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Created August 14, 2017 16:42
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Hackage package flag frequencies.
#!/usr/bin/env stack
--resolver lts-9.0
--package bytestring
--package Cabal
--package containers
--package filepath
--package http-client
--package http-client-tls
--package tar
--package text
--package zlib
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall #-}
import Data.Function ((&))
import qualified Codec.Archive.Tar as Tar
import qualified Codec.Compression.GZip as Gzip
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as ByteString
import qualified Data.List as List
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Ord as Ord
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as Text
import qualified Distribution.PackageDescription as Cabal
import qualified Distribution.PackageDescription.Parse as Cabal
import qualified Network.HTTP.Client as Client
import qualified Network.HTTP.Client.TLS as Tls
import qualified System.FilePath as FilePath
import qualified Text.Printf as Printf
main :: IO ()
main = do
request <- Client.parseUrlThrow ""
manager <- Tls.newTlsManager
response <- Client.httpLbs request manager
& Client.responseBody
& Gzip.decompress
& Tar.foldEntries handleEntry Map.empty handleError
& Map.toList
& List.sortOn elementComparator
& map formatElement
& unlines
& putStr
handleEntry :: Tar.Entry -> Map.Map String Int -> Map.Map String Int
handleEntry entry flags =
if isCabalFile entry
then case Tar.entryContent entry of
Tar.NormalFile contents _ -> case parsePackage contents of
Just package ->
let packageFlags = Cabal.genPackageFlags package
in foldr handleFlag flags packageFlags
_ -> flags
_ -> flags
else flags
isCabalFile :: Tar.Entry -> Bool
isCabalFile entry =
let path = Tar.entryPath entry
in FilePath.takeExtension path == ".cabal"
parsePackage :: ByteString.ByteString -> Maybe Cabal.GenericPackageDescription
parsePackage lazyBytes =
strictBytes = ByteString.toStrict lazyBytes
text = Text.decodeUtf8 strictBytes
contents = Text.unpack text
in case Cabal.parsePackageDescription contents of
Cabal.ParseOk _ package -> Just package
_ -> Nothing
handleFlag :: Cabal.Flag -> Map.Map String Int -> Map.Map String Int
handleFlag flag flags =
Map.insertWith (+) (flagName flag) 1 flags
flagName :: Cabal.Flag -> String
flagName flag =
case Cabal.flagName flag of
Cabal.FlagName name -> name
handleError :: Tar.FormatError -> Map.Map String Int
handleError _ =
elementComparator :: (String, Int) -> Ord.Down Int
elementComparator (_, count) =
Ord.Down count
formatElement :: (String, Int) -> String
formatElement (flag, count) =
Printf.printf "%d\t%s" count flag
1327 splitbase
1014 small_base
1001 test
810 debug
794 network-uri
637 base4
580 buildtests
485 developer
483 threaded
475 examples
465 tests
388 executable
373 buildexamples
363 dev
336 network-bytestring
325 example
317 split-base
314 test-doctests
304 lib-werror
300 portable
255 llvm
198 overloaded-methods
198 overloaded-properties
198 overloaded-signals
187 old-locale
186 hpc
182 ghc7
170 old-base
169 testing
152 production
152 s3
143 assistant
141 inotify
139 pairing
139 webapp
138 testsuite
137 dbus
137 test-hlint
134 bytestring-in-base
132 webdav
131 optimize
130 devel
128 base3
123 derivedatatypeable
123 xmpp
122 static
122 testprog
121 android
118 inlining
114 benchmark
114 embed_data_files
113 usenativewindowslibraries
110 previewserver
107 test-properties
105 dns
104 benchmark-uniplate
104 old-inline-pragmas
102 dump-splices
101 shared-llvm
100 safe
98 allow-sendfilefd
98 library-only
94 androidsplice
94 mkl
94 terminfo
93 build-examples
88 integer-simple
88 nooverlap
88 test-hunit
86 tdfa
85 library
85 llvm-fast
85 systemlib
83 ekg
83 trustworthy
83 vty
81 system-libyaml
81 template-haskell
79 gtk3
78 feed
77 curses
75 quvi
75 test_export
74 mysql
72 benchmarks
72 demos
72 gtk
72 mmap
72 template_haskell
71 integer-gmp
69 nohandles
69 warp-debug
67 openssl
66 checkexternal
66 curl
64 build-tests
63 blaze_html_0_5
63 conduit11
63 newbase
62 cairo
62 have-gio
61 enable-overloading
61 profiling
60 bibutils
60 warn-as-error
59 libev
59 postgresql
59 tahoe
59 watchserver
58 nolib
58 pcre-light
58 print
58 torrentparser
58 webkit
57 useglxgetprocaddress
56 network_2_2_3
55 gmp
55 release
55 svg
54 gpl
54 plugins
53 jsffi
53 ps
52 ffi
52 no-exe
52 optimizeadvanced
52 pedantic
52 webapp-secure
51 binary
51 bytestringinbase
51 containers
51 doctest
51 test_coffee
50 desktopnotify
50 high_precision_date
50 unicode_collation
49 cuda
49 fmode-binary
48 base2
48 http
47 cgi
47 have-quartz-gtk
47 tagged
47 text
46 applicative-in-base
46 bounds-checks
46 demo
46 internal-checks
46 libiconv
46 unsafe-checks
45 boundschecks
45 internalchecks
45 support_deepseq
45 unsafechecks
44 ci
44 cryptohash
44 pango
43 bench
42 https
42 separatesyb
42 test_citeproc
42 unsafe
42 werror
41 bytestring-builder
41 explicitbackend
41 extensibleexceptions
41 glfw
41 glut
41 haste-inst
40 color
40 development
40 j
40 old-directory
39 bytestring
39 compat
39 debug-gl
39 doctests
39 dyre
39 executeshell
39 ghcapi
39 poppler
38 tls
38 yi
37 haste
37 in-ghc-tree
36 test_roy
36 useffi
35 category
35 deprecated
35 diff
35 hlint
35 network
35 time_gte_113
35 trypandoc
35 with_mpd
34 compatibility1
34 compatibility2
34 deepseq
34 no-unicode
33 cryptonite
33 freestanding
33 mtl1
33 sse41
33 th
32 concurrentoutput
32 hint
32 old-time
32 server
32 use-bytestring-builder
31 accelerate
31 deverror
31 new-base
31 wai3
30 builddemo
30 bytestring_has_builder
30 fast
30 gsl-example
30 gui
30 hashable
30 parsec
30 pkgconfig
30 usepkgconfig
30 with_utf8
29 cabal19
29 fast-bignum
29 ghcjs
29 maxcount
29 pretty-112
29 support_aesni
29 type-witnesses
28 build-demos
28 build-example
28 contravariant
28 distributive
28 eventlog
28 integration-tests
28 network23
28 reference
27 build-sanity-exe
27 buildexample
27 buildtools
27 chart
27 closure_signals
27 cryptoapi
27 magicmime
27 mtl
27 profile
27 semigroups
27 syb-with-class
27 with_xft
26 execonly
26 maintainer
26 mtl2
26 oldtime
26 openblas
26 opengl
26 quotation
26 sqlite
26 with_inotify
25 exe
25 hello_hackage_visitor
25 herbie
25 highlighting
25 quickcheck
25 slow
25 support_pclmuldq
25 use_xft
24 big-endian
24 bounds-checking
24 build-samples
24 bundled
24 executepipe
24 force-endianness
24 loc
24 local-debian
24 nointeractivetests
24 show-internal
24 small-base
24 unsafe-tricks
24 upload
24 usebytestrings
24 useptrs
23 base-4-9
23 buildprofilers
23 cairo_pdf
23 cairo_ps
23 cairo_svg
23 cli
23 containers-in-base
23 doclinks
23 graph
23 run-integrated-test
23 stats
23 templatehaskell
23 with_iwlib
22 stacktrace
22 unordered-containers
22 withquickcheck
21 all_extensions
21 bug-for-bug
21 build-diff
21 build-penny
21 build-reconcile
21 build-reprint
21 build-selloff
21 closuresignals
21 cursed
21 dd
21 download
21 lib-only
21 lifted
21 new-exception
21 no-examples
21 perf
21 visual
21 w3ctests
21 wrappers
20 aeson-070
20 curl-pipelining
20 gold
20 prim-supports-any
20 prof
20 sdl
20 support_bytestring
20 support_rdrand
20 transformers
20 typefamilies
20 uselibraries
20 with_alsa
19 blaze_html_0_4
19 cocoa
19 dynamic
19 gl45
19 gl45-bindless-textures
19 jsc
19 new-functor-classes
19 old-crypto-api
19 opt
19 patakdebugskovorodabardaq
19 quasi-quotation
19 sound
19 test-client
19 time15
19 transformers2
19 vector
19 warnings
19 with-th
19 with_datezone
18 base48
18 conduit10
18 deps-only
18 dump
18 example-client
18 ftgl
18 have-mmap
18 have-sse2
18 hexpat
18 jenkins-build
18 noio
18 only-library
18 par
18 rasterific
18 readline
18 template-haskell-2-11
18 with_mpris
18 with_threaded
17 aeson
17 buildrasterdemo
17 colors
17 embed_linear
17 finit
17 full
17 have-text-format
17 hruby
17 incabal
17 localcache
17 omnitypic
17 onlygsl
17 postscript
17 rebug
17 test-coverage
17 test_seqaidpp
17 turn_on_seqaid_plugin
17 use_growing_list
17 use_growing_list_reduction
17 use_infinite_list
17 use_second_module
17 use_strict_blob
17 useextensions
17 warp-tests
17 web
17 with_dbus
16 applicativeinbase
16 base4_2
16 binpkgdb
16 build-lucu-implant-file
16 cereal
16 comonad
16 disable-git-info
16 game
16 gnutls
16 happstack
16 haskell98_fragment
16 homebrew-openssl
16 just_alias_gseqable
16 lens-aeson
16 libcurl
16 macports-openssl
16 monad-control-1
16 newtime
16 nfdata_instance_pattern
16 osandroid
16 roundtrip
16 support_blake2_sse
16 use-text-show
16 use_cpphs
16 use_sop
16 use_ww_deepseq
16 usegles2
16 using_sandbox
16 warn_pattern_match_failure
15 chaselev
15 citeproc
15 coverage
15 fulltextsearch
15 generic
15 halvm
15 lens
15 macosxusechdir
15 macosxusemenubar
15 more-pp
15 no-gui
15 old-bytestring
15 old_toolchain_inliner
15 oldtypeable
15 perl5
15 readfile
15 servant9
15 sse42
15 stdcall
15 test-suite
15 test-templates
15 use-network-uri
14 all
14 allow-bsd
14 arrowsubclassescategory
14 binaries
14 bootstrap
14 build-test
14 buildanatool
14 bundled-binary-generic
14 database
14 debugfpu
14 debugnan
14 embed
14 executables
14 full-haskell-antiquotes
14 listlike
14 md5
14 no-cli
14 scientific
14 scion
14 smaller-base
14 sse2
14 standalone
14 system-chipmunk
14 threadscope
14 use-debug-output
14 usebinary
14 uuid
13 asciiprogress
13 comparison-bench
13 dbg_seqaid
13 demo_mode
13 devil
13 editline
13 exportcapi
13 fastcompile
13 fusion
13 hans
13 hydra
13 includemd5
13 infer_top_level_types
13 interrupt
13 nfdatan_only
13 no-link
13 no_top_level_seqinj_dummies
13 pure
13 seqable_only
13 seqaidpp_types
13 show_type
13 small-bench
13 snap
13 template_2_4
13 th_type_in_types_ann
13 three
13 try_inject_noinline_on_requested_binds
13 tutorial
13 two
13 use-integer-simple
13 wai
12 bench-all
12 bluez543
12 bounds-check
12 buildhelloworld
12 epic
12 gl33
12 hasbluez
12 http-conduit
12 interactivetests
12 legacy-encoding
12 no-cabal-dev
12 parallelism_experiment
12 parsec3
12 pretty
12 pretty-new
12 simple-generics
12 specificpkgconfig
12 system-lua
12 templatehaskell24
12 threadedtestsuite
12 unixfilter
12 usestm
12 with_hint
11 alsa
11 buildsample
11 cpuid
11 fft
11 fixed-salt
11 gen
11 httpbin
11 instancest
11 jack
11 lib
11 memory-safe
11 native
11 networkuri
11 oldbase
11 regression
11 replication
11 small
11 stresstest
11 test-doc-coverage
11 test2i
11 testclient
11 tfrandom
11 tls_1_1_3
11 use-pkgconfig
11 with_parsec
11 with_split
11 z3mem
10 abbrev_wn_and_tn_concrete_syntax_to_number_alone__safe_only_to_depth_19
10 abbrev_wn_and_tn_concrete_syntax_to_single_digit__can_only_express_down_to_depth_9
10 build-toys
10 build_examples
10 builtin-sqlite3
10 compare-benchmarks
10 forcechar8
10 functorinstance
10 fuzz
10 generate
10 havedeepseq
10 httpserver
10 iconv
10 just_alias_gnfdatan
10 just_alias_gnfdatap
10 linux-bbone-tests
10 manualtests
10 mapdict
10 modifyfilter
10 mpfr
10 network-test
10 newghc
10 no-tests
10 optimized
10 parallel-gc
10 parsec1
10 portable-compiler
10 provide_data_family
10 relocatable
10 rts
10 separate_syb
10 test-parsing
10 trifecta
10 typeable_fingerprint
10 urifilenames
10 use_curly_brace_instead_of_paren_for_subpatterns
10 use_die_patnode
10 use_par_patnode
10 use_par_seqable
10 use_ping_patnode
10 use_pseq_patnode
10 use_timing_patnode
10 use_trace_patnode
10 version-1-1-beta
10 visual-tests
10 with_hlist
10 with_template_haskell
10 with_xpm
10 withbitly
9 backups
9 bootstrap_external
9 build-external
9 cpphs
9 distributed
9 dockerfmt
9 emacs
9 fastaes
9 force-narrow-library
9 forceghcilib
9 getonce
9 ghc_6_10
9 gsl
9 hadolint
9 haskeline
9 io
9 leafopt
9 lhc-regress
9 mosaic
9 no-debug
9 openssh
9 pattern-warnings
9 pgf
9 rev-proxy
9 simd
9 systemencoding
9 template-haskell-210
9 tools
9 useghc
9 useinstalledomega
9 vim
9 wai2apiary
9 yaml
8 32bit
8 all_cpolys
8 call-stacks
8 check-bounds
8 check-unchecked
8 color-output
8 criterion
8 debuggraph
8 flat-perm-symbols
8 force-char8-encoding
8 formlets
8 glcoreprofile
8 glforwardcompat
8 inlinemarkdown
8 jmacro
8 long-tests
8 macosxuseretina
8 minisat
8 mmaptest
8 mplayer
8 newaccelerate
8 no-hxt
8 nopkgconfig
8 only-executable
8 opencv23
8 posix
8 provide_old_shrink_pat
8 remote-configs
8 retry-040
8 runtimegecode
8 sybinbase
8 timeout-protection
8 use-hmpfr
8 use_data_tree
8 with-conduit
8 with_regex_posix
8 zlib
7 aesni
7 apicheck
7 base49
7 blaze-builder
7 build-pong
7 build-testserver
7 builddraft
7 buildtestserver
7 double
7 exes
7 experimental
7 externallibsass
7 fix-opengl21
7 ghc_7_7
7 gl32
7 headmap
7 include
7 instance-num
7 jackfree
7 local
7 mapoperad
7 mouse
7 network-bytestring-610
7 new-bytestring-builder
7 new-time
7 noupperbounds
7 old-webkit
7 old_base
7 only_core
7 osx_framework
7 osx_gui
7 retry-050
7 safe-cheap
7 self-contained
7 semigroupoids
7 sharedlibsass
7 staticlinking
7 tcp
7 test-numpad-interactive
7 transformers_02
7 unicode
7 unit
7 usedebug
7 usedouble
7 useframework
7 utf8-string
7 validategeneric
7 validatepure
7 validatestk
7 webgl
7 with-base
7 with-example
7 with-servant-aeson-specs
7 yices-dynamic
6 allbackends
6 arrows
6 atomic_writes
6 avx2
6 aws
6 beta
6 big_endian64
6 brick015plus
6 build-gibberish
6 buildlib
6 buildsynthesizer
6 cassava
6 containers03
6 containers042
6 documentation
6 dummy
6 expose_internal
6 external-bytestring
6 external-zlib
6 generator
6 ghc_710
6 hacking
6 has-icu
6 has-llvm
6 hide-dependency-versions
6 http-client-05
6 hunit
6 ibus
6 internal-documentation
6 invariant
6 libwww
6 make-pandoc-man-pages
6 minimal-deps
6 mir
6 network-includes-bytestring
6 network26
6 new-http-conduit
6 new_improved_pattern_grammar
6 odbc
6 old-vector
6 old-zlib
6 openal
6 oracle
6 partial-isomorphisms
6 piso
6 polybag
6 postgres
6 programs
6 properties
6 rawstring-qm
6 relativepath
6 render
6 ruby19
6 servant91
6 sqlindent
6 statevar
6 std
6 system-pcre
6 test-doctest
6 test-strict
6 testproject
6 text11
6 tolabeled
6 toys
6 two-point-one
6 two-point-two
6 typecompose
6 use-mock-network
6 use-pkg-config
6 use_altivec
6 use_sse2
6 usecas
6 validateprop
6 vte
6 wav
6 wayland
6 weigh-maps
6 with_conduit
6 with_curses
6 with_uvmeter
6 x
5 author-test
5 better-tests
5 big_endian
5 bounded-channels
5 brick015
5 brick016
5 brick017
5 build-exec
5 build-executable
5 buildbenchmark
5 buildsampleprograms
5 bytestring_in_base
5 cblas
5 conffmt
5 data-default
5 data-typeable
5 debugcomp
5 debugoutput
5 develop
5 dingus
5 directsound
5 dochack
5 enable-pthreads
5 enableassertions
5 enablereadline
5 example-stm
5 flower
5 ghc-generics
5 ghc-six-ten-one
5 ghc74-generic
5 ghcjs-support
5 graphics
5 happs
5 have_ghc_prim
5 hlist
5 integration
5 link
5 llvm-cpu
5 logging
5 luajit
5 nlopt
5 no_tools
5 nodejs
5 nonoteoff
5 normalize-signature-v4-date
5 officialcsfmlforwindows
5 old
5 old-gitlib
5 old-mtl
5 old-semigroups
5 old-transformers
5 opencl
5 our_server
5 parsec2
5 pdflaby
5 plot-gtk-ui
5 profile-example
5 quickcheck1
5 quickcheck2
5 regression-flag
5 repl
5 ruby20
5 safe-aeson
5 sample
5 servant-0-5
5 shell
5 skiptests
5 syb-in-base
5 test-api
5 test-authentication
5 test-unit-tests
5 tester
5 travis
5 use-locale
5 use-maps
5 use-system-progressbar
5 use-time-1point5
5 use_attoparsec
5 use_hutt
5 useless
5 utilities
5 utils
5 vectors
5 wall
5 wasapi
5 wdmks
5 with-fix40
5 with-fix41
5 with-fix42
5 with-fix43
5 with-fix44
5 with-servant-server
5 wmme
4 aeson-compat
4 arrow-tr
4 atlas
4 blaze
4 build-debug
4 build-executables
4 build_doc
4 build_fs_events
4 build_lapacke
4 buildmiscprograms
4 buildreadme
4 buildstresstest
4 buildtoyfmf
4 builtin-sqlcipher
4 bundle
4 c-runtime
4 canny
4 cffi
4 check_alignment
4 closing
4 crystal
4 custom
4 custom-binary
4 darcs28
4 debug-db
4 disable-docs
4 distributed-process-tests
4 dtrace
4 enable-tests
4 exceptions06
4 fluid
4 ghc_8_0
4 gnome
4 gpio-example
4 graphviz
4 hashcat
4 hashed-storage-diff
4 hasnumsparks
4 hub
4 include-ghc-prim
4 instrumented
4 integer-gmp2
4 integergmp
4 kinect
4 large_base
4 linuxstatic
4 llvm304
4 llvm305
4 lookup
4 mandelbrot
4 minimal
4 mkunicodedata
4 mock-example
4 monad_unlift_0_2
4 mpich14
4 nbody
4 network-specs
4 no-pgn
4 noeffects
4 nofib
4 oldcontainers
4 onlytestsuite
4 orphaninstances
4 pcache
4 pulse
4 quickcheck26
4 regex
4 safe-st
4 sai_fork
4 smaller_base
4 smoothlife
4 smvm
4 splitinteger
4 sse4
4 ssh
4 support_foundation
4 test-regression
4 test_delay_upper_bound
4 test_threaded
4 testcoverage
4 testnet
4 testprogram
4 transformers-3
4 uhc
4 unix
4 usb
4 use-ioref
4 use-local-data-map-strict
4 use-semigroups
4 use_font_config
4 usecinternal
4 useexithook
4 useicc
4 utf8cgi
4 utf8terminal
4 util
4 veclib
4 wai-1
4 web-server
4 weigh-pandoc
4 wiimote
4 win32-2-5
4 with-posix
4 with_expensive_assertions
4 withcairo
4 withconstraints
4 withdatakinds
4 word32-in-random
3 abstract-par
3 aeson070
3 base4point8
3 boogaloo
3 build-generator
3 build-search-demo
3 build-test-gen
3 buildsamples
3 bytes
3 canvas
3 capture
3 check
3 client-unlock-example
3 cmd
3 cxx
3 debug-typed-queries
3 debugmemory
3 developmentmode
3 dph-prim-seq
3 embeded
3 enable-extra-tests
3 exposenative
3 extensible-exceptions-in-base
3 extra
3 filepath
3 force-alignment
3 gcrypt
3 ghcinterpreter
3 haxml_1_13
3 hdbc
3 highlighter
3 highlightingkate
3 hmatrix
3 hspec
3 includecodecs
3 inplace
3 install-benchmarks
3 install-examples
3 kmeans
3 libmagic
3 live-test
3 llvm-ptx
3 llvm306
3 mingw-external
3 minimal-demo
3 mintime15
3 misc-executables
3 monadlogger
3 monotrav1
3 nano-md5
3 new_type_eq
3 newcontainers
3 newgeneric
3 no-icu
3 no-linear
3 oldtemplatehaskell
3 opencv24
3 opengl-example
3 p2p
3 pagerank
3 quick
3 random1013
3 ray
3 repa
3 sample_progs
3 sge
3 simplelocalnet
3 smallcheck
3 spartan3e
3 spectest
3 split-syb
3 statsd
3 storablevector
3 store
3 strict-modifyref
3 support_sse
3 testknownrngs
3 time_pre_1_6
3 transformers-four
3 transformers3
3 unsafeindices
3 unstable
3 use-deprecated
3 use_mono
3 use_parsec
3 useeditline
3 usereadline
3 usevanlaarhoven
3 uvector
3 validate
3 wai-2
3 with-loag
3 with-servant-client
3 withgtk2hsbuildtools
3 yackage
3 zkexamples
2 64bit
2 allow-relative-paths
2 alltest
2 allwarnings
2 analyse
2 bamsegen
2 base44
2 base_tf_bug
2 basicbuild
2 bitvec
2 boltzmann
2 btstruc
2 build-hackage-build
2 build-hackage-mirror
2 build-hackage-server
2 build-test-suite
2 buildbenchmark2
2 buildbenchmarks
2 buildtest
2 bulletinstalled
2 butcher-dev
2 bytestring_has_itoa_c
2 cbbe1
2 cclazy
2 chalkmark
2 cilk
2 cme
2 codespeed
2 complextests
2 cowboy
2 create
2 decoderinterface
2 doc
2 embedded
2 enable-botan
2 enable_caching
2 enable_dotnet
2 enable_mono
2 enableqmldebugging
2 engine
2 enumerator
2 es1
2 es5
2 explicittext
2 external-udis86
2 fastbuild
2 fclip
2 foreign
2 foreign-var
2 frecover
2 fromconf
2 fullbenchmarks
2 generatemanpage
2 ghc-boot
2 ghc_6_8
2 grid
2 hashrf
2 haskell98
2 hsdotnet
2 include-app-delegate
2 incompatible-varint
2 ircbot
2 l1
2 l2
2 l3
2 l4
2 lattices14
2 libxml2
2 littleendian
2 llvm-gpu
2 llvm307
2 local-atp-haskell
2 lua501
2 lua502
2 manual
2 measure-synchronize
2 monadrandom
2 mtl-compat
2 new-comp
2 new-data-object
2 new-haxml
2 new-th
2 new-typerep
2 newer-ghc
2 no-client
2 no-donna
2 no-server
2 no_curses
2 noaeson
2 nocapture
2 nvvm
2 oauth-not-supported
2 old-haxml
2 old-quick-check
2 old-quickcheck
2 old-syntactic
2 oldquickcheck
2 opengl29
2 opt-native
2 opt-vectorise
2 outbound-network
2 pl3
2 printer
2 prisms
2 pty-support
2 quatstatic
2 renderercairo
2 runtime
2 runtimelist
2 sequential
2 serveronly
2 servius
2 simple
2 splitsynthesizer
2 splot
2 staticlinkegl15
2 staticlinkes3
2 stm
2 store-manager
2 stringable
2 system-filepath
2 t1
2 t2
2 t3
2 t5
2 target-mingw
2 template-haskell-212
2 template_2_11
2 test-examples
2 test-hspec
2 test-postgresql
2 test-results
2 test1
2 text-format
2 text-names-broken
2 toconf
2 trace
2 tracedisintegrate
2 tracing
2 ttrender
2 unicode-collation
2 uri
2 use-cbits
2 use-undecidable-instances
2 useegl
2 useoldmap
2 usetmvar
2 vacant_hash
2 validity
2 vec256
2 vec512
2 vector128
2 vector256
2 vector512
2 warn
2 warp
2 web610
2 webkit2gtk
2 webkitgtk
2 webtools
2 with-bytestring
2 with-case-insensitive
2 with-chart
2 with-containers
2 with-dlist
2 with-libs
2 with-old-locale
2 with-sizeable
2 with-text
2 with-unordered-containers
2 with-vector
2 with_rtsopts
2 withutils
2 zmq2
2 zmq3
1 affinity
1 alg-tests
1 audio
1 base-49
1 base-ge-4_2
1 base-transformers-1
1 base-transformers-2
1 base43
1 base46
1 base4ornewer
1 bench-icu
1 brittany-dev
1 brittany-dev-lib
1 build-demo
1 build-hackage-import
1 build-tools
1 buildcli
1 buildpropexamples
1 buildsearchtree
1 buildtestexecutable
1 buildvplaydemo
1 bytestring--lt-0_10_4
1 c-tests
1 carbon
1 chase-lev
1 compat-three
1 conduit-1-1
1 containers-old
1 core
1 cpp-tests
1 cryptonite-inst
1 darcs-beta
1 data-dword-inst
1 data_object_uses_lazy_bytestrings
1 db
1 db-tests
1 debug-conflict-sets
1 debug-expensive-assertions
1 debug-queries
1 debug-tracetree
1 debugandersenconstraints
1 debugandersengraph
1 debugdump
1 disable-https
1 disable-tup-instances
1 docheckwarns
1 download-extras
1 driver
1 dump-core
1 effects
1 emu
1 enable-doctests
1 enable-examples
1 enablewebtests
1 exference-dev
1 experiments
1 extensibleexceptionsinbase
1 fastc
1 fastpbkdf2
1 feuerbach
1 fingertree
1 force-c2hs-newtype-pointer-hooks
1 force-functor-classes
1 force-has-iconv
1 foreign-api
1 gdk-318
1 ghc-612
1 ghc-conc-sync
1 ghc-mod
1 ghc76
1 ghci
1 ghciinterruptedexception
1 gloss
1 gnu
1 gtk-318
1 gtk-320
1 hakyll
1 hasarbitraryword8
1 hasdbus
1 hashedindex
1 haskell-tests
1 have_ssl
1 have_urandom
1 have_win32_crypt
1 haveusleep
1 hayoosnap
1 hayoosnap4
1 hgettext
1 hsx
1 http_client_pre_0_5
1 inputsystem
1 instanceinbase
1 instanceunit
1 integer-pure
1 integrationtest
1 ip4r
1 java
1 java-tests
1 kan-extensions
1 lhc-pkg
1 link-nlopt-cxx
1 linknodes
1 liquidhaskell
1 llvm-multi
1 local-mtl-unleashed
1 mcr
1 mm
1 monadsfd
1 monitoring
1 monolithic
1 network-ip-inst
1 new-template-haskell
1 new_concrete_wi_and_ws
1 new_semicolon_type_list
1 newbuilder
1 newopengl
1 newth
1 newtime15
1 no-accelerate
1 no-lib
1 no-netlib
1 no-vec
1 non-blocking-ffi
1 noscraper
1 old-applicative
1 old-data-default-class
1 old-text-format
1 older-call-syntax
1 optimise
1 optimize-gmp
1 overloaded-strings
1 overloaded_strings
1 parallel
1 parsec-struct-diff
1 patched-for-trac-9262
1 patchhelpmessage
1 pre-bytestring-0-10-4
1 preferlibcpp
1 preferlibstdcpp
1 preludeinbase
1 profiler
1 profunctors
1 recent-text
1 redefinableeithermonad
1 reflection
1 reloadable
1 safecopy
1 scrape-bds
1 shelltest
1 shows
1 specialise
1 ssl
1 synthesis
1 system-expm1
1 test-afrp
1 test-cabal114
1 test-create-user
1 test-injection
1 tfp
1 th23
1 th24
1 time_1_6_and_1_7
1 transformers051
1 transformers_compat
1 tryscholdoc
1 tunnel
1 type_constrainted_nodes_use_unescaped_space_as_type_list_separator
1 typelitssupport
1 unittest
1 unsafe-constructs
1 use-backport
1 use-shared-lib
1 use-system-library
1 use_mtl
1 usearbitrary
1 usebytestring102
1 usecereal
1 useghctypelits
1 usehaskeline
1 usepython
1 utctime-in-directory
1 vec128
1 webhappstack
1 websockets_0_11
1 with_sound
1 withhashing
1 without-pcre
1 x11
1 x86asm
1 yampa-core
1 zip64-ecd
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