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Created December 22, 2009 01:47
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Cucumber cheatsheet

Cucumber cheatsheet

Best cheatsheet is: cucumber --help

Output formats


Notification formats, in increasing order of verbosity:

cucumber --format progress
cucumber --format stepdefs
cucumber --format html
cucumber --format pdf

--format rerun would be helpful, as it enables automatically re-running failing tests. However that is broken (but they're working on it) in Cucumber 0.5.1 as of Dec 21 2009.

--format junit would also be useful: it produces an XML report format like JUnit's. That report can be consumed by CruiseControl and numerous other tools. But that format also appears (I only checked on 1 machine so far) broken as of 12/22/2009.


In order of usefulness.

cucumber --format usage --dry-run
cucumber --format tag_cloud
cucumber --format usage
cucumber --format debug

Note that usage performs profiling when invoked without --dry-run.


Most deps are installed automatically. But some must be manually installed:

 gem install prawn
  1. Prawn is needed for PDF output.


  1. Cucumber/Webrat cheatsheet
  2. Noah's bookmarks for Cucumber
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