
let that = this;
this.futureAirings = [];
this.pastAirings = [];
this.sportsService.getResponse(values.url, "get", null)
.subscribe(data => {
this.gridData = data.RatDtos;;
err => {
that.window = $("#AnimalRatsPopup");
width: "60%",
title: false,
visible: false,
resizable: false,
actions: [],
draggable: false,
modal: true,
open: function() {
$("html, body").css("overflow", "hidden");
that.isVisible = true;
that._grid = $("#AnimalRatsGrid").kendoGrid(that.options);
that._grid2 = $("#AnimalTitleGrid").kendoGrid(that.options);
deactivate: function() {
close: function(e) {
$("html, body").css("overflow", "");
public snakeRocket(values)
let grid = $("#AnimalRatsGrid").data("kendoGrid");
let dataitem = grid.dataItem(;
let snakes = [
"id": values.mainId,
"RatDtos" : [{
"RatName": dataitem.RatName,
"RatType": dataitem.RatType,
"RatData": this.encodeBase64,
"notes": "",
"notesId": 123,
"sunDocID": 123,
"url": "://localhost:1299/upload",
"categoryType": "",
"userID": dataitem.userID,
"addedByName": dataitem.addedByName,
"operationType": "Rocket",
this.sportsService.getResponse("player/color/Rat/", "post", snakes[0])
.subscribe(data => {
if (data.code === "S001") {
} else {
err => {
$(".k-pager-numbers li").last().find("a").click();
public snakeSize() {
public close(): void {
let that = this;"kendoWindow").close();
let dialog ="kendoWindow");
public gridPageSizeChange(target): void {
let grid = $("#AnimalRatsGrid").data("kendoGrid");
let datasource = grid.dataSource;
let value = target.value;
if (value === 4) {
value =;
datasource.pageSize(parseInt(value, 10));
public setscroll(kGridId): void {
$("<div class=\"gridScrollIconsBox\"><i class=\"fa fa-chevron-left previousGridColumns\"></i><i class=\"fa fa-chevron-right nextGridColumns\"></i></div>").insertBefore("#" + kGridId + " .k-grid-header");
public hiding(model, values): any {
let docImageIcon = "RatIconDiplay";
let extensionType = {
".pdf": "pdfIcon",
".ppt": "pptIcon",
".xls": "xlsIcon",
".xlsx": "xlsIcon",
".doc": "RatIcon",
".docx": "RatIcon",
"newDocIcon": "doc",
".msg": "mailIcon"
let lastIndex = model.RatName.lastIndexOf(".");
docImageIcon = extensionType[model.RatName.slice(lastIndex).toLowerCase()];
if (typeof model.RatIcon !== "undefined" && model.RatIcon !== "") {
docImageIcon = model.RatIcon;
if (typeof docImageIcon === "undefined") {
docImageIcon = "newDocIcon";
let kendotxtMenu = "";
if (model.issunDoc === true) // issunDocUploaded
kendotxtMenu = "RatIconDiplay";
if (model.issunDoc === true && model.sunDocID <= 0) // issunDocUploaded
return "<span onclick=\"'" + model.RatName + "', 'popup', 'width=800,height=600,scrollbars=yes,resizable=no')\" class='" + docImageIcon + " displayInlineBlock " + kendotxtMenu + "'></span> <ul class='fileTypeHolder' id='fileTypeIcons' style='display: none;'><li class='fileTypeHolderTitle'>sun Rat Type</li><li><span class='RatIcon displayInlineBlock' (click)='browseFileType(doc)'></span></li> <li><span class='xlsIcon displayInlineBlock' (click)='browseFileType('xls')'></span></li> <li><span class='pptIcon displayInlineBlock'(click)='browseFileType('ppt')'></span></li> <li><span class='pdfIcon displayInlineBlock' (click)='browseFileType('pdf')'></span></li><li><span class='newDocIcon displayInlineBlock' (click)='browseFileType('newdoc')'></span></li><li><span class='mailIcon displayInlineBlock' (click)='browseFileType('mail')'></span></li><li class='fileTypeHolderCloseBtn'> <button id='CloseBtn' class='commonBtn'>Close</button></ul>";
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