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Last active August 1, 2017 13:54
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Script that tells you how long you spent online (according to RescueTime) since this morning.
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Tells you how long you spent online (according to RescueTime) since
# this morning.
# Requires GNU date! Will not work with Mac OS / BSD date command!!!
# Rescuetime API Token
outfile=$(mktemp "/tmp/$(basename $0).XXXXXXXX.json")
start_time=$(date -d today +%Y-%m-%d)
# Format ANY date in ANY format, consistently. Output will have the
# same form as produced by `date --iso-8601=seconds`
# Sample output: 2016-04-21T12:52:24-0400
# TODO: Does not handle fortnights.
date_of () {
result=$(echo "$@" | perl -lwne \
use Date::Manip;
use Date::Manip::Date;
my $stamp=ParseDateString("$_");
$date = new Date::Manip::Date($stamp);
print $date->printf("%O%z") . "\n";
if [ -z $result ]
echo "Couldn't parse: $@" \
| perl -ne 'print STDERR'
exit 1
echo $result
# Given a list of integer durations in seconds, converts each number to a humanized time duration
humanize_duration () {
perl -wlne '
use Time::Duration;
next if m{^(#.*|\s*)$};
print duration($_);
' $@
# Given a date string, tell me how long ago it was, in words.
# Eg: 7 hours ago.
humanize_how_long_ago () {
# Given two time stamps:
current_date=$(date -u +%s)
historical_date=$(date --date $(date_of $@) +%s)
# Subtract the two timestamps to get a duration in seconds.
duration_in_seconds=$((${current_date} - ${historical_date}))
echo $duration_in_seconds \
| humanize_duration)
echo "${how_long}"
curl -s -o ${outfile} \
seconds_online=$(jq \
.rows |
map(select(.[3] |
test("Miscellaneous|Uncategorized|Shopping|Social Networking") |
not)) |
map(.[1]) |
add' \
first_active_hour=$(jq --raw-output '.rows | .[0][0]' ${outfile})
echo $(echo $seconds_online | humanize_duration) spent working since $(date -d $first_active_hour +%H):00 today.
echo $(humanize_how_long_ago $first_active_hour) since work began.
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