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Created October 4, 2019 02:32
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-- Like Ratio but not broken.
module Quotient
( Quotient
, quotient
, unsafeQuotient
, (%)
, numerator
, denominator
, fromRatio
, toRatio
) where
import qualified Data.Ratio as Ratio
import qualified GHC.Stack as Stack
data Quotient a = Q !a !a deriving (Eq, Read, Show)
quotient :: Integral a => a -> a -> Maybe (Quotient a)
quotient n d = case d of
0 -> Nothing
_ -> let g = gcd n d in Just (Q (quot (n * signum d) g) (quot (abs d) g))
unsafeQuotient :: (Stack.HasCallStack, Integral a) => a -> a -> Quotient a
unsafeQuotient n d = case quotient n d of
Nothing -> error "Quotient has zero denominator"
Just q -> q
(%) :: Integral a => a -> a -> Quotient a
(%) = unsafeQuotient
infixl 7 %
numerator :: Quotient a -> a
numerator (Q n _) = n
denominator :: Quotient a -> a
denominator (Q _ d) = d
fromRatio :: Ratio.Ratio a -> Quotient a
fromRatio r = Q (Ratio.numerator r) (Ratio.denominator r)
toRatio :: Integral a => Quotient a -> Ratio.Ratio a
toRatio (Q n r) = n Ratio.% r
instance (Num a, Ord a) => Ord (Quotient a) where
compare (Q a b) (Q c d) = compare (a * d) (b * c)
instance Integral a => Num (Quotient a) where
Q a b + Q c d = unsafeQuotient ((a * d) + (b * c)) (b * d)
Q a b - Q c d = unsafeQuotient ((a * d) - (b * c)) (b * d)
Q a b * Q c d = unsafeQuotient (a * c) (b * d)
abs (Q n d) = Q (abs n) d
fromInteger n = Q (integerToNum n) 1
negate (Q n d) = Q (negate n) d
signum (Q n _) = Q (signum n) 1
instance Integral a => Real (Quotient a) where
toRational (Q n d) = integralToInteger n Ratio.% integralToInteger d
instance Integral a => Enum (Quotient a) where
enumFrom q = enumFromThen q (succ q)
enumFromThen q p = let s = p - q in iterate (+ s) q
enumFromThenTo q1 q2 p =
let f = if q2 < q1 then (>= p) else (<= p)
in takeWhile f (enumFromThen q1 q2)
enumFromTo q p = enumFromThenTo q (succ q) p
fromEnum = integerToInt . truncate
pred = (subtract 1)
succ = (+ 1)
toEnum n = Q (intToIntegral n) 1
instance Integral a => Fractional (Quotient a) where
Q a b / Q c d = unsafeQuotient (a * d) (b * c)
fromRational r = Q
(integerToIntegral (Ratio.numerator r))
(integerToIntegral (Ratio.denominator r))
recip (Q n d) = unsafeQuotient d n
instance Integral a => RealFrac (Quotient a) where
properFraction (Q n d) = let (q, r) = quotRem n d in (fromIntegral q, Q r d)
round q = let (n, f) = properFraction q in
case (compare (abs f) 0.5, odd n) of
(LT, _) -> n
(EQ, False) -> n
(EQ, True) -> n + signum n
(GT, _) -> n + signum n
integerToNum :: Num a => Integer -> a
integerToNum = fromInteger
integralToInteger :: Integral a => a -> Integer
integralToInteger = toInteger
intToIntegral :: Integral a => Int -> a
intToIntegral = fromIntegral
integerToIntegral :: Integral a => Integer -> a
integerToIntegral = fromInteger
integerToInt :: Integer -> Int
integerToInt = fromInteger
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