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Last active December 10, 2022 16:16
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Perspective / Ray Casting
perspective-viewer {
overflow: visible;
position: absolute;
top: 0;
left: 0;
right: 0;
bottom: 0;
perspective-viewer[theme="Material Light"],
perspective-viewer[theme="Material Dark"] {
--d3fc-positive--gradient: linear-gradient(
<!DOCTYPE html>
<script type="module" src=""></script>
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<script type="module" src=""></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" crossorigin="anonymous" href="" />
<link rel="preload" href="" as="fetch" type="application/wasm" crossorigin="anonymous" />
<link rel="preload" href="" as="fetch" type="application/wasm" crossorigin="anonymous" />
<link rel="preload" href="" as="fetch" type="application/javascript" crossorigin="anonymous" />
<script type="module" src="index.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="index.css" />
<perspective-viewer id="viewer"></perspective-viewer>
* Copyright (c) 2017, the Perspective Authors.
* This file is part of the Perspective library, distributed under the terms of
* the Apache License 2.0. The full license can be found in the LICENSE file.
import perspective from "";
const WIDTH = 200;
const HEIGHT = 200;
const vertices = [
[-100, -100, -100],
[-100, -100, 100],
[-100, 100, 100],
[100, 100, -100],
[-100, -100, -100],
[-100, 100, -100],
[100, -100, 100],
[-100, -100, -100],
[100, -100, -100],
[100, 100, -100],
[100, -100, -100],
[-100, -100, -100],
[-100, -100, -100],
[-100, 100, 100],
[-100, 100, -100],
[100, -100, 100],
[-100, -100, 100],
[-100, -100, -100],
[-100, 100, 100],
[-100, -100, 100],
[100, -100, 100],
[100, 100, 100],
[100, -100, -100],
[100, 100, -100],
[100, -100, -100],
[100, 100, 100],
[100, -100, 100],
[100, 100, 100],
[100, 100, -100],
[-100, 100, -100],
[100, 100, 100],
[-100, 100, -100],
[-100, 100, 100],
[100, 100, 100],
[-100, 100, 100],
[100, -100, 100],
const colors = [3, 1, 2, 1, 3, 2, 6, 4, 4, 5, 5, 6];
function generate_scene() {
let vertices2 = [];
let colors2 = [];
for (let i = 0; i < 50; i++) {
const x_offset = Math.random() * 2000 - 1000;
const y_offset = Math.random() * 2000 - 1000;
const z_offset = Math.random() * 2000;
for (const v in vertices) {
const vertex = structuredClone(vertices[v]);
vertex[0] += x_offset;
vertex[1] += y_offset;
vertex[2] += z_offset;
if (v % 3 === 0) {
colors2.push(colors[(v / 3) % colors.length]);
return [vertices2, colors2];
function generate_mandelbrot() {
const [vertices2, colors2] = generate_scene();
return `
// color
var d[3] := {floor("index" / ${HEIGHT}) - ${HEIGHT} / 2, "index" % ${HEIGHT} - ${HEIGHT} / 2, 50};
var p[3] := {0, 0, -500};
var vs[9 * ${vertices2.flat().length / 9}] := {${vertices2.flat().join(", ")}};
var cs[${colors2.flat().length}] := {${colors2.flat().join(", ")}};
var color := 0;
var depth := 1000000;
for (var i := 0; i < ${vertices2.flat().length / 9}; i += 1) {
var v0[3] := {vs[i * 9], vs[i * 9 + 1], vs[i * 9 + 2]};
var v1[3] := {vs[i * 9 + 3], vs[i * 9 + 4], vs[i * 9 + 5]};
var v2[3] := {vs[i * 9 + 6], vs[i * 9 + 7], vs[i * 9 + 8]};
var e1[3];
diff3(v1, v0, e1);
var e2[3];
diff3(v2, v0, e2);
var h[3];
cross_product3(d, e2, h);
var a := dot_product3(e1, h);
if (a < -0.000001 or a > 0.000001) {
var f := 1 / a;
var s[3];
diff3(p, v0, s);
var u := f * dot_product3(s, h);
if (u > 0 and u < 1) {
var q[3];
cross_product3(s, e1, q);
var v := f * dot_product3(d, q);
if (v > 0 and u + v < 1) {
var t := f * dot_product3(e2, q);
if (t > -0.0000001) {
var t2 := 1 - u - v;
var d1[3] := {
t2 * v0[0] + u * v1[0] + v * v2[0],
t2 * v0[1] + u * v1[1] + v * v2[1],
t2 * v0[2] + u * v1[2] + v * v2[2]
var d2[3];
diff3(d1, p, d2);
var dist := norm3(d2);
if (dist < depth) {
depth := dist;
color := cs[i];
function generate_layout() {
return {
plugin: "Heatmap",
settings: true,
group_by: [`floor("index" / ${HEIGHT}) - ${HEIGHT} / 2`],
split_by: [`"index" % ${HEIGHT} - ${HEIGHT} / 2`],
columns: ["color"],
expressions: [
`floor("index" / ${HEIGHT}) - ${HEIGHT} / 2`,
`"index" % ${HEIGHT} - ${HEIGHT} / 2`,
async function generate_data(table) {
let json = new Array(WIDTH * HEIGHT);
for (let x = 0; x < WIDTH; ++x) {
for (let y = 0; y < HEIGHT; ++y) {
const index = x * HEIGHT + y;
json[index] = {
await table.replace(json);
window.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", async function () {
const heatmap_plugin = await window.viewer.getPlugin("Heatmap");
heatmap_plugin.max_cells = 100000;
const worker = perspective.worker();
const table = await worker.table({
index: "integer",
await window.viewer.restore(generate_layout());
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